1ClassyLady 68F
3120 posts
11/10/2012 6:25 pm
拒買韓貨? 日货?

I have received an email from my Taiwanese relative on Sept 7, 2012. To spread the news out "refuse to buy products that Made in Korea or Japan". Here is Chinese FriendFinder and I think a lot of Chinese can read this blog. I think there are many bilinguals here.
韓 國人說:我們不會向兩個國家道歉:一個是台灣,另一 個是日本。
因 為在台灣隨處見韓國電器、手機、汽車,而在韓國街 上,你轉上幾天也不會看到1輛日本,台灣,美國車。
這 就是台灣不敢輕視韓國的理由。
有1位高官說過:不 管我們如何努力, 韓國人也不會買 我們的產品。但就算我們永不向台灣道歉,台灣人照樣 會買我們的產品。
1 句讓台灣人從頭 涼到腳的話。每買1百元韓國貨,就 會給韓國政府送去5 元錢,讓韓國多 造10顆子彈,多印8頁教科書。
如 果你買韓國汽車,將來開上台灣街頭的韓國坦克就是你 造的!如果你買韓國櫥具,將來射穿同胞頭顱的子彈就 是你造的!如果你買 篧q視音響,將來就會在戰地喇 叭中聽到同胞被殺的哀鳴!
請 傳給20個人,支持台灣抵制韓 國貨!就算沒有回報,這也是你的義務!
請 大家將這個消息發送到你所在的每1個群。
韓 國對台灣的依賴程度現排最前,特別是對中國市場的依 賴。
如 果台灣人1個月不買韓國 貨,韓國將有數千家企業面臨破產。
如 果台灣人6個月不買韓國 貨,韓國將有1半人失業。
如 果台灣人1年不買韓國貨, 韓國經濟結構徹底瓦解!
韓 加上太極,也不會給你加QB。考驗的就是你 那顆國心

願意的就轉發, 不願意的希望你默默無語看看就行!
也 許你發布一次!就牽動韓經濟1億元。
如 果三個月沒有1百萬人轉的話, 這表示我們台灣人真的敗了!
是 台灣人轉發頂起來! 讓我們銘記這恥 辱。

I emailed to her as follows.
I love Taiwan as much as you do, I can understand your email tell us "Don't buy any product that was Made in Korea" because what Korean said to Taiwanese. However, this is a "Free Trade" world, we should NOT carry grudges way back to history. I received a forwarding email on Aug 9, 2012 that saying the similar patriotic story that a famous TV anchor, Diane Sawyer, encouraged Americans "Don't buy products that Made in China". I got so many responses from many of my American friends. They all said it is virtually impossible to buy merchandises that Made in USA.

To be honest with you, I have Samsung flat-panel TV and my has Samsung Galaxy SIII 4G LT smartphone. (Samsung is Korea company) We choose the product because the qualities, functions, and prices, ...... I drive Honda Odyssey, Accord, Civic which are Made in Japan, knowing Japanese killed millions of Chinese during WWII. I was born and raised in Taiwan for my first 25 years and have been residing in CA for 32 years, I need to say something fair that we can't buy products from Japan or Korea because what they have done to us in the history. Let bygones be bygones. Aren't you happy that many of Apple's products, components are Made in Taiwan?? Taiwan is on the top in the world in semi-conductor industry. Are you proud of Taiwan because Apple and Google use our technology?? So, stop to say those non-sense things. What if Apple stop buy computer chips or cellular chips from Taiwan?

Cloud, you are my relative. That's why I spend so much time to explain to you why we can't carry grudges NOT to buy other country's product because we are in a "Free Trade" world. Please try to understand why I don't agree with your email "Don't buy products Made in Korea".

In conclusion, I eat in USA and gained a lot of weight.
p.s. I bought a Google Nexus 7 32GB tablet computer lately which is software by Google (American company) and hardware by Asus (Taiwanese company). I finally buy a product that 1/2 Made in USA and 1/2 Made in Taiwan and I like the product.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
5/6/2013 5:02 pm

Nobody want to be controlled by communists. Red China doesn't have elections for their leaders. Chinese government killed or tortured millions of highly educated and intelligent professors during "Cultural Revolution". I would stay away from your country. Taiwan has "Freedom" to vote for our leaders. We have our own flag and national anthem.

I think you have been "brainwashed" by your government. Nobody in Taiwan wants to be part of your Red China.

You are a 井底蛙. You haven't seen the outside world - the freedom world.

Honesty is the best policy.