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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
3/24/2018 8:37 pm
These Photos Show Why We Miss Barack and Michelle Obama

They said "A picture worth a thousand words". There are so many pictures that show how much differences between the two presidents. I chose these 8 photos.

Picture 1: First lady Melania Trump, President Donald Trump, former President Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama at Trump’s inauguration.

Picture 2: The contrast between the two couples looks stark in this photo series.

Picture 3: The Obamas shared a kiss during their last day as president and First Lady.

Picture 4: Donald Trump did not accompany his wife up the White House steps when arriving for the inauguration.

Picture 5: Obama gets emotional as he delivers a statement on executive actions to reduce gun violence. No moment reveals the extreme contrast between Obama and Trump than difficult moments facing the country. In the face of rampant gun violence, Obama faced the situation with empathy and strength. He broke down several times when addressing the nation and pledging to work for change. After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, he cried when he addressed the nation. “We won’t be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation, all of us, to try,” he said. By contrast, Trump remains stoic and combative, almost all the time.

Picture 6. Trump was Smiling, Giving 'Thumbs Up' During Florida Hospital Visit. President Donald Trump visited a hospital that is treating students wounded in Parkland, Florida high school mass shooting. The President and First Lady Melania Trump spent 45 minutes speaking to victims, families, first responders, and the medical teams who treated Parkland victims. Republican consultant Stuart Stevens said Trump lack of empathy shows his lack of balance. “Ultimately, I think a lack of empathy is just one piece of a portrait of a person who is unbalanced and damaged.” Whether he feels empathy for his people or not, many of them, when times get tough, would like him to show it.

Stark contrast emerges in times of struggle.

You will be the judge.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/28/2018 5:13 pm

A leader's personality, character, behavior, attitude, and language are very important.

I have had a banker president/CEO/Chairman friend for 11 years (Since June 2006 to May 2017). He is like "child magnet". I remember my first date with him at a Starbucks Coffee in June 2006. There was a little girl came to him and said "look what I have!". The banker asked her"who gave you that?". The girl said "my father". Than banker said "how old are you?". The girl said "I am 3 years old", but she only had two fingers up. So, the banker bend over to put another finger up for 3. At that time, the girl's father came over. I was surprised that busy Starbucks had so many customers, but the girl approached to my banker friend.

I have many lunch dates with that banker for "Dim Sum". He loves to eat "Dim Sum" with me. During the waiting area, there were many times the little children came to the banker and talked to him. I felt many times he is a "child magnet". I don't know why he is the only one who attacks little children (boys or girls). He always talked to them. That is the reason he is attract to me. He has entrepreneurial character and financial knowledge but yet he is humble and kind to everyone including unknown little kids. He voted for Obama twice just like I did.

However, in May 2017 when Trump was going to announce "tax reform" reduce rich people tax bracket from 35 % to 21 %. He likes Trump, but I don't. We started to argue. I finally blocked his emails. He found out his emails have been returned. I was busy with my daughter's wedding and MD graduation in May and June of 2017, I stopped email him. By July 2017, I unblocked him, but it was too late. I texted his cellphone, he didn't answer or reply. I know he is mad that I broke up with him. Until this date, I still miss him. He has all the qualities I am looking for. He is the opposite of my ex-husband. The banker is a very busy, busy businessman, my ex is a very very lazy slacker.

Yes, personality do matter to me.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/28/2018 4:12 pm

The two babies in Obama's arms were calm and slept soundly. You can Google "Obama is child whisperer" and see for yourself on many articles and many YouTube videos. Babies and children love Obama, they don't care Obama's skin color. Only adults have prejudice on Obama's skin color.

On the contrary, the two babies in Trump's arms were crying and struggling to get out of his holding. Babies and children have good instinct and sense who is holding them.

You can compare those pictures. I don't need to say more.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/25/2018 10:28 pm

The incumbent POTUS, this is Reality, not a reality show. There were 17 people died in a high school in Florida. Why were you smiling and giving "thumb up"?? Why did you say NRA is good people and they know to do good things?? Why did you accept NRA donation during campaign? Do you have empathy?? Don't you know those high school students will turn 18 y/o soon and they can vote you out of White House??

I have never liked Trump's egotistic personality, bully character, aggressive behavior, bias attitude or lewd language on women. Yes, personality is important and words do matter.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/24/2018 8:55 pm

I am a patriot, not a chauvinist. The stark contrast 明顯的對照 of two U.S. presidents made me speechless.

I have voted for Obama twice, but not voted for Trump. I want a president who care about people, has empathy and strength.

Honesty is the best policy.