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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
2/20/2018 8:11 pm
Mental illness vs Gun violence

Every country in the world has mental disease patients, but they don't have gun, so there are no massive shooting in other countries except USA. It is all about "Gun Violence" not "mental disease". People are complicated, they have depression, anxiety, psychosis, frustration, suicidal, hallucination, ..... mental illness is inevitable. Some people just can't handle the rejection or failure. Psychiatrists can only alleviate psychosis but can't cure mental diseases completely. But if those mental illness patients don't have a gun or machine gun, ... they can't kill too many people before they have been apprehended. Incidentally, the gunman in USA who carried out massacre in Florida high school doesn't have mental disease, he knows exactly what he was doing (premeditated). The students in that high school knew the shooter has obsession about gun and reported to FBI, police many times. In Florida gun law allows 18 years old to purchase machine guns but has to wait till 21 to purchase a pistol. What kind of weird law is this? Why do we have so many gun violence but not in other countries? The difference is GUN, not mental disease. So, don't tell me "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". Guns shouldn't be there. No gun, no massacre.

We are in 21st Century, but we still have "2nd Amendment" in U.S. Constitution that was established during "wild, wild west" time. We are in "World wide web" time. It is time to modify 2nd Amendment.

CNN Anderson Cooper said it right that "Trump is all about himself". Trump Says FBI Missed 'Signals' Of Florida School Shooting Because Of Russia Probe. Trump tweed "Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!
8:08 PM - Feb 17, 2018

In fact, FBI has 35,000+ employees. They have so many people, so many time, so many tips to probe the high school shooter. But 17 lives have been cut short. I hope those high school students protest "March for our lives" in March can make differences in our gun laws, a strict legislation to prevent more future massacre.

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
3/6/2018 6:27 am

If one takes note of the News, the young black kid who killed his parents at the University Campus... NOT ONE WORD, to speak of Mental Illness. It seems to be a term generically applied to "white people" who kill others.

That point seems to have escaped the awareness of the general public. The question should be... Why? and How? did it not become a point of inquiry.

It is evident the young man was a killer because he killed his parents, but it also may well be an inquiry as to what mental situation led one to kill their parents, when the parents came to pick them up for Spring Break? He did not go about and kill a mass of other people, he killed his own parents and fled. Was this a mental situation? What of Family conflict existed, was the impact of drugs a factor. It's evident he did not become nor take off on a mass killing spree of other university students.
The difference in the white kid who killed those 17 students, was more a premeditated Killer with no sense of civility or humane concern for a mass of people simply for the sake of "killing a mass of people". That is not so much a mental issue, as one that is simply a madman bent of mass murder. It was premeditated Evil against others in mass volume.

The incessant spins about Trump in the media and the madness of Gun debate, seems to have glossed right over the horrible incident of being included in the base principle of "gun violence". When it should have been at the center of the issue related to persons of young age having access to guns or possessing guns.

Would the narrative had been different if he was a white kid, who killed his parents on a University Campuses, where 1000's of other students were present on campus. Fact is... It was still a Gun Related Shooting on a Facility of Education Grounds. It should not escape the narrative, because... schools shooting discussions, is not to be limited by any means only to K-12, it should be discussing "All Institutions of Education". But it should not be limited to that environment, but expanded to include all of societies environments where gun related violence is present and continues to exist.

The callous minded American mentality, seems to not encompass the broader picture... which must as well include all the Street Shooting, Domestic Shooting, and the Robbery Shooters..... The point and premise "should be about "Gun Violence As a Whole in America".

Why did these questions not become spun and pursued in the media?

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
2/23/2018 8:14 am

It will be the Young Diversity People of America who will turn this ship around, and bring it to be what its Declaration of Independence Claimed, and what its Constitution supports.

