1ClassyLady 68F
3120 posts
8/11/2016 12:54 pm
Trump has crossed the line - Lock him up

1. Trump Calls Obama ‘Founder of ISIS’ and Says It Honors Him

SUNRISE, Fla. — A day after remarks that appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates harm Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump sprayed his fire at President Obama on Wednesday, accusing him of creating the Islamic State and saying the terrorist group “honors” him.

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama,” Mr. Trump told a raucous and rowdy crowd in Florida on Wednesday night. “He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS.” He added, “I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” During an extended riff on the crisis in Crimea, Mr. Trump added extra emphasis on the president’s full name, saying that it occurred “during the administration of Barack Hussein Obama.”

Mr. Trump’s statement was an escalation in his recent criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the terror threat, as he had previously accused only Mrs. Clinton of having a “founding” role in the terror group. His suggestion that the president was honored by ISIS recalled an earlier controversy when Mr. Trump seemingly implied that the president had some connection to the terrorist massacre of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

“He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands,” Mr. Trump told Fox News in June. And the use of the president’s middle name recalled Mr. Trump’s questioning of Mr. Obama’s faith during his crusade several years ago to prove that Mr. Obama, who is Christian, was not born in the United States.

Mr. Trump also found himself in an awkward camera framing immediately after criticizing the Clinton campaign for the appearance of Seddique Mir Mateen, the father of the Pulse gunman, at Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event this week. “Wasn’t it terrible when the father of the animal that killed these wonderful people in Orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton?” Mr. Trump said.

Yet sitting behind Mr. Trump was Mark Foley, a former Republican congressman who resigned after being confronted with sexually explicit messages he had sent to congressional pages. Mr. Trump seemed not to be aware of the disgraced former congressman’s presence as he tried to cast doubt on the Clinton campaign’s account that it had not known who Mr. Mateen was. “When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign,” Mr. Trump said.

The boisterous rally here was a marked change from his rally earlier on Wednesday in Virginia, where a relatively subdued Mr. Trump promised he would be the best candidate to save the coal industry. He also said his remarks on Tuesday, in which he seemed to suggest that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if Mrs. Clinton were elected, had been misconstrued. “They can take a little story that isn’t a story and make it into a big deal,” he said.

2. Trump said 'Second Amendment' gun advocates could deal with Hillary Clinton

Wilmington, North Carolina (CNN)Donald Trump set off a fierce new controversy Tuesday with remarks about the right to bear arms that were interpreted by many as a threat of violence against Hillary Clinton.
"Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know," Trump said.

He added: "But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if Hillary gets to put her judges in, right now we're tied."

Trump's ambiguous comments alarmed some political observers as to whether he was threatening her life or calling for increased political activity.
Robby Mook, Clinton's campaign manager, issued a two-sentence statement in response to Trump.
"This is simple -- what Trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to the be president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way," he said.

Trump's face meltdown on front page of Time magazine.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
8/16/2016 10:32 am

For this blog, I had to delete two comments who are pro-Trump. One called me and beyond fantasy "ignorance", the other one said Trump tax plan is good for Americans. I don't want to spoil my happy mood that I will go to Hawaii for my birthday vacation, so I didn't debate with these two WHITE guys and just simply deleted them from view my blogs, or profile. Some people are naive to think Trump will bring us to a "La-La Land".

Trump uses TV, Internet, Twitter, ... to spread his gibberish, nonsense speeches. This time he has crossed the line when he demonized Obama "the founder of ISIS" and imply or encourage "2nd Amendment" advocates to assassinate Hillary Clinton. These kind of talks to destroy our residing president's reputation and intimidate Hillary Clinton's life are way too far and our judiciary system should sue him and put him in jail. He should be responsible for what he has said in public speeches.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
8/15/2016 10:13 am

Donald Trump doesn't know there are lots of Obama supporters according to many polls. Obama ordered to kill bin Ladin that was the proof that he is a patriot to our country. Besides, Obama is a "lame duck" president after 2 terms, Trump still attacks Obama, you can realize how much hatred he has toward Obama. Trump seems can't accept the fact that Obama has been the first Black president for 2 terms.

