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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
8/28/2018 12:50 pm
'If there's a God, why was my uncle abused by a priest?': Ireland try to keep faith in the Church

Christopher Lamb watches a new Ireland try to come to terms with a Church beset by a abuse scandal

Rising at the crack of dawn and braving pelting rain and driving winds, Irish Catholics made their way for a Mass with Pope Francis in Dublin on Sunday.

The hundreds of thousands of believers who turned out in Phoenix Park must have felt disconnected from a papal visit that was dominated by the sexual abuse scandal inside the Church.

Francis’ two-day visit to Ireland saw him come face-to-face with the rawness of the abuse crisis in the country that has become the Ground Zero for what is arguably the gravest crisis facing the Church in almost 500 years.

It was striking that when John Paul II visited Ireland 39 years ago, more than a million people turned out in Phoenix Park for the papal mass in what was the biggest gathering of people in Irish history. While organisers predicted 500,000 would attend Francis’ Mass, estimates put it the attendance figure at just 200,000.

A combination of weather, security and organisational challenges in a papal visit will all have been factors in the low numbers but anger about abuse and the dramatic changes in over recent years in Irish society played a significant part.

The Church in Ireland is also struggling to connect with a younger generation, many of whom don’t attend Mass and have had their faith damaged by scandals.

“If there is a God then why was my uncle abused by a priest?” Aoife Monaghan, 22, told me last weekend.

There is a palpable feeling of betrayal over the abuse that took place, particularly given the dominant role the Chruch played in Ireland for such a long time. That is no longer the case, as Ireland’s Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, told the Pope. He pointed out laws passed since John Paul II’s visit allowing for divorce, same-sex marriage and a referendum vote which will allow legal abortions.

“The Ireland of the 21st century is a very different place today than it was in the past,” the Taoiseach said during a speech in Dublin Castle last Saturday.

But Mr Varadkar was honest enough to admit that the state had relied on the Church for welfare, education, and healthcare in the country, and took responsibility on behalf of the state for past abuses.

It was, he accepted, both the Church and the state that were responsible for the horrors of the mother and baby homes, and the Magdalene laundries, where single mothers had their put up for adoption and were forced into slave labour.

The Pope, who repeatedly apologised for the abuse and its cover-up while in Dublin, told journalists on the plane back home afterwards that it was while in Ireland that he became aware of these homes.

Within moments of arriving in Dublin Ireland’s Minister for Childhood, Katherine Zappone spoke to him in Italian about the harrowing story of a mass grave at the Tuam mother and baby home which is now being investigated by the state. Zappone has sent him a memo on the topic and how the Church could help which he says he will be studying.

Despite the overwhelming emphasis on abuse, the Pope told reporters on his flight back to Rome that he “found so much faith in Ireland.” He added: “The Irish have suffered so much from the scandals, but they know how to distinguish the truth from half-truths.”

There is also resilience to the faith in ordinary Irish believers who have braved what has been an unending storm of scandal. The Catholic faith, which played such a vital role in keeping Irish identity alive under British rule, is still interwoven into the character of the country.

“Modern Ireland is still a country with faith and spirit and values,” Mr Varadkar told the Pope.

The question is whether Ireland will keep faith with the Church.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/9/2018 9:54 am

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Two weeks after Pope Francis' papacy was thrown into crisis by accusations that he covered up sexual misconduct by ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Francis has refused to respond, his accuser has changed his story and a host of new characters have entered the fray.

Cardinals, bishops, priests and ordinary faithful are demanding answers, given that the Vatican knew since at least 2000 about allegations McCarrick had bedded seminarians.

Francis is coming under increasing pressure to respond to claims by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano that he rehabilitated McCarrick from sanctions Pope Benedict XVI had imposed.

Here is a look at the scandal, which has split the U.S. Catholic hierarchy and further tarnished Francis' record on abuse.


Vigano said in his Aug. 26 expose that Benedict imposed "canonical sanctions" on McCarrick in 2009 or 2010 that were similar to what Francis imposed this summer after McCarrick was accused of groping a minor.

"The cardinal was to leave the seminary where he was living, he was forbidden to celebrate Mass in public, to participate in public meetings, to give lectures, to travel, with the obligation of dedicating himself to a life of prayer and penance," Vigano wrote.

Vigano said he told Francis on June 23, 2013, that McCarrick had "corrupted a generation of seminarians and priests" and that Benedict "ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance."

