1ClassyLady 68F
3122 posts
1/25/2015 2:14 pm
Do you use Bcc for emailing?

Do you use Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) to send email, forward, reply, if there are more than one receivers?

I have been using Bcc for many years. When I have something to share with my emailing friends (males and females). It can be news, jokes, links, photos, or anything you want to share with more than one person. You should use Bcc. You should also delete/ erase the previous senders and receivers name and emailing addresses so that you won't spread out all those people's information. They can't see other people's name or emailing addresses, when you use Bcc.

However, this still can't prevent "hackers" to get your "contact list". So, be very careful. Don't clink suspicious links even it was from your trusty friend. Your friend didn't send that email, the hackers did.

Disregard this blog, if you already knew Bcc and "hackers". I just friendly remind everyone to use Bcc and don't click strange link or open weird emails. If someone you have never known sent you emails click the "Spam" button. Don't bother to check that email. Put your computer mouse over the sender and read the email address before you open that email.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
1/25/2015 11:24 pm

Sometimes, people read good emails and got excited to share friends and forgot to use Bcc to forward and delete/ remove the previous sender and receivers name and email addresses. I have received whole bunch emails that carried long list of names and email addresses.

If I want to sell some products through internet, they really provided many potential customer list. No, I won't do that. I am just kidding.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
1/25/2015 4:18 pm

It is a courtesy and respect to protect your friends' privacy. When I saw some emails (especially in forwarding) carried so many other people's names and emailing addresses, I always remind the sender to practice Bcc. We don't know after so many times forwarding, that email will end up whose hands.

Honesty is the best policy.