Trump tax reform with up to 15% for corporations and top 1 - 2% wealthy people. You can see that will benefit himself to pay less tax. Trump has NOT release his prior 2 years income tax returns as all the president candidates have to let all Americans know how he made money. He brags about his wealth is over six billions, so show us where those money come from.

Trump imply that 2nd Amendment gun advocates can assassinate Hillary. That was in a public speech. FBI or CIA should lock him up.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
8/13/2016 8:39 pm

beyond fantasy:

As my banker friend simply put about Trump.

Trump is a CLOWN and I don't think he has a clue about running the country. If Trump won, the world will be in anarchy.

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/13/2016 3:29 pm

Republican Politicians are running for cover, he's exposed them and some of their ranks still support a mad man, the party does not know which way to duck, so they are trying to cover and deflect, because their Figure Head Republican Party Candidate is an Imbecile.

Trump has continually demonstrated that he is a belligerent Imbecile, and the more who continue to follow him are presenting themselves as such following an imbecile, who keeps saying stupid stuff, for the sake of rebel rousing aims.

Most of his follower don't care, because they are with the same internal mindset of being of belligerence among the many other self delusional things they embrace, such as bigotry, racism, delusions of grandeur; as many can't think from day to day, without Trump using his "suckem in phrases", such as repeating everything 3 times, name calling, then telling his minions "believe me", "I'm telling you folks", and his other 'suckem in phrases. They follow like they are being called by a dog whistle.
All he has to do is beat the war drum and they'd rush out and take up arms, with no concept of why they are attacking, it just gives them a rush and they get to exercise their social animosities against and toward people who believe and support diversity.

It's such an oddity, because one can walk down the streets and practically identify Trump followers from a visual glimpse.

He plays to the people who watched his dumb tv show, the same ones who were eager to hear him berate people and then try and dehumanize them with his arrogantly spoken words, "you're fired".

No one in their right mind of social dignity would find any of that suitable for a civilly respectful society.

The people who think America would be dumb enough to push such an imbecilic arrogantly flippant arse in the White House, are the same people who have no respect for the governance principles of this nation, nor are they people who are even aware of what to respect of the work this nation has achieved in the past 7.5 yrs.
Yet, most of these same idiotic people are the same ones who's jobs were saved by the actions of President Obama over the past 7.5 yrs.

These are the same people who are too blind to see Trump is the living example of why they are in the economic condition they are in. He has his products produced in foreign lands, he swindled the bankers and investors, and then duped the contractors and vendors not just once, not twice, but 6 (SIX) times with his con man bankruptcy games.
His facilities are built with Imported Goods, it is likely one can't find not one American Company who produced any of the bed covering in his Hotels, his cookware, or any of the commodities that it takes to provide amenities to customers or furnish his facilities.

He is the example of the Corporate Greed Masters, whom are 90% white males, who set up, orchestrated and enacted the outsourcing of American Industry. (the sad thing is many of his followers can't bring themselves to digest that some "American Wealthy White Males" would do such to other poor whites and working poor whites, too unaware to realize history is full of white males taking advantage of not just working poor and poor whites, but also taking unfair advantage of minorities, and anything and anyone for the sole sake of greed's pursuits -That's America's Historical Truths" by goodness these people can't fathom any blame to such because they are absorbed in the delusion that " being wealthy, white and male, makes it allright"). That's how well the Jim Crow styled Grooming has set deep within their self concepts.
The southern aristocracy took the world and gave the poor white man Jim Crow. He gave him Jim Crow. And when his wrinkled stomach cried out for the food that his empty pockets could not provide, he ate Jim Crow, a psychological bird that told him that no matter how bad off he was, at least he was a white man, better than the black man. And he ate Jim Crow. And when his undernourished children cried out for the necessities that his low wages could not provide, he showed them the Jim Crow signs on the buses and in the stores, on the streets and in the public buildings. And his children, too, learned to feed upon Jim Crow, their last outpost of psychological oblivion. (Cite: MLK Speech at Selma))

