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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
11/23/2018 9:18 pm
Black rooster's story in Tuscany region on Oct 21

Join agency has a benefit to know the local people's lives. In the picture with a black rooster's story. Florence and Siena lived not too far from each other, but due to the generation conflicts, they don't speak to each other or marry each other (even up to this date). In the 13th century, one day they decided to end the borderline dispute. Florence chose a black rooster and Siena chose a white rooster. The night before the walking day, Florence people let the black rooster hungry overnight, so the black rooster woke up very early in the morning and Florence people started to walk toward to Siena. That's why Florence has larger territory than Siena. That cause many "Romeo and Juliet" story that can't get married. Young couple love each other but their families rejected. So, if you are in Florence, do not say Siena is better. If you are in Siena, don't say Florence is better because they hate each other.

There are many similar story in other cities just as similar as Florence and Siena, they live not too far from each other but they don't like each other. I heard a female tour guide in Sicily said her marriage to a guy that her father rejected because his background. However, the woman finally convinced her father and let them get married. A happy ending of Romeo and Juliet story. (I don't recall the two different cites in Sicily but she and her husband has generation hatred). There are many similar story in Italy. Many cities near each other but they don't speak or marry each other.

Later on that day, we went to a farmhouse. The wife's name is Christina who said she and her husband (was at home helping to cook too) own their house for 4 acres and they have a 6 acres land of vineyard. Christina's parents and siblings own over 100+ acres in total. Christina taught us how to make pasta from the scratch (from flour). Italians love to eat "pasta", they eat pasta like Asians eat rice. Farmers are very busy, they have lots of daily work, feed the chicken, collect eggs from hens, feed the ducks, dogs, cats, cows, work at vineyard, cooking, do laundry, .... She let each of us wear an apron and helping to make pasta. Her husband cook meat and pasta. They have a college graduated but their wasn't at home that day. From the pictures they display I can see they are happy family. They tried to use easy English to express their lives as farmers. Many Italians especially in Tuscany and Umbria regions are farmers and doing agriculture works.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/24/2018 6:24 am

In photo 2 next to two large bamboo spoons, you can see Christina made two "pot holders" like pyramid shape. She sold a pair of "pot holders" for 5 EURO and my group people bought many pairs, all sold out. Christina has to make more.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/23/2018 11:17 pm

Watch my photo in the "black rooster", I wore a pair white shoes. Later on that pair of shoes bottom fell off due to too much walking on roads that have cobblestone. I had to buy new pair of shoes (blue leather) in Rome. In my 36 days in Italy I only saw one woman walked in high-heel shoe in Rome. So, you understand how much importance to wear a comfortable shoes in Italy. Lots of walking and the cobblestone roads are made 2,000 - 3,000 years ago for horse to walk. At that time, no car as transpiration. How can our shoes compare with horse shoes? My feet are hurting .... even now.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/23/2018 10:37 pm

I'd like to remind you, if you are in Florence, don't say you like Siena people better to the local Florence people. We know why Florence is larger than Siena because the "black rooster". Till this date, they still hate each other and don't marry each other. Later on, when I was in a Sicilian's house for lunch, the man was born and raised in Siena. One of my 3rd group woman started to say she went to Florence. I immediately stopped her with "Black rooster" story. The Sienan host kept nodding his head and agreed my "black rooster's story". That Siena man married to a Sicilian woman.

As Christina farmhouse was the 1st farmer we went to, but later on I realized O.A.T. arranged many local residents (Italians) to invite us to their homes and to know their family and their lives. They are all very busy with tedious farm works. I will share with you as my journey continued.

Honesty is the best policy.