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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
7/18/2018 12:33 pm
After Trump's defense of Putin, sighs of resignation — but nobody's resigning (yet)

After siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence services, President Trump found himself on the receiving end of some of the harshest intraparty criticism of his time in office. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called it “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory” while former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said it was “disgraceful and detrimental.” Even Fox News, the president’s favorite channel, found itself unable to fully stand by the president, with anchor Neil Cavuto calling the performance “disgusting.”

This outrage led to calls that Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats or Secretary of Defense James Mattis should resign in protest and reminders of how Trump began his term attacking the intelligence community, including comparing them to Nazis. One member of the administration reportedly replied “Good question” when asked by CNN if anyone would resign over the summit press conference. Others dismissed the idea. Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said that a resignation from Mattis or Coats would be counterproductive, saying “It’s cutting your nose off in spite of your face when you have people who at least are giving good advice, whether the president takes it or not.”

As of July 18, 2018 morning, no one had stepped down over Trump’s comments, but this again raises the question that many have asked throughout Trump’s term: Why stick around for the abuse from your boss and scorn from much of the public and the mainstream media, even longtime friends, possibly even your spouse? It is impossible to overstate the disdain for Trump and anyone associated with him in elite circles in the Northeast and on the West Coast. Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz doesn’t even have a job in the administration but recently complained that his endorsements of Trump’s legal position in the Russia probe are costing him prized invitations to cocktail parties on Martha’s Vineyard. What could possibly make it worth enduring such humiliation? Attorney General Jeff Sessions probably isn’t staying in his job out of loyalty to the president who has repeatedly bullied and taunted him. Does he stay out of a sense of duty to the nation, or loyalty to the administration’s policies? Should Coats remain despite being repeatedly undercut by the Oval Office because his replacement might not be as competent — or could resigning give him a larger platform to push back against the administration?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
7/18/2018 1:25 pm

White House tries to clean up another Trump-Russia statement.

President Trump said "Russia is not currently targeting U.S. elections, contradicting his own director of national intelligence’s warning that the Kremlin is planning another cyberattack on the United States.

Trump was asked by a reporter if Moscow is “still targeting the United States” and its elections. The president shook his head and said “no.”

The president was saying ‘no’ to answering questions,” he said. “We certainly believe we are taking steps to make sure they can’t do it again.”

President Trump said “No president ever has been tough as I have been on Russia.” “I think President Putin knows that better than anybody,

Honesty is the best policy.