Trump grew up a wealthy white male from a wealthy family claiming to be aristocrats themselves during Jim Crow Era, so he knows the Jim Crow ideology game very well, and he has used it to drum up a following to promote his 21st Century Style Jim Crow Ideological Aims. If the working poor and poor whites ever figure it out, they will take out their retribution on Trump and many other Republicans for the long history of having been hoodwinked and played like a out of tune cheap fiddle with a broken string while they are told to keep singing "Dixie"

These are the same groups whom through their ignorance of the Stock Market turned it into a gambling casino game, by expecting to break records every 3 months based on over inflated fictitious value, and result to over expand, over leverage, leverage on credit they can't pay, and then play hedge the gambles because they know its a loosing cycle, set up only to draw in the unsuspecting. Every 9 months they fleece the fools who rush in chasing the illusion, and only the big players who have secure blue-chips cash out and hide the money offshore.
All of whom are too IGNORANT, to know that the Stock Market, was designed ORIGINALLY, for Long Term Investors, to invested in MANAGED GROWTH, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AND WELL PLANNED AND STRUCTURED EXPANSION, AND FOCUS ON MANAGEMENT OF INVENTORIES. This design was set up to create 'stability" in industry.
But the blood suckers turned it into a gambling casino, expecting a wind fall, by elaborate pyramid schemes of every imaginable sort, while they go about "crashing companies that would otherwise be strong and survive in a honest system".
They are the same people who destroy legacy business. Sears once sold the best product, but greed in the stock market and gambling with the stock by over borrowing, over leveraging, until they chased down cheaper and cheaper quality products until they became a seller of cheap quality goods that eroded the respectability Sears once had.

Trump's followers are too uneducated to know that the Ivy League Trained, "CHASE THE DOLLAR Trained idiots, were not taught ethnics, they have no sense of what is legacy nor how to respect it, they know nothing of the history of American being built by the quality and durability of its once thriving industrial sector. They have no idea to even consider, that the outsourcing was done by the Greed Trained Ivy Leagues graduates who head corporations, were told they were the kings of the world and the american people were suckers waiting to be fleeced. They headed companies, paid themselves a king ransom, gave themselves massive volumes of stock, then set plan to sell, merge or any other methods which allow them to cash out and run with their ill gotten gains.
In doing so, they pushed the delusion, and the same people who follow Trump are the same people who fell for the delusion that the only important people are the people in suits in the executives office, and that workers were the lowest and not to be regarded. These are the same tactics by the Greed Trained "Dollar Chasers", who focused on leading the brigade of fools to support the destruction of Union.
These self absorbed Right Wingers have some delusion they made it on their own, when they discount it is the governance system of this nation is the foundational reason for their means to pursue efforts to prosper.
It is the same University Goons, who pay politicians to push an agenda that rules out the independent aspiring business people, and favors the Monolpoly gaming designs of the Greedy and the Wealthy, and it is done without these masses who follow the Likes of Trump, who never understand to see the big picture.

As long as someone feeds them drama, and give them twisted logic to feed their lusting for contention, they whoop and holler, and the man stands at the podium and has not said a darn thing beyond 'rebel rousing" drama. His followers never know the difference, they just hoop and holler because it feeds their lusting for drama.

Trump talked about nothing but polls, as long as he thought it favored him. Now he claim the polls are rigged because they don't favor him and he can't grandstand and talk for 45 minutes patronizing himself about some polls.

He's stood there reading "inflaming headlines from sensationalist news media outlets" and the people think he's giving a speech, when all he does it use the crafty drama of 'Headline phrases to wind up the people", with no information, no objective other than to wind up the people.
Then when he gets busted for his belligerence, he claim, "that is not what I said", "Oh' I was joking", or some other deflecting aimed stupidity comment while trying to back-track when the backlash whips him across his face. Still his selective amnesiac followers become minions blindly obsessed with his self promotion planned scrip; they "Hoop and Holler", as if he has actually said something. Kinda reminds one of the way "crowds" followed Hitler, all the while knowing he was a mad man with destruction and dictator aims behind his every word.

