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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
9/2/2018 12:07 am
Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment

Disapproval of Donald Trump is at a new high, support for the Mueller investigation is broad and half of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against the president.

60% in the national survey disapprove of Trump’s performance in office, numerically the highest of his presidency, albeit by a single point; that includes 53% who disapprove strongly, more than half for the first time. 36% approve, matching his low.

The results come a week after Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was convicted of fraud, and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to eight felonies, including illegal campaign finance actions that he said Trump directed.

Trump’s average approval rating since taking office is the lowest for any president in modern polling since the 1940s. One factor: Contrary to his “drain the swamp” rhetoric, 45% say corruption in Washington has increased under Trump, while just 13% say it’s declined.

Suspicions of the president relating to the Mueller investigation are substantial. 61% say that if assertions by Cohen are true, Trump broke the law. 53% also think Trump obstructed special counsel Robert Mueller’s work.

The national survey, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds that half the public supports Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against Trump, 49-46 %; support rises to 57% among women. And support for the investigation running its course is broader: Americans overall back Mueller’s probe by 63-29 %. 52% support it strongly, a high level of strong sentiment.

Mueller prosecuted Manafort and referred the Cohen case to federal prosecutors in New York. Support for Mueller’s investigation peaks at 85% among Democrats, but also takes in 67% of independents and even a third of Republicans ( 32 % ). 41% of conservatives back Mueller, rising to more than 7 in 10 moderates and liberals.

In Trump’s dispute with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for allowing the investigation to proceed, the public sides with Sessions, 62-23%. 64% also oppose the idea of Trump firing Sessions; just 19% support it.

Further, while Trump has railed against the Manafort prosecution, Americans call it justified by an overwhelming 67-17%, including nearly half of Republicans. The public opposes Trump pardoning Manafort by essentially the same margin, 66-18%, with 53% strongly opposed. Even among Republicans, 45% oppose a Manafort pardon; 36% support it.

The damage to Trump on these ethics concerns overwhelms his better rating for handling the economy, an essentially even split, 45-47%. That demonstrates that a good economy only makes it possible for a president to be popular – it’s no guarantee.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/2/2018 9:08 am

USA is a "democracy", "bipartisan" country. I am an U.S. citizen, have a vote just like any U.S. citizen has. I've lived in USA longer than my birthplace, Taiwan.

I am a Democrat, so when a Republican president in White House, Democrats have the right to do the "Checks and Balances" 制衡; 防止政府權力濫用,以維護人 民普遍的生命、自由、財產等權利並且規定人民應遵守之義務. I know this is Asia Friendfinder and many Asians don't care about U.S. politics, but in many cases that a POTUS can influence the life of the world, such as "tariffs". In USA, we have "First Amendment" that is freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of press. Of course, people have different opinions on many topics and matters. I really like the "1st Amendment" but I dislike "2nd Amendment". We are no longer in "Wild, Wild West" time 100 years ago, we are in digital internet "World Wide Web" time. The news of any incident can spread out as fast as a fire from internet.

I know "politics" and "religion" are very sensitive topics. Both topics are very personal and political. The reasons that i stay on Asia Friendfinder because there is "blogs" that I can talk about my opinions and discussion on the things that matter to us.

Yes, I go to the ballot booth to cast a vote every 4 years for the presidential elections. It is my voice, my right and obligation. I vote for a POTUS base on personality, attitude, behavior, language, the core value, NOT on the wealth, or color of the skin. I am educated and use my best judgement over my observation and experience.

I was a Catholic at birth, a Christian at wedding, and became an "atheist/ agonist" since separation in 2004. It is my life experience involve religion belief. When I read a profile that says "god fear", regular church goer, bible study, .... I stop reading and go to next. Because it is too much differences to talk about.

If you've ever read my blogs, you know I am a Democrat and an atheist. I don't want to change any one, but don't want to be changed either.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/2/2018 7:50 am

I can't forgive Trump for what he said and done of following things.

1. "Grab them by the pu**Y, you can do anything" that really insult every woman in the world.
2. "If I stand on 5th Avenue (in New York) and shoot a person, I won't lose a vote".
3. "Disarm her (Hillary Clinton) bodyguard's weapon, see what will happen on her".
4. The NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) with $130,000 payment to cover-up the extra-marital affairs with adult movie star, Stormy Daniels and $150,000 with Playboy Magazine model, Karen McDougal for extra-marital affairs in 2006 when his 3rd wife just gave the birth of a baby boy, Barron Trump. The paid-off time was right before the presidential election in 2016 handled by his private attorney, Michael Cohen. Are those paid off money from campaign finance?
5. Trump said he will release his two years income tax returns, if he won the presidential election. However, we haven't seen his income tax report that he has been in White House for 19+ months.
6. Trump praised NRA as "good people". The Las Vegas massacre killed 58 persons and school shooting at a high school in Florida that killed 17 people and a high school shooting in Texas. Trump said the teachers should carry guns to fight back.
7. Nobody knows about the truth of the "pee-pee" video tape at a hotel in Moscow, Russia and how much connection with Russia that the meeting at Trump Tower in New York. It is still under investigation.
8. Trump doubted Obama was born in Kenya. Trump admitted Obama birthplace was Hawaii for only 10 seconds in front of news journalists to use the medias to introduce his new hotel grand-opening for his own good.
9. Trump withdrew "Paris climate change agreement". Trump said coal is the better energy source. coal can pollute the air quality.
10. Trump has fired so many staffs in his cabinet, the most famous person is former FBI Director, James Comey. Trump fired Anthony Scaramucci as communications director, just 11 days after he was announced for the job. So many vacancies in Trump administration, so many White House staffs left.
11. Trump raised tariffs on steel 25% and aluminum 10% that almost cause "trade war".
12. Trump reduced income tax bracket for rich people from 35% to 21%. It is like "reversal of Robin Hood" - rob the poor for the rich.

The only good thing for Trump is to ease the North Korea nuclear weapon threaten over a meeting with Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea.

Honesty is the best policy.