But he said Francis effectively rehabilitated McCarrick and made him a trusted counselor as he sought to remake the U.S. church leadership to be less focused on the culture wars.

The public record , however, is rife with evidence that McCarrick lived a life devoid of any sanction from 2009 onwards, traveling widely for the church, attending official functions, including at the Vatican alongside Benedict and Vigano, who as Vatican ambassador in 2012 had the duty of honoring him at an awards ceremony in New York.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/9/2018 12:13 am

    Quoting  :

Not many people have the courage to speak up that "god is non-exist". However, according the news and research that more and more people are atheists than before in a rapid rate. According to statistic, the higher educated people the more atheists, especially in USA. You can Google it for the facts.

The Bible was written by PEOPLE 2018 or more years ago when the people were believe that Earth is flat and in the center of solar system. We know the Adam and Eve and a snake story is outrageous fake. We are all adults, we know men and women have sex and got pregnant and have babies, .... Life goes on. How can people believe in such a ridiculous fake story?? Why people wanted to believe those fake story in Bible?? Why they have to enforce the belief Bible, Koran, ... or any other kind of Bible??

Long time ago, I was in a "bible study" with two babies in my arms. One Christian said he and his newly-wed wife dryer was broken down and the clothes couldn't dry up. He said "let's pray for us to get another dryer". Another Christian spoke up that he just purchased a new dryer but the old dryer was still working and willingly to give away the old dryer". The guy said "my prayer worked, the god is listening to my prayer. It is a miracle." I said in my heart, this is BS. He talked to 12 - 15 people, and one of them gave him a dryer. He called this is his prayer working. Shame on him to say in front of a group to ask for a dryer. Nothing to do with a god or there is a god. Crazy people. Then other Christian talked about some other miracle that happened on them. I felt they were all liars, made up stories and contribute to god. One Christian said he had a motorbike accident but god appeared in front of him and he only got minor injury. Unbelievable make-up story. The more they said, the more I don't believe. I stopped to attend bible study. I rather stay home to take care of my two young children.

Some Christians read my blogs may think is "blasphemy" 褻瀆上帝的言詞. Who is wiser, who is naive?? You know what I meant.

It will take long time for the people in the world to know there is no God, no Heaven, no Satan, no Hell. Just like it took long, long time for people believe the Earth is round, oval shape and the Sun is the center of solar system.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/8/2018 8:43 am

    Quoting  :

It took long time for human being to realize that Earth is not in the center of solar system, the Sun is. It took long time in human history to know the earth is not flat, is round oval shape. Of course, it will take long time for people to know that there is no god. If all the trillion people pray to god, which prayer god will listen to?? Why people think that god only listen to you? You are so special?? Did you get what you want or pray for? If your lover or parents are dying, will your prayer work? Have you ever think about this?? There are no previous life or future life, there is only this life from born to die. We are all mortal. Enjoy your life while you are alive.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/8/2018 6:17 am

    Quoting  :

I concurred. If "prayer" has any useful, there will be miracle everywhere, people won't die, natural disasters won't happen, murder cases will stop, ..... I don't think "prayer" will work. The earthquakes, the hurricanes, typhoons, flooding, car accidents, murder cases, .... still will happen, no matter you pray or not. Why people said "god has mercy" but the unfortunate things happened again and again. God has no mercy, or there is no god.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/8/2018 6:05 am

    Quoting  :

When we were little, we needed parents to take care of us, so we followed their belief. When my ex asked me to marry him, his attention was on my U.S. citizenship and social security # to make money and staying in USA. He failed to pass Calif dentist exam for six years, but I helped him to pass and became Calif dentist. Even passed his dentist license, he needed to be legally stay in USA. I was too kind and married him after only 2 and 1/2 months. It was a big mistake to trust him. He said he got dentist license, green card, S.S. # and he will make money for me. He was lying. He is a lazy person, and always a lazy. He stashed his income to himself and never paid any expenses for the household.

I think the neighbors, the whole society surrounding you will also influence you. I thought Catholic and Christian are in the same religion. However, I saw so many "hypocrites" among religious people. Such as this blog title "the priests used their position to have sexual relationships with under age boys in church", the Christian pastor's wife cheated church members' money and disappeared.

