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Blogs > 1ClassyLady > U r responsible for ur life |
Gun Control in Australia, why can't we learn from Aussies? In 1996, Australia passed the National Firearms Agreement after a mass shooting in Tasmania in April of that year. In that incident, a 28-year-old man, armed with a semi-automatic rifle, shot and killed 35 people, and injured 18 others, in what was known as the Port Arthur Massacre. Under the 1996 law, Australia banned certain semi-automatic, self-loading rifles and shotguns, and imposed stricter licensing and registration requirements. It also instituted a mandatory buyback program for firearms banned by the 1996 law. During the buyback program, Australians sold 640,000 prohibited firearms to the government, and voluntarily surrendered about 60,000 non-prohibited firearms. In all, more than 700,000 weapons were surrendered, according to a Library of Congress report on Australian gun policy. One study says that the program reduced the number of guns in private hands by 20 percent. In 2002, Australia further tightened gun laws, restricting the caliber, barrel length and capacity for sport shooting handguns. Since 1996, the number and rate of homicides — defined as murder and manslaughter — has fallen. Below is the chart that appeared in our 2009 Ask FactCheck article, showing a 20 percent decline in homicides from 1996 to 2007. With Australia’s population steadily increasing, the nation’s homicide incident rate has fallen even more than the number of homicides — from 1.6 per 100,000 in 1995-96 to 1 per 100,000 in 2013-2014, according to a government report on crime trends. That was the lowest homicide incident rate at the time in 25 years, as we mentioned earlier. The number of firearm-related homicides also has dropped substantially since the 1996 gun law was enacted. ![]() ![]() ![]() Honesty is the best policy. |
Like I said before "this is Chinese FriendFinder and the majority of members are living in their countries, so careless about USA politics, gun culture/ violence, and many other things". However, I do appreciate your comments on my blogs from time to time. We care about USA, even our skin are not "WHITE". Chinese FriendFinder members are silent, but that is better than SFF (Senior). I used to have same blogs on SFF, but I have to shut down my profile on SFF. Because on SFF people are whole bunch of "WHITE SUPREMACISTS" or Trump followers. It started on Dec 28, 2017 when I posted 28 photos in 7 blogs, The reverse bucket list on Dec 28, 2017 18 photos in 4 blogs. One male blogger on SFF started to attack me that he posted a blog "for Investor 1 only". I have blocked that guy on SFF, so I don't read his blog. However, the female bloggers told me from my blog that guy said that I took too many spaces on blogs and he also said some nasty words on me. I responded to female bloggers that I meant well to share those pictures and it took a while for me to post so many photos because it won't fit in one blog. Those female bloggers told me "never mind that guy and they enjoyed my blogs for those photos". When I posted a blog "What is your favorite app?" on Dec 31, 2017, one nasty woman commented on this blog said that her favorite app is to have a app that can block me to keep post photos" and "she doesn't care those photos. She doesn't want me to post so many blogs to show so many photos". I blocked her on SFF. Then she posted a blog to defame me. However, other female women told me that those photos are cute, good and they enjoyed those photos. So, I posted Parenting in the wilderness on Jan. 3, 2018 42 photos in 6 blogs. All the sudden so many nasty men who are "White" and "Trump supporters" attacked me using the blogs "for Investor 1 only". They said I sleep with the men I dated. OMG, I even haven't finalized my divorce. My banker friend is so very busy for his career, he doesn't have time for me. The PhD physicist is living on Maui, Hawaii and I've NEVER met him. We are just email friends. SFF has full of nasty old people. They are conservatives, religious WHITE people, living in the center part of states. By the time I posted blog "Weekend joke - Interesting facts" on Jan. 5, 2018 for 29 photos in 4 blogs. There was more attackers posted "for Investor 1 only" as topic to humiliate me. One particular woman said "Who care you are rich? Who care you are atheist? She told me to get off SFF blogs. Other female women told me many guys posted blogs said very vulgar words on me. The female women told me that one guy who use the word "copulation with men I dated". I am not an erotic person, but they destroyed my reputation on SFF. I couldn't take anymore, so I went on "Member Profile Visibility" and clicked "No, I do not want my profile accessible by Guests and Search Engines" and I disappeared from SFF site forever. I meant well to share good pictures and turned out they humiliated me. It is no use to explain to those morons, ignorant and stupid people. "When they go low, I go high". Those photos I posted have nothing to do with politics or religion, but they just can't to see an Asian who is ahead of them. I am still the same, I am a Democrat and Agnostic/ Atheist. No matter how people said on me, I won't change. I am on Chinese FriendFinder only now. No more SFF. I posted this in a subject I was discussing on "another site", (which is saturated with older right wing white people and white supremacist types). [quote] Part of the Issue during Jim Crow America, it was "white people" ( NOT ALL ) who detested the thought of black people getting "EQUAL" benefits and services. These same white people, if they are still alive, now face the exact same thing they tried to deny to minority black people. BECAUSE degree riding companies executives realized, if they can have a mass of white people standing up to deny minority black people benefits and services and progressive pay, then the Corporations figured they