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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
4/15/2018 11:24 pm
Comey Interview: Impeaching Trump ‘Would Let the American People Off the Hook'

President Donald Trump should not be impeached because it would “short-circuit” the Democratic system, former FBI Director James Comey said Sunday (April 15, 2018 ) night in his first TV interview since Trump fired him last May.

“I think impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office would let the American people off the hook and have something happen indirectly that I believe they’re duty bound to do directly,” Comey said, according to a transcript of the interview. “People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values.”

The interview, which ABC aired as part of 20/20, came two days before the public release of Comey’s book A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership. Details from the book have surfaced in recent days. In the book, Comey reportedly compares Trump to a mob boss and describes the president as “unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values.”

Trump has reacted to those details, taking to Twitter to call the former director an “untruthful slimeball” and to say Comey “will go down as the WORST FBI Director in history, by far!”

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/22/2018 3:17 pm

    Quoting  :

There will be "mid-term election" in Nov 2018. As we know, the House Speaker (the 3rd person can be replaced as a President, 2nd person is VP, Mike Pence), Paul Ryan has announced to retire and no longer run for re-election in Nov 2018 as he predicted that REPUBLICAN can't win as "Majority party" after Nov 2018 election. Many Republican Congressmen also announced they won't run for re-election in Nov 2018. What are they saying?? They are saying after Nov 2018, Republican won't be Majority party, so Paul Ryan won't be a "House Speaker".

So, in a nutshell, if we go to the voting booths in Nov 2018 to vote for Democratic party candidates and won both the Congress and Senate and become "Majority party". We don't need to wait till Nov 2020 to have a new POTUS as Democratic party. Many Republic Congressmen and Senators are giving-up for re-elections and Trump has had so many scandals, Democrats will win in Nov 2018 to become Majority. Not mention the presidential election in 2020 assuming Trump finish his first term.

Now, you understand what James Comey said in the TV interview "People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values.” Yes, it is very simple. Even if Mr. Robert Mueller can't find any evidence that Trump committed "Collusion with Russia", but we vote for "Core Value" and "Ethical / Moral Value", Democrat can win back the White House (maybe sooner than you think). I always think a POTUS' personality, character, behavior, attitude, and language are very important as the same James Comey's "Core Value" and "Ethical / Moral Value".

Just vote for the candidate who run election against Trump. Simple principle like that.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/17/2018 3:53 am

What are a normal man's "core value" should have?? What are a POTUS "core value" should have?? How many scandals we have to endure from the highest leader??

Attorney Michael Cohen has three clients, first client is President Donald J. Trump, 2nd client is Republican (GOP) fund-raiser, Elliot Broidy and the 3rd client is FOX News anchor, Sean Hannity who is always defense for Trump on TV news.

So far, we know Trump had two Russian prostitutes pee-pee each other on the hotel room bed that Obama used to stay, a one-night sex with porn star, Stormy Daniels and multiple times with a Playboy magazine model, Karen McDougla and 19 women filed lawsuits on Trump groping. How many sex scandals we have to endure for the world to laugh on us that people elected such a POTUS? Did Trump set the good "role model"? His "tax reform" expedite our National Debt. He said "NRA is good people". Trump keeps saying "no collusion". Should we believe him because he said so? When will Trump resign??

What the "core value" for a decent man to have?? Trump asked many of his cabinet personnel for "loyalty" to him, but he is not loyal to his wives?? Double standards?? Why did Trump send away VP, Mike Pence and DOJ Director Sessions to have private conversation with former FBI Director, James Comey?? No witness, no tape recorder,no evidence, so he can deny?? What more scandals to come?? The world is laughing at us.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/16/2018 5:06 pm

When I arrived in USA in 1980, I immediately got my "Green Card #" from U.S. Custom at airport. I remember the Custom told me with a smile "Welcome to the United State of America". This is your "permanent resident card". First you need to apply a "social security #" and start to look for a job.

At that time, Jimmy Carter was the POTUS and had "hostage crisis". Former president Carter abandoned Taiwan in 1979 and established the diplomatic relationship with China. President Carter only had one term presidency.

In 1985 I became a "naturalized immigrant", in other words, I have became an U.S. citizen. I voted for Ronald Reagan for his 2nd term president. I thought President Reagan would helped Taiwan. Mr. Reagan was the only Republican president I have voted. I thought he was humorous and witty, and had integrity and dignity.

I always think a POTUS' personality, character, behavior, attitude and language are very important. Mr. Trump certainly NOT the one I've voted.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/16/2018 12:21 am

Yes, I watched the TV interview by George Stephanopoulos on ABC channel on Sunday night.

On Feb 13, 2017, Trump fired Mike Flynn. On Valentine day, 2/14/2017 briefing in White House, Trump sent away VP, Mike Pence and DOJ Director Sessions and only wanted to talk with James Comey. There was no witness, no tape recorder, Trump asked Comey for total loyalty. I believe in Comey's honest words.

On May 9, 2017 Trump fired James Comey without a warning, when Mr. Comey was giving a speech and he saw his picture on TV said "Comey resigned" and then changed to "Comey fired". On May 17, 2017, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller started investigation. “The American people can have complete confidence in Robert Mueller,” Comey said.

Hillary Clinton blamed Comey cost her election loss. Comey just received Russia prostitutes "pee pee" case and Trump asked Comey for total loyalty, then Trump fired Comey.

I have repeatedly said in my blogs that I don't like Trump's personality, character, behavior, attitude, and his vulgar words. I don't care how rich of Donald Trump is or how beautiful of his three wives are or how successful of his real estate mogul image as a businessman, but I do care a POTUS personality, character, .... because he is represent for all Americans and I don't want we become "laughingstock" of the world. I agree what Comey said in the interview "Trump is morally unfit and unethical to be a POTUS". I have the right for one vote as an American. I can't wait till 2020. I hope both Democrat and Republicans congress and senators can do the right thing for our country before the situations get worse.

I have had a banker friend for 11 years but I had very different opinions about Trump than my banker friend. My banker friend liked Trump "tax reform" from 35 % to 21 % that can save him lots of tax. I argued with the banker that tax cut will create more National Debt. Anyway, I was mad and blocked my banker friend emails. He found out I blocked him, so he stopped any communication including text messages. A 11 years friendship ended because different opinions about Trump. What a shame!!! As you know, any blogger who commented Trump is good, I will block that person. I have very strong opinions on Trump even cost my 11 yrs banker friend who I fell in love with.

Honesty is the best policy.