No wonder he is as wild as he is, he already told the people how dumb he thinks them to be, when he said, " He could shoot someone in Times Square and these people (foolish) would still vote for me". And, they Hoop and Holler, when he has just told them, they support absurd violence, and attacking something or someone, is what they pursue to support. They were just too uneducated to read the meanings.

It certainly has exposed to the world, how ignorant a section of our population is, and that weakens American to have such knowledge of the volumes of ignorant people as a loud mouth part of our society.

Foreign Nations are this very day, with growing levels of disrespect for American, because of Trump and his followers, and all he is doing is destroying the 7.5 yrs of work President Obama spent and engaged to build and rebuild up respectability of America and American people, especially after the MEGA GLOBAL DISASTER left from the ACTIVITIES of the Bush Administration; when our respectability was driven to the lowest levels in our American history.

Trump pushed a Tax plan that benefits himself, his kids and screws the rest of American people, and his followers can't even see through that. he makes up stuff, for the sake of drama, because he likes seeing his name in the news, because to him, it Promotes His Business Brand, he will do and say anything to keep that name in the new for the sole sake of his aim for future profit making schemes.

He likely can't wait to get out of this election, and try and capitalize on the promotion he has generated for his Business Brand. He knows, there are many minions in American, who will rush out to buy anything with Trumps name on it, and all it does it promote his wealth gathering plan.
His followers are blind to the whole of it.

He's already trying to set the exit stage, and his followers are blind and unaware, the plan is to get out with followers who will become potential customers to his Brand, but they can't see the scheme he's set up.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
8/13/2016 10:07 am

I think Trump is mentally ill to accuse our U.S. President, Obama and encouraged 2nd Amendment gun advocates to assassinate Hillary Clinton, so that he can win the election.

Trump is evil, his hatred toward Obama has shown since he asked for Obama's birth certificate. Obama was born in Hawaii and that is the fact, no matter Trump can accept or not. Obama's mom had no racial decriminalization to marry a Black Kenyon guy and Obama was born in USA soil. We all know Obama was raised up by his White mom and White grandparents, his father didn't influence Obama during his young life. We can't choose which parents born from, but we certainly can't judge people by skin color.

Obama is a patriot to USA and leader of the free world. Trump accused Obama is the founder of ISIS. This is a huge lie that might bring him to justice. We have laws and judiciary system in USA. How can Trump accuse our president with such a tremendous lie? This is outrageous. FBI or CIA should arrest Trump for what he said in the public that vilified Obama reputation. Trump accused Obama "a founder of ISIS" because Obama's middle name is Hussein. Obama is not Trump's opponent for the election, why he has to vilify Obama? Because Obama is Black? Obama is people voted two terms president, a half White and half Black lawyer. Trump, you BIG mouth will put you in jail. Don't you dare to dream to be in White House. ISIS is the world enemy, we bomb them flat. How can Trump accuse Obama a founder of ISIS?? This is a big mistake.

As encouraging 2nd Amendment advocates to assassinate Hillary Clinton, Trump is psycho. Trump wants to be president so badly, he said whatever it takes to kill Hillary? Trump's tax reform is to benefit for the corporations, top 1 - 2 % wealthy people for tax bracket of 15%. I have paid 34% tax bracket in 2014 income tax when my stock account went high. Rich people should pay the fair share of tax. Hillary released not only 2013 and 2014 income tax returns but also 2015. Donald Trump didn't release any income tax return because he has been audited for consecutive 12 years by IRS. Okay, IRS has NOT audited anyone's 2015 yet, why can't Trump release the 2015 tax return???

We should question Trump's personality and character to be qualify as an USA president. We don't want a psycho, bad temperament, unstable, bad idiosyncrasy, .... person to become president. Even the Republicans are NOT agree upon with Trump.

Trump has said the most evil words toward Obama and Hillary. We should lock him up.

Honesty is the best policy.