could use the same ideology to deny the exact same things to white people, and they used the law of equality to justify doing so, and deny the same things to working white people and poor white people. The problem in American is the Right Wing white people never figured it out, they were happy they could get a line of credit and some credit cards and a new car on credit, and they lived "in perpetual credit debt".. When the jobs dried up and were outsourced, they found the conditions they live and are subjected to declines year by year... They got the exact same things they "wished upon minority black people" and many still have not or can't figure it out. "They did it to themselves, by trying to doing wrong things to minority black people. NOW - They "whine" I've been left behind. When it was their own attitude and mentality and disposition of bias and bigotry, that put them behind. They cling to the Right Wing mentality as if it will suddenly make them prosperous, and over all these decades, IT HAS NOT. The mentality of Conservative and (their delusions of) Fiscal Responsibility, did nothing for them, except make the Corporate Heads more Wealthy than they have ever been. And the more wealthy they become, the more disastrous the lives of the average American people become. That's what Conservatism produces... No different than what it produced within the Slave System Confederacy that Created that Idea. The Generation Poor white from that system is still the system of generationally poor whites today, and Conservatism has done not a darn thing for them, but bleed and choke them to death, while telling them their white skin is their salvation. No one should stay blind that long... Even under the Centuries of Slavery, Black people never stopped pushing forward for "Equality", yet, the poor whites, were used like pawns, to keep racism alive and active... Even Martin Luther King Jr. Tried to explain it to them, in his Speech at Selma, and many other speeches, but their race hate was some overwhelming it blocked their ears, and minds to the truth. Many should go back and read it, because its as relevant today as it was when he gave the speech. It's even more so in the Era of the Divisiveness that Trump Administration has riled up and promoted. [/quote] They choose to be incapable of living and respecting the right and life of others, and envious of the advances of non white people. Many have ethnicity legacy from various countries of white people, whom don't even like each other, but they will "group together" to push their resentment and dislike for any "non white people". It's the dumbest thing ever. the Liberal Minded whites evolved and understand they were made free to communicate and relate with any people they want, and no longer had to fear the 'White Racist, White Supremacist and Other Hateful White People" attacking them because of whom they befriend. The good thing is, In America, there are more Liberal Humane Respecting White People, than there is the old racist, and in the next decade, many of those racist types will have died out. The sad thing, is some of them have "INFECTED" segments of the young generation within their circle with the same madness. The Era of their Jim Crow Abuses which they took glory in, is over and they can't see it. The people across this world, know very well the history of the American White Racist and they know how this same group tried to spread that madness in every place in the world they set foot. No longer can they bully other Ethnicties and no longer will Non White People submit to them, so they are upset they can't bully stomp around and delude themselves that they are better than others. Many of them think Trump is going to give them something, and he plays them like the foolish he see's them to be, because Trump is only concerned about his Ego and Money, and thinking himself superior to all other human beings. When fact is: he is nothing more than a sham and con man, propped up on Russian Money, and Treasonous to sell out and pander to the Russian who whole the strings to his purse. Trump knows if they call in their loans, the Trump Brand will Crash. He's a buffoon who does not understand, Money does not infer integrity, nor does it bestow dignity upon anyone. He continually show the lack of both in his character and how he continues to display it. He surrounds himself with like minded people, who worship money and think money and white skin makes them something they are not. The majority of the Worlds people see it, and they have no respect for him. They see him as nothing more than a Race Bigot, with a race bias core, who worships money and is lost in his own ego
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I saw "Laogui" blog that he posted few pictures that he was in China with a female friend on the top of a mountain and the picture showed the background of hundreds of stairs behind him. I thought he was very strong and health. That was about 1 or 2 years ago. Ever since that blog, I don't see any blog or comment from him. I went to Australia (his country) in Feb 2015. He asked me at the end of Dec 2014 that where were I gonna stay in hotel in Sydney on my blog. He said he wanted to have a coffee with me in Sydney. I looked my itinerary schedule and told him the hotel name and days I would be in Sydney. No, he didn't appear. I didn't see him. Upon my returned to Los Angeles, he still talked with me on my blog or I commented on his blogs. He was in China traveling. Posted pictures that he was in a "stair-like rice field" and on a top of a mountain with a female friend beside him. I told him that he was strong to climb up to the mountain. However, i haven't heard from him ever since. I hope he is Okay. I enjoyed his blogs (mostly traveling) with photos. I remember he said his ex-wife is a Chinese and he can speak Mandarin. Other blogs he talked about "the Paris massacre" by ISIL. Honesty is the best policy.
