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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
3/14/2018 8:46 pm
China’s president for life? Xi Jinping

Delegates to the National People’s Congress have overwhelmingly voted to pass a constitutional amendment to abolish the two-term limit imposed on China’s president, a controversial move that will allow the incumbent, Xi Jinping, to stay in power beyond 2023. The question is: will he become president for life? In other words, does the Communist Party want to make Xi a leader for life or just give him a longer term? China watchers are divided on this.

The government has kept its comments vague. When questioned by foreign media at a press briefing on March 4, parliamentary spokesman Zhang Yesui said only that the constitutional change would help to “strengthen and improve China’s leadership system”. The party’s official newspaper, People’s Daily, was more elaborate. In one article on the significance on the constitutional revision, it made clear that party and state leaders were still expected to follow the rules on retirement. It even quoted from the party charter, which clearly states that “leading party cadres at all levels, whether elected through democratic procedure or appointed by a leading body, are not entitled to lifelong tenure”.

I believe that in scraping the term limits, Xi wants to centralise power so he can mobilise the government and people to work for the realisation of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. So Xi’s grip on power will last as long as it is needed to get the job done, and no more.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/17/2018 10:04 pm

    Quoting oldghost32:
    Chinese people worship their leader - is way over the top! They have an equal amount of skepticism but of course the voice of protest is kept under the bonnet. Putin is effectively coming to his fifth term having installed a puppet president for one term to abide by the rules. Imagine if Trump were to attempt to implement unlimited terms, now that would indeed be a disaster.

    Curiously this is JapanFriendFinder, not ChineseFriendFinder. This is my old resurrected ID at JFF
oldghost, you are back. Now you posted your photo, so I know you are "Laogui" who disappeared for quite a while from AFF. I just found out from your comment on this my blog, you are the atheist Aussie "Laogui". Welcome back, where have you been? Long time no see your blog or comment on this site, AFF.

I have asked bloggers where have been and Kayra has replied me that she saw your blogs one or two years ago. That was the same time I read your blog and comments while you were in China. Now you are back to Australia. Have you read my blogs these two years? I don't like Trump a bit. He is terrible. His bigotry on "American First", "Made in USA, Buy America" is not "Global Free trade" policy.

I am not an attorney or politician, but use my "common sense" and "Women intuition". I simply can't agree with Trump for what he said and did. He said "if I stand on 5th Avenue (New York city) and shoot someone, I won't lose a vote", or "Disarm Hillary's bodyguard's weapons and see what she will be" or his lewd language said "Grab them by the pu**y", Trump has had "intimate relationship" with a porn star and his attorney paid her $130,000 "hush money" from his mortgage loan few days before the presidential election in 2017. It is just too weird. The "gun violence" in USA is the worst in the world and Trump said "NRA is good people and they want to do good things". OMG, Trump wants teachers to carry guns in schools. I hope USA can learn from Australia "gun control", ban all the assault weapons and government buy back those assault rifles from people. However, it seems impossible to have "gun control" in USA.

Yes, I know if Trump wants to be "President for life" will be disaster for USA. But at least USA is a Democracy country. China is a communist country, they don't have freedom of speech, religion or press. China has many policies that I can't agree with, e.g. people don't own land, one political party, one voice from government, no presidential election, banned Google in China for over a decade.

Hope you will come back to Chinese FriendFinder blogs and comment on my blogs. Welcome back, Laogui (old ghost).

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/15/2018 7:38 am

    Quoting oldghost32:
    Chinese people worship their leader - is way over the top! They have an equal amount of skepticism but of course the voice of protest is kept under the bonnet. Putin is effectively coming to his fifth term having installed a puppet president for one term to abide by the rules. Imagine if Trump were to attempt to implement unlimited terms, now that would indeed be a disaster.

    Curiously this is JapanFriendFinder, not ChineseFriendFinder. This is my old resurrected ID at JFF
This is Chinese FriendFinder not JFF, although Japanese is also Asian. Look around this site, most people are from China. I have been on this site since Sept 2004.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/14/2018 8:56 pm

Chinese people worship their leader, Xi Jin-Ping the most powerful leader since Chairman Mao Jer-Dong. One political party, one voice, no objection, no protest, no presidential election, totally obey to their leader. It is much easier to control the people who don't have "democracy" knowledge.

Honesty is the best policy.