On Sept 11th of 2001 the 19 terrorists hijacked 4 U.S. commercial airplanes and killed near 3,000 people, the two WTC (World Trade Center) towers crashed to the ground. (I had been on WTC both towers in 1996 as a tourist looking down New York city) Those 19 stupid Muslim terrorists had been brainwashed that if they killed Americans, they could go to heaven and have 72 wives. The war between Muslims and Christians had began. George W. Bush attacked Mid-East countries, Obama killed Osama bin Ladin, and Trump prohibited 7 Muslim countries to enter to USA. I saw from TV the Muslims killed Christians in a shopping mall and the mall surveillance cameras caught the terrorist attack. France and England had many terrorist attacks too. All of these are because the different religion beliefs. Especially Muslim vs Christians. Muslim's god is Al-La, Christian's god, his son Jesus and Holy Angels.

If every one knows "god is non-exist", the world will be much peaceful. Why people believe that god has "mighty power"? So, why god let natural disasters, the murder cases, the wars, ....happened?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/1/2018 8:21 am

    Quoting charlesmartel0:
    The Church isn't God, but is to represent God on Earth. It's created and run by mere human mortals, with their natural impulses, moral failings, and outright criminality. Sometimes the corruption has gone to, or near, the top, and been allowed or hidden at the lower levels.

    Pope Francis, as much as I disagree with him, can hardly be fired for problems that occurred before his election, unless he can be shown to be conspiring to allow them to continue. I do think he has a more socially active attitude, so I expect after some thought he'll make his statement.

    I have seen rumors, and I can't really point you to a source, but starting back in the 1960s, anti-Church people conspired to flood the priesthood with homosexuals and deviants whose mission was to create these scandals for the Church. Take that for what it's worth.
My fundamentally different concept is beyond "there is no religion", but also "there is no god". Not many people can accept the concept of "god is non-exist". Many natural disaster can be explained, such as earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, .... murder cases, .... the beginning of the universe, ....

As my religion history, I was born and raised as a "Catholic" under my mother's belief and influence. In Nov of 1986, my ex-husband wanted my U.S. citizenship to get his "Green Card" and ultimately U.S. citizen, he proposed me. We went to Catholic church but been told that my ex had to be converted to a "Catholic". It would taken too long, so we went to Evangelical church to get married. That Christian church asked "donation" to build a church instead of renting. When my two children were very little, the pastor's wife told me to invest on a project in many hundred acres of land in Lancaster, California, in return to get "high interest". It was a "Ponzi Scheme". The pastor's wife said she was merely making commission, but her boss took estimated between 25 to 36 million and fled to Asia. They used the latter investor's money to pay the earlier investor's interest payment. They took away my $50K and my mother's $100K savings in 1993 or 1994. The priest had been fired 4 months later. If there is a god, why he or she let this scheme happened. I started to doubt.

If you live in USA, most likely you are a "Christian". If you live in Mid-East, you probably a Muslim. If you are in India, you believe in Hinduism. In China, people believe in Buddhism. Because you are under the influence of your parents, teachers, neighbors, .... you believe what they believe. If there is a god, he should be ubiquitous. Why people need to build beautiful church, temple, synagogue, Mosque to pray for their god? Isn't god can hear you, no matter where you are?? Why we have to worship him?? To bribe your god in order to go to heaven after death?? Can that paster's wife go to heaven after she cheated so many church members?? How to judge people to go to heaven or hell?? God must be very busy. I haven't heard from a god talking to me.
Pope Francis breaks silence on Pennsylvania Catholic abuse scandal.

A spokesperson for Pope Francis on Thursday broke the Vatican’s silence on a grand jury report outlining sexual abuse allegations against Catholic priests in Pennsylvania, calling the details in the report “criminal and morally reprehensible."

“The abuses described in the report are criminal and morally reprehensible,” the spokesperson said, according to media reports. “Those acts were betrayals of trust that robbed survivors of their dignity and their faith.”
Do you dare to speak up your different belief?? or you are a "silent lamb".

Honesty is the best policy.

charlesmartel0 60M

9/1/2018 3:55 am

The Church isn't God, but is to represent God on Earth. It's created and run by mere human mortals, with their natural impulses, moral failings, and outright criminality. Sometimes the corruption has gone to, or near, the top, and been allowed or hidden at the lower levels.

Pope Francis, as much as I disagree with him, can hardly be fired for problems that occurred before his election, unless he can be shown to be conspiring to allow them to continue. I do think he has a more socially active attitude, so I expect after some thought he'll make his statement.