They will dismantle everything that the "white male dominance madness" infected this nations with. They will demand a Justice system, that does not sell justice, for a cost and price sticker. They will change the Congress away from a "get rich program for the elected". They will change the Industry and Make FAIR PAY a standard, and they will break down the Degree Status Selling Game, and make Education about Contributing to Society, not some status game where the wealthy buy Degree and Fill their pockets as a sole basis of having a degree.

Now that Young people see the power of their voice after this latest mass killing, they will not give up that voice. The respect Democracy Deserves will be made Real in America by the Young people and those whom come after them.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
2/23/2018 7:56 am

IF these MURDEROUS KILLERS were any other ethnicity other than "white"... the headlines would not say a word or claim of mental illness..

The Narrative would be " Crazed Murderous Killer" has a history of violence and has been on a pathway to mass murder his whole life, then it would go on to discredit his parents and extended family and the entire Non White Ethnicity of people.
This latest Murderous Killer, was never said to be mentally ill by the people who took him in, not once did not claim he was mentally ill.

He was and is... a Murderous Killer, who sought it out to become, amassing weapons and having a mind driven by the glee he felt about killing. He is and has been a self groomed killer, and someone knows who else he hung out with that has similar ideas.

Everytime "white" people kill a mass of people, they want to WHITE WASH IT BY CALLING IT "A mental condition of illness, or He did not take his medication"....

History is full of white people "mass killing others" from the days of slavery, to and through segregation, along with beating women, dismembering women, and going on rampages of killing off the entire family, their kids killing other kids, and saying they wanted to know what it feels like to kill someone. All such things have been in the News, and exposed throughout society. We have 24/7 Cop shows, many based on REAL LIFE INCIDENTS, and they run 24/7 365 and still its not enough time to show the excessive vile and crime, murder and every other crime including things no other ethnic people even imagine to do.

Yet, they want to "sanitize it" and claim its an anomaly, when its incessant across the nation.

Who the heck needs an Assault Gun... "NO ONE" except the Military. People need to see the truth of WHAT HISTORY HAS RECORDED in America.... and for once start telling "the truth".... Otherwise, white people will do everything they can to sanitize the vile and crimes their ethnicity commits and continue to commit.

We see even in the White House and its Administration, how at the highest levels in this nation, they DESECRATE everything about American's Democracy System, and try and over take it with "greed policies", "right wing religious fanatics", and any means and method it can conceive, of which they think it will further disenfranchise NON White people.

These are the outgrowth of a long history of such vile grooming, based on greed and imagery status, material measure and when they can't get it, the out-lash is violent.

All the talk of "hating paying taxes" is because... during during George Wallace fight, he detested the idea of American Tax Money and the benefits it provides be provided to black people.
When fact is... black people have always paid tax in American, Slavery was not only 100% tax placed upon black people, it was 100% free labor profits for white people, many who paid not one penny for the profit gained by the use of slave labor. It was only tax on his sales, which means, that it was black peoples labor which translated into the tax money money that helped build this nation, and the things white society enjoyed, while first denying any of it to be accessible to blacks, and then for 100 yrs, with a segregated system that still denied black people the benefits of what their tax dollars built and supported.

Now, when it time for white people to pay taxes for the benefit of ALL Ethnic people whom are Americans,... they whine and scream, because they only want tax money to benefit them, and they want others beside themselves to pay those taxes, as it was groomed in them to expect from the system of slavery, and slave labor generating the profits that cover taxes, while the average white person was the sole beneficiary of what those taxes produced and provided.

Until American White People, stop lusting for the 100's of yrs they have been GROOMED generation to generation to expect and push some delusion of being entitled to anything and everything, at the expense of anyone and anything. Nothing will change in America.

Trump is the Last Stand of the American White Right, hoping to prolong the vile of their mentality... That's why the Liberal minded in America Detest Him, and Much of the World, knows he represents everything that caused them harm, damage and repressions for decades upon decades, of his stomping around with a "white dominance mentality", trying to claim superiority.