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I think it's a sad thing, that so many people never have anything to say to subject matter... it does not benefit the blog sphere for such silence on so much. I used to have same blogs on SFF, but I have to shut down my profile on SFF. Because on SFF people are whole bunch of "WHITE SUPREMACISTS" or Trump followers. It started on Dec 28, 2017 when I posted 28 photos in 7 blogs, The reverse bucket list on Dec 28, 2017 18 photos in 4 blogs. One male blogger on SFF started to attack me that he posted a blog "for Investor 1 only". I have blocked that guy on SFF, so I don't read his blog. However, the female bloggers told me from my blog that guy said that I took too many spaces on blogs and he also said some nasty words on me. I responded to female bloggers that I meant well to share those pictures and it took a while for me to post so many photos because it won't fit in one blog. Those female bloggers told me "never mind that guy and they enjoyed my blogs for those photos". When I posted a blog "What is your favorite app?" on Dec 31, 2017, one nasty woman commented on this blog said that her favorite app is to have a app that can block me to keep post photos" and "she doesn't care those photos. She doesn't want me to post so many blogs to show so many photos". I blocked her on SFF. Then she posted a blog to defame me. However, other female women told me that those photos are cute, good and they enjoyed those photos. So, I posted Parenting in the wilderness on Jan. 3, 2018 42 photos in 6 blogs. All the sudden so many nasty men who are "White" and "Trump supporters" attacked me using the blogs "for Investor 1 only". They said I sleep with the men I dated. OMG, I even haven't finalized my divorce. My banker friend is so very busy for his career, he doesn't have time for me. The PhD physicist is living on Maui, Hawaii and I've NEVER met him. We are just email friends. SFF has full of nasty old people. They are conservatives, religious WHITE people, living in the center part of states. By the time I posted blog "Weekend joke - Interesting facts" on Jan. 5, 2018 for 29 photos in 4 blogs. There was more attackers posted "for Investor 1 only" as topic to humiliate me. One particular woman said "Who care you are rich? Who care you are atheist? She told me to get off SFF blogs. Other female women told me many guys posted blogs said very vulgar words on me. The female women told me that one guy who use the word "copulation with men I dated". I am not an erotic person, but they destroyed my reputation on SFF. I couldn't take anymore, so I went on "Member Profile Visibility" and clicked "No, I do not want my profile accessible by Guests and Search Engines" and I disappeared from SFF site forever. I meant well to share good pictures and turned out they humiliated me. It is no use to explain to those morons, ignorant and stupid people. "When they go low, I go high". Those photos I posted have nothing to do with politics or religion, but they just can't to see an Asian who is ahead of them. I am still the same, I am a Democrat and Agnostic/ Atheist. No matter how people said on me, I won't change. I am on Chinese FriendFinder only now. No more SFF. Honesty is the best policy.
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I think it's a sad thing, that so many people never have anything to say to subject matter... it does not benefit the blog sphere for such silence on so much.
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I think we are about to see the young people of America VOTE OUT any politician who has taken money from the Gun Lobby (NRA)... and when they reach that milestone, they will move again, to VOTE OUT any politician, Republican or Democrats who takes money from Wall Street and Big Banks. They see the light that many older people seem not to see. It's time to Take America Back From "SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS" such as these. Trump has tried to build a wall in an attempt at repealing the Johnson Amendment, which prohibit Religious Institution from becoming SuperPAC'S {{ According to Senator Ron Wyden, the senior Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, the Johnson Amendment repeal was blocked by the Senate parliamentarian. Because of a requirement called the Byrd Rule, reconciliation bills—which are passed through a simple Senate majority—cannot contain “extraneous” provisions that don’t primarily deal with fiscal policy.}} Trump’s biggest religious freedom policy promise to evangelicals—repealing the Johnson Amendment—will no longer take place via Republican tax reform. We need to be careful, because this buffoon, will certainly try it by other means. The NRA surely is too connected into the same networks as the Military Industrialist, but if the young people get that understanding, they can become the future that changes that influence upon and within and over this society. We may be 20 yrs old or not living when it happens, but we can look to them to change things. Currently we have many that have been disconnected to the understand of the system, and even those who are trying to come to connecting have to be careful of the messages they listen to by politician drama, and actually learn the facts.