I have seen rumors, and I can't really point you to a source, but starting back in the 1960s, anti-Church people conspired to flood the priesthood with homosexuals and deviants whose mission was to create these scandals for the Church. Take that for what it's worth.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/29/2018 8:48 am

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of American Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, from the College of Cardinals, ordering him to a “life of prayer and penance” after allegations that the cardinal sexually abused minors and adult seminarians over the course of decades, the Vatican announced on Saturday.

In a video said there are more than 1,000 victims, more than 300 priests maybe 1,000 priests involved sexual abuse scandals. The Catholic church has covered up those scandals over 70 years period.

If there is a god, he or she should stop these priests committed sexual abuses to young boys for many decades. What is a god? God is supposed to do the people can't do (miracle), i.e. stop crimes, stop natural disasters, murder, accidents, wars, ..... On the contrary, there are so many different religions which created many hatred and wars. People have to defense their religion is the REAL religion, their god is the real one. Everyone believes if they believe in their god, then they can go to heaven. What is a heaven? Heaven is a place for dead people just walking, relaxing, doing nothing, meeting their dead ancestors and relatives??? Give me a break!!!

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/29/2018 7:59 am

Catholic Cardinal Calls On Pope Francis To Step Down Over Alleged Sexual Abuse Coverup

A top Catholic Church figure is calling on Pope Francis to resign after another official published a letter accusing senior Vatican officials of covering up widespread sexual abuse for decades.

“I do think it’s about limiting the days of this pope, and short of that, neutering his voice or casting ambiguity around him,” Cardinal Joseph Tobin, who was appointed by Pope Francis in 2016, told The New York Times on Monday. “And it’s part of a larger upheaval both within and without the church.”

The 11-page letter, written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and published on two conservative Catholic news platforms over the weekend, alleged officials were aware that ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, formerly the archbishop of Washington, molested young seminarians as early as 2000.

According to Viganò, Pope Francis also learned of McCarrick’s behavior in 2013 and subsequently rehabilitated him (Pope Benedict XVI had reportedly sanctioned McCarrick in 2009 or 2010). McCarrick resigned last month after various news outlets published accounts of his alleged abuse.

“I won’t say a word about it,” Francis said Sunday when asked about the accusations.

Some who fall on the more liberal side of the church have rushed to the pope’s defense, dismissing the letter as a hit piece and reminding audiences of how conservative Viganò’s views are (he blames sexual abuse on homosexuality). More conservative officials, like Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia, rushed to Viganò’s defense.

Partisan schisms aside, the letter places added pressure on the pope, who has already been under fire after a grand jury report released earlier this month found evidence of sexual abuse within Pennsylvania’s church having been covered up on a heinous scale. More than 1,000 children were abused in a period of more than 70 years.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/29/2018 12:35 am

Some religions have restrictions on food.

Jews eat Kosher food that restrict Jews to eat seashell food, i.e. shrimp, crab, clam, ... no pork either.

Hindu prohibits to eat beef.

Muslim prohibits to eat pork.

I don't like religion to limit my spectrum of food. I eat anything edible. Just some food I like more than other. No restriction. I want to enjoy food for the rest of my life.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/28/2018 11:51 pm

I was born and raised in Catholic family. I know the Catholic dogmas are very strict. Priests and nuns have to be virgins for lifetime. No sex, no marriage and devote themselves to God. Those priests who committed sexual abuse scandals are even worse than regular mundane people. Because .....

1) Those priests used their "power" (representatives of god) to threaten those under age boys to have anal intercourse to satisfy their desire. Those young boys were so afraid to be punished by god, they didn't dare to speak up. Those boys believed nobody would believe them, if they spoke-up. It was very terrible situation for those young boys.

2) Those priests were "pedophilia". The priest knew the young boys didn't have strength or courage to resist. The mental scar was very bad.

3) Those priests should use their hands to ejaculate, if they couldn't control their desire. The so called " masturbation ". At least masturbation won't hurt those innocent healthy young boys.

4) I understand that Catholic dogmas are too strict and the priests are human too. But I think those priests shouldn't use their power to threat the boys and made them be quiet for 50 - 60 years. The physical and mental scar were very severe. I think those anal sex made young boys very painful.

I am an atheist / agnostic since my separation in 2004. I don't believe there is a god or heaven. Bible was written by HUMAN 2018 years ago. I am NOT greedy to go to heaven after death. I already had a "Will" that I will be cremated in an urn and remain on earth.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
8/28/2018 12:58 pm

Pope Francis stays silent over sex abuse claims.

Honesty is the best policy.