Now, Nations no longer submit to that ignorance, nor are they being subservient to it. They watch the "American White Greed" everyday, as he has no sense of Tradition, EXCEPT, trying to extract what he wants from anyone by any means, other than he has no concern for fairness and Equity unto others,... He will sell anything for short term profits, and dismantle this Democracy, for Profit...

We see that by the Russian Funded Trump Empire, and Trump terrified that the truth of his Russian Backed wealth being exposed.

People simply need to look around. After the Vietnam War, it was made clear that other nations people will not lay down for Western Dominance, It was again Proven in Iraq, and every other place in the Middle East. China has shown that it will not feel sorry for America, because American came to its Shores seeking to use its people as "slave wage labor", but China was smart enough to save the money, and invest in it what helps their nation and its people. It did not come to American and take anything, the greedy American, carried anything and everything they could to China, because it thought it had a "new slave pool"...

It forgot, China closed its doors for decades and unified its people to respect themselves as being Chinese. So, they were prepared for the West to try and come and use them, They allowed the work to come, because they took the American pennies and turned them into dollars, and now they have the Wealth. China sits on Trillions of Surplus, and their GDP STEADILY RISES, EACH YEAR... And they carry no Debt to America or Other Nations.
American Greed of White Male Sector, has bleed this nation until it sits atop 20 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT. The world see's it, and behind the scenes, many nations are looking closely at the status of "Reserve Currency", and many nation do trade now with non US dollars... These nations don't need to publicize it, and American certainly is not going to publicize it, because it does not want that truth known to the masses around the world, because it will bring downfall to the Dollar as a top valued Currency.

American Racist Ignorance has been the abuse it used to Rise, and it is showing to be the same abuse that is the culprit in and of it decline.

Russia and Other Nation see it, and they push to light fires to help promote the Internal Decline in and of America... We have a President who is propped up on Russian Money and Infatuated with Russian Oligarchs until he can't see it.

Other Nations Looked to America for the systems it had, but not to the vile of the bigoted, biased and materialistic and greed driven white male mentality it has. Now the world stands back and see the children of such types killing other children, families being killed off by their own parents, and behind it continues to be anguish because they can't live like a TV commercial. Claiming they are despaired because they don't have every material thing they want, claiming depressed, because they no longer can rely on looking down on Minority races, with and expectation those races will pander to them and pump up their ego. And they can't parade around as if they are superior.

It's the craziest thing ever. But if one looks at HISTORY, this story was written before it happens, when every peon, peasant, serf and ghetto dweller rushed from Europe, coming here seeking "wealth" and a delusion that they would be somehow like they Royalty they knew they could never be from whence they came from. If that were not truth, they would have came here with a sense of PURSUIT OF EQUALITY AMONG MANKIND..... but they did not, they came here and created slavery in America and we are living in the outcome of such a vile make up and outgrowth of such madness.

America should have no poverty, it never should have had it, but the vile motives created it, and the vile conduct has expanded it from Coast to Coast.

One will NEVER see China export its industry in such volumes away from its Nation, it does not sell its Traditional Historic Things, Nordic Regions Do no sell off their Tradition Industry nor do they sell their Traditional Historic Things.
Nordic Region pay high taxes, because they have no prejudices against their people benefiting from what their Taxes Provide to the Masses.

Truth is Revealing Itself ..... History has recorded its progressions of Exposure.

It's Sad becasue of the ways such madness is Destroying The Great Principle of Democracy and has long infected the system of Capitalism, which was suppose to work based on Regulatory Governance.

We have the Ignorance of Trump, who is too dump to know Regulatory Governance is the Basis of Free Trade, and the Principle that Allow Capitalism to Exist, When Regulatory Governance is abused, misused and undermined, Greed Dominates, and Wealth is centered in the hands of a few, while the masses become impoverished.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/22/2018 8:32 am

President Donald Trump said Thursday that leaders of the National Rifle Association were “great people” who would “do the right thing,” as he prepared to meet lawmakers to discuss school safety in the wake of the deadly shooting at a Florida high school last week.