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My trip to Australia and New Zealand for 16 days/ 13 nights (Jan 30 to Feb 14, 2015 ) remains the best trip I've had ever. The peaceful and beautiful scenery the friendly people gave me good impression of both countries. Honesty is the best policy.
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Australian PM declines to offer Trump any advice on gun control Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has declined to offer U.S. President Donald Trump any advice on gun control days after the latest mass shooting at a U.S. school, despite Australia’s success in cutting gun violence. Australia has some of the world’s toughest gun control laws, introduced after its worst mass murder, when a gunman killed 35 people at Port Arthur in the island state of Tasmania in 1996. Australia has had no mass shootings since then. But Turnbull, who met Trump for talks in Washington on Friday (Feb 23, 2018 ), said he was not going to offer the United States any advice on the issue, which is dividing Americans. “It’s a completely different context historically, legally and so forth,” Turnbull told a news conference following talks in the White House, adding that he was satisfied with Australia’s gun control. “We certainly don’t presume to provide policy or political advice on that matter here,” Turnbull said, according to a transcript of the news conference released by the prime minister’s office. The issue of gun control in the United States became the focus of renewed debate on Feb. 14, when a former student killed 17 people at school in Florida with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle he had bought legally. Australia has banned all semi-automatic rifles and all semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns, and has a restrictive system of licensing and ownership controls. Australia’s system has been held up by many as an example of how gun controls in the United States should be tightened. Trump has suggested arming teachers as a way of curbing gun violence in schools. On bilateral relations, Turnbull said his meeting with Trump had “deepened” the relationship between the allies. The two leaders discussed North Korea, with Turnbull expressing supported for U.S. sanctions and economic ties. Turnbull praised Trump’s recent tax cuts for businesses, something he is trying to replicate in Australia although he is struggling to gain the support needed from opposition parties. Relations between the two got off to a rocky start in February 2017 when Trump berated Turnbull over a bilateral refugee agreement, before abruptly ending their telephone conversation, according to an leaked transcript of the call. Honesty is the best policy.
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I remember an Aussie guy named "Laogui" who frequently comments on my blogs and vice versa. He posted two photos same as this blog. I didn't know at the time, now I understand. It was "mandatory buyback gun program" after the only one massacre in Australia. It has been long time, Laogui didn't chat on any blog here, AFF. I wonder where he is and why he doesn't appear on Chinese FriendFinder anymore. He posted many travel photos. He liked Asians and he is an atheist. We still have many Aussies on AFF, but anyone knows where Laogui is now? Honesty is the best policy.
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I am very impressed by Australia for the country banned certain semi-automatic, self-loading rifles and shotguns, and imposed stricter licensing and registration requirements. It also instituted a mandatory buyback program for firearms banned by the 1996 law. Just one massacre and Australia changed the law and enforced the law. Why Americans still hesitated to change "2nd Amendment"? Don't we want to have PEACE? How many lives have to sacrifice? How long for our lawmakers to have courage against NRA selling assault rifles? We should close down all the gun shops, stop advertisement for various guns, and gun shows nationwide. I am a mother, an ordinary woman knows "Guns" have only one purpose that is "KILLING". Why our government don't know? Don't tell me the "mentally ill" kill people. That is BS. There are so many serious bipolar, schizophrenia, hallucination, ...., they have mental diseases, but they can't obtain a gun to kill others. Because they can't get GUN, not because they are mentally ill. I am sick and tired to hear people keep saying "Gun can't kill people, people kill people". That is BS. Trump said that 19 y/o guy is serious mentally ill. No, he is normal. He just has hatred in his heart, his mind. U.S. gun laws provide easy way for him to purchase 7 rifles including that AR-15. Trump wants to increase age from 18 to 21 to buy machine gun. That is not enough. The laws should ban for all ages, including adults no matter what age. Trump wants to have teachers who know gun to be in school to prevent school shootings. So, we have more guns. What if the students been shot in cross-fire? What if next massacre not happen in school but anywhere at anytime that you can't predict? U.S. government should learn from Australia for mandatory buy back gun program. If Australia can do, we can do better!!! (from the song "Anything you can do, I can do better") Every time I heard "gun violence", "random shooting", .... I got raged. When I decided to come to USA in 1980 to avoid China wanted to bomb Taiwan after we lost so many diplomatic relationships, I had fearful for the freedom to buy guns in USA. I remember when I saw the rifles displaced in Sears shelves, I was frightened. After 38 years the situation got worse. I am pro "First Amendment", but against "2nd Amendment". Honesty is the best policy.