1ClassyLady 68F
3126 posts
8/18/2017 9:28 pm
Weekend joke - Pun Contest

There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest..

He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win.

Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

p.s. As a reminder, I am NOT the original writer of all the "Weekend jokes", so I am NOT responsible for them. Those "weekend jokes" are from my Las Vegas real estate agent weekly.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
8/18/2017 9:55 pm

1. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
這句話的表面意思是: 當時鐘餓了就會往回走四秒鐘. 但其實後半句是與短語"go back for seconds"諧音, "go back for second's"的意思是"再要點吃的(go back for second serving of food)".

2- She wore a new hairpiece every day and was considered a big wig.
這句話的表面意思是:她每天戴著新的假髮,看起來好象個大假髮。wig和hairpiece都有假髮的含義!而big wig俚語中指大人物,大享!這句雙關句(pun)真正意思是:她每天戴著新的假髮,看起來好象個大人物.

3- He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.

4- They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.

5- He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
他違章超速駕駛,結果將昂貴的名車撞到樹上,他終于看到他的奔馳車(Mercedes)是怎樣撞彎(bends)的。這句話的幽默之處是將Mercedes Benz(奔馳車)中的Benz改寫成發音相同的bends。

6- Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
這句話乍一看,好象是說:時光像箭一樣飛逝,水果像香蕉一樣飛逝。其實這句話後半部分的真正意思是:果蠅(fruit flies)喜歡吃香蕉。

7- A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tyred.
這句話的表面意思是:自行車自己站不起來,因爲它只有兩個輪胎(two-tyred)。而這句話的另外一個意思是:這輛自行車被它的主人騎了很長時間,它現在太累了(too tired)。

8- Old math teachers never die, they just become irrational.
表面意思是:年老的數學老師永遠不死,他們只是變糊塗了.但這裏"die"除了解釋作"死"外還可以理解爲"中止;結束",而irrational除了當"不理性"講還可以是"無理數(irrational number) "即除不盡的數.所以真正意思是"年老的數學老師永遠不會中止,因爲他們只是永遠無法除盡".

Honesty is the best policy.