Trump said on Twitter that the leaders of the NRA “are Great People and Great American Patriots. They love our Country and will do the right thing.” Trump was referring to the gun-rights group’s executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, and its principal political strategist, Chris Cox, in his tweet.

The tweet one was of several Trump posted as he considers responses to school shootings, including raising the minimum age for purchasing rifles to 21. The NRA has rejected that idea but backs a House bill that makes what the group calls improvements to the background check system. The House-passed bill also allows carrying concealed firearms across state lines.

OMG, people elected this president who doesn't know what is right what is wrong. I have question for Trump "Why the mentally ill patients in other countries don't have shooting massacre?"

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/21/2018 6:06 pm

From I heard on TV or internet, the president and many people all blamed the mental illness people own the guns, machine guns. Don't they know there are plenty of mental illness patients in every country worldwide? In other countries, the mentally ill patients used only knife or sharp object to hurt others, but they didn't cause massacre. They have been apprehended before the incident ended with only one or two dead.

Without guns or machine guns, mentally ill patients can't kill 58 people in Las Vegas, 26 persons at a church in Texas, or 14 students and 3 adults at the high school in Florida. This is all about GUNS, MACHINE GUNS, 2nd Amendment, ... that we can buy guns so easily and massacres happened again and again.

Americans blame "mentally ill" people own guns and killed people. Why other countries mentally ill patients can't own guns and kill people. It is because other countries don't allow people to buy guns. They don't have gun shops, magazine, or gun shows to buy guns. Without guns, they can't kill people. President Trump said "At present time, he doesn't want to change 2nd Amendment". He wants the teachers carry gun in the pocket and defend the gunman when shooting started. He wants to train teachers to shoot guns. More guns in good people. Schools will become a war zone. Some students will be killed at cross-fire.

I don't think it is a good idea that teachers have to carry gun at school, prepare to fight back. It is not a good education.

Stop selling weapons, especially those assault rifles, semi-automatic machine guns is the way. People who own assault rifles, semi-automatic , machine guns should surrender their weapons for the peace of our country.

American should learn from other countries, why they don't have massacre. Why they don't have NRA, no gun shops, no gun shows? I don't own any gun or go to gun shows. I want "peace in USA".

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/20/2018 10:26 pm

We have had so many gun violence and massacres and every time people talked about it for a short while and forgot about it or said "this is not the right time to talk about gun control". So, when is the best time to talk about gun control. How long should we be hostages by NRA? Look those parents, spouse, students, victims, cried and scared on TV, I felt so helpless, raged, and frustrated. We have a president who lack of compassion and empathy. All he cares is himself. We have Republican Congress, Republican senators, and Republican president. They do whatever they want to do, passed the laws they wanted. They don't see the crisis (gun violence) we are facing.

If they don't pass a "gun control" law, there will be another shooting few months later. They don't care. President has "security", but we don't. These type of random shooting can happen anywhere, anytime.

Keep kick the can down the road. How long we have to wait??

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/20/2018 8:55 pm

I am with all those victims of gun violence in USA. Yes, "demand action", "enough is enough", "march for our lives", .... We need to modify 2nd Amendment, no machine guns, assault weapons can be sold at any gun shops, magazine, gun show, ... If nobody can buy machine guns, AR-15, AK-15, bump stocks, semi-automatic rifles, ...., NRA will be closed down. NRA can't control politicians by donating money. Life is more important than money.

I was disappointed with "silent lambs" for the Las Vegas massacre, the Texas church massacre, Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, ... and many random shooting at a theater, shopping mall, .... When the incident happened, people ranted for a few days and then silent. Again and again the tragedy happened. How many innocent live have to sacrifice? Can our government, law makers do something? Who doesn't have parents, brothers, sisters, wife, children,...?

I don't need religion dogmas, but I know "Golden Rule". I know what is right and wrong. Life is precious.

Honesty is the best policy.