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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
3/4/2018 11:07 pm
Too many stories hit the White House (update)

Rob Porter resigned after his ex-wives revealed "domestic violence" with photos.

Hope Hicks resigned her job as Communication Director. She is the 5th person who quit "Communication Director" job.

Jared Kushner, Trump's -in-law, his clearance would be downgraded.

Trump lashed out DOJ Attorney General, Jeff Sessions and actor Alec Baldwin.

Trump wants to raise up 25 % tariff on "steel" and 10 % tariff on "Aluminum". A potential "Trade War" with other countries.

Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life', after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the -term limit for the presidency,

Gary Cohn Said on March 6, 2018 He Will Resign as Trump’s Top Economic Adviser.

Porn actress Stormy Daniels sues Trump, says hush agreement is null because he didn’t sign it.

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
3/8/2018 3:44 pm

There has never been such a Corrupt and Crooked Individual to sit in the seat as President. We've had some very bad ones such as Andrew Johnson, who tried to give the slaver community means to continue abusing people.

No person should ever ascend to the office of President without first passing an exam on Constitution Principles, Rules of Law, and made to understand that he/she has no control over the Intelligence Agencies or the Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies that serve this nation. They must have a strong Civil Understanding of Civics of Society, and must have a background in public service, no history of bankruptcies, and cannot own Corporations or Independent Business. They must be made to know, all government business is to be conducted at Government Facilities, not personally owned private properties, and any Property they own is not to be protected by the secret service, except their single family residence. If they live in a High Rise, they will be responsible for their own security, because the build is a private held enterprise. No property owned by any individual as a President can be used or paid for by any public or party funds for any activities while sitting as President. No president can bring in any family members for any position related to Executive Administration in the Executive Office. Mandate that within 60 days, All Official Position must be filled.

Prison for Life or the full penalty for treason for this Money Laundering, Tax Evading, Gangster who strong armed cities by threatening to sue low level people if he did not get tax concession, and his history of racist business habits by him and his father, as just a few of the things concerning this criminal. Then there is the Russian Collusion, which extend further than colluding, he has been trying to deliver to Putin every aspect of Putin's desires to wreak havoc with NATO and UN and disrupt relations with all our Allies. He has conspired by every means he could with those he has surrounded himself with, and the world knows that he has been a prime "money washer" for not just Russians, but any country that has people seeking to wash money. If they dig deep enough it will be evident that within the tangled web, he has been backed by drug money as well. Be it through Russian networks or the massive networks that drug kingpins move their money around the world trying to find ways to wash it.
He swindled banks repeatedly, and duped Atlantic City, with the Taj Mahal, which was nothing but a mass means to wash a massive volume of money, and then crash it when the heat start closing in on his dealings. and left a massive mess, that damaged the lives of many many people who worked there.
Everything he touches is filled with criminal vile. He and his entire clan family, think money is everything, because without it, they all know they'd be nothing but "scraping the gutter" as to public position. His daddy was a criminal that swindled the government, when he was suppose to be building government housing and he used the money to promote his own interest. He went and got the slicker Manafort, who was neck deep in swindle and money washing, and Flynn, who was a crook that resulted to be treasonous in the manner and role that he followed as a double agent, which he did not disclose. Trying to sell favors for Turkey.
It amazes me, how the whole of America could put up with this craziness this long, the man is a clear and present danger not only to America, but to the World.
The entire sector of Republican Congressional people are co-conspirators, with their blind eye madness, and underhanded malice driven motives, and their consistent enabling this mad mad criminal to wreak havoc in American and spread the madness to disrespect our allies, and make conflict with other nations.
Then, include the racist ignorance that he promoted and continues to endorse and incite.
America will have to make modification to the Office of President, to insure that there is no ways one can get exemption from the crimes while in office, and ensure that the laws of modified to show that a president can be charged with all the things, that were previously set up not to be charges. The means for impeachment must be modified, and make ways so the stiffest penalty for Treason can be carried out. It is necessary to review and modify by outlining Treason to include acts that subvert the rule of law, and the system of governance, within the Executive Office.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/6/2018 11:38 am

Trump decided to raise tariffs on steel for 25 % that might NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由貿易協定) the most. Because Canada is on top #1 that US imported steel and Mexico is on top #4. Germany is on top #8 and Germany is the head of Europe economy and prepare for a retaliation of tariff for US products. This raise tariff could incur serious "TRADE WAR".

I understand Trump was target on China (according to his tweeting), but now the situation became hurting our allies such as Canada and Europe countries. We are suppose to have "Free Trade" instead of "Trade War".

I also understand China have "luxury tax" on imported high-end automobiles such as Mercedes-Benz, Lambergine, Ferrari (Italy), Jaguar, and Rollis-Royce. China marked up 3 times higher for the tariff than we purchase cars in USA. Only very rich of Chinese can afford those high-end luxury automobiles. No wonder, what I saw those 2nd generation of very rich Chinese bought Ferrari, Lambergine, .. in Southern California. Their fathers and mothers stay in China to make more money but the young generation emigrated to USA, Australia, Canada, ... live in big house, driving high-end cars, ... to show-off they're rich. The rich and lonely young 2nd generation (富二代) live in USA and make the regular U.S. citizens turn heads for their luxury cars drive by young Chinese. Some rich Chinese purchased luxury big houses and abandon the houses to "ghost town" and created problems for local real estate market and prices. So weird.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/6/2018 10:06 am

    Quoting  :

Thanks for your comment for the 1st time. If you have ever read my blogs before, you would know that I don't like Trump's aggressive personality, bully behavior, provocative attitude, "my way or the high way" character and lewd language.

Okay, back on the topic of this blog. Trump announced raise up tariffs on "Steel" for 25% and "Aluminum" for 10%. I posted a chart that shows Canada is the at top position that US imported steel from. But the very next day, Trump tweeted and lashed out on China who dumped steel on USA. But the fact is China is on #11 place on that chart. So, it seems Trump was targeted on Canada for 25 % raise on steel tariff instead of China. I know that Trump wanted to fulfill his promise during the campaign in 2016. However, he didn't search for the accurate information before his announcement on raising tariffs.

We know the car manufacturer such as GM, Ford, and Chevrolet and the airplane manufacturer such as Boeing that need steel the most because they need to have steel to make products. So, GM, Ford, Chevrolet and Boeing got hit the most. We also know that Boeing is U.S. is top #1 of our income from, Boeing sold airplanes to China and many other countries. If Boeing cost of airplane (steel) increased, its profits will be less. Yes, I understand that this raise on tariffs are good for US steel companies, but the steel companies workers only 5 % of our total labor workers, the majority of U.S. labor workers are on car maker companies and Boeing. So, Trump made big mistake and he refused to back down.

I have traveled to Canada many times. I went to Quebec (East coast) once and many times to the West coast. I think "Lake Louise" is the most beautiful lake in the world. I remember that beautiful Louise lake surrounded Victoria mountain. Queen Victoria of England who named this lake after her daughter "Louise" who married to a Canadian general. I had a wonderful lunch at a high ceiling restaurant and over-viewed the beautiful Louise Lake. Amazing scenery. The best lake in the world.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/4/2018 11:20 pm

It is the chaos in the White House. The most important news among them is Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Raise Fears of a Damaging Trade War. Trump Calls Trade Wars ‘Good’ and ‘Easy to Win’. However, many economists said other countries may have retaliation to raise tariffs too. Beer, cars, baseball bats, airplanes: These are a few of the products that could face price hikes when new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum go into effect.

Honesty is the best policy.