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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
8/20/2018 1:03 am
John Oliver eviscerates Rudy Giuliani: Trump Is Going to ‘Wind Up Behind Bars’

On Sunday, President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press. It was an unmitigated disaster.

According to Last Week Tonight host John Oliver, the “one-man legal improv troupe” sat down with host Chuck Todd and “came with a rationale for his boss’ refusal to sit down with [Robert] Mueller that is, even by Giuliani standards, very Giuliani.”

The longtime Trump consigliere exclaimed, “Truth isn’t truth!... Don’t do this to me!”

“Don’t do this to you?” asked a confused Oliver. “You just said ‘truth isn’t truth!’ That’s not acceptable from a president’s lawyer. It’s barely acceptable from a sophomore philosophy major who just tried molly for the first time: Truth isn’t truth, man—and also, toes are just feet-fingers. I feel warm.”

“And look, in fairness to Giuliani, the Ken Bone of 9/11, that was not the dumbest thing he said in that interview,” Oliver continued. “Because just watch Giuliani, the president’s lawyer whose job is to potentially dismiss damning evidence of the Trump Tower meeting, basically do the exact opposite.”

When pressed by Todd about the infamous Trump Tower meeting between Trump campaign officials Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer, Giuliani acknowledged: “The meeting was originally for the purpose of getting information about Clinton.”

“Which in itself is attempted collusion!” shot back Todd. “No it’s not!” Giuliani replied.

“What is Giuliani doing, and why does the White House keep letting him go on TV?” Oliver said. “Because at this rate, Trump is going to wind up behind bars with Giuliani visiting him and saying, ‘Don’t worry, Donald: Prison isn’t prison.’”

Of course, Oliver is no fan of Giuliani’s. He’s railed against the former mayor of New York City for marrying his second cousin and, in the comic’s words, wanting “to f**k Ivanka,” the president’s .

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/20/2018 2:33 am

Doubling down, Brennan again calls Trump behavior 'treasonous'.

Former CIA chief John Brennan doubled down Sunday on his charge that Donald Trump has engaged in "treasonous" behavior and called on Congress to block the US president's attempts to strip other intelligence officials of their security clearances.

Brennan has received an outpouring of support from former top-ranking intelligence officers -- but not much from Republican lawmakers -- since Trump revoked his top secret security clearance last week in retaliation for what the president called "unfounded and outrageous allegations."

Trump served notice that other top former and current officials -- all Democrats -- also were at risk of losing their clearances, and the White House has reportedly drawn up more revocation orders, raising the chilling specter of an "enemies list."

In an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Brennan reaffirmed his most inflammatory accusation against the president.

"I called his behavior treasonous. I stand very much by that claim," he said. "These are abnormal times ... I have seen the signs blinking red on what Mr. Trump has done and is doing."

Brennan leveled the charge after Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last month and cast doubt on the US intelligence community's conclusion that Moscow meddled in the 2016 election to sway it in Trump's favor.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether Trump's campaign colluded with Russia and whether the president sought to obstruction justice.

Earlier this week, Brennan denounced as "hogwash" Trump's repeated claim there was "no collusion" with Russia.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/20/2018 1:59 am

Giuliani says he's not sure collusion is a crime despite Mueller investigation. WHAT???!!!! Collusion is NOT a crime. Shut your big mouth up, Giuliani. What is a crime then?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/20/2018 1:43 am

Oh my gosh, White House shouldn't let Rudy Giuliani go on any TV show for interview. Mr. Giuliani once a former New York mayor, a 911 hero in 2001, an attorney for Trump keeps making things worse for Trump.

Rudy Giuliani said "Truth isn't truth". So, what is "truth"?? Is he having "senile dementia"? This is NOT the first time he said the wrong thing for Trump. Last time was when Giuliani admitted that Trump did pay $130,000 to Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, for that Adult Movie star "Stormy Daniels" but that money was NOT from 2016 campaign funds, so not illegal. But Trump just denied any knowledge of the payment to Stormy Daniels only few days before.

This is like a bad "soap opera" that has no ending. U.S. President became the world laughingstock. I can't endure to see Giuliani's stare his big eyes expression and his wrongful conversation on TV that made his boss, our president, look so bad in front of the world. Does Trump know that he should fire Giuliani??

Honesty is the best policy.