1ClassyLady 68F
3121 posts
12/12/2018 11:11 am
Google CEO explained to Congress Why Googling "idiot" shows Trump

If you watched the TV yesterday, Dec 11, 2018, you would saw Google CEO, Mr. Sundar Pichai was questioned by Congress woman, Ms. Zoe Lofgren. Ms. Lofgren asked "If you search for the key word "idiot" on Google and the image appeared Donald Trump". After watched that TV clip, I Googled the word "idiot" and Donald Trump image appeared on my computer screen. You can try it yourself.

Search for the term “idiot” on Google and several photographs of President Donald Trump will appear high in the image results.

On Tuesday, the search engine giant’s CEO Sundar Pichai had the task of explaining to members of Congress why that happens during a hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

Pichai refuted Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-Calif.) tongue-in-cheek suggestion that it was down to “a little man sitting behind the curtain” who was skewing the results against conservatives — saying the company doesn’t “manually intervene” in searches.

“We provide search today for any time you type in a keyword. We, as Google, have gone out and crawled and stored copies of billions of their pages in our index, and we take the keyword and match it against the pages and rank them based on over 200 signals,” Pichai explained.

Things like relevance, freshness, popularity, how other people are using it. And based on that, you know, at any given time, we try to find the best results for that query,” he added, during the hearing that also threw up several other self-owns for lawmakers.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
12/31/2018 12:52 pm

    Quoting  :

We need to wait until Special Counsel, Robert Mueller's investigation report that will be revealed in February 2019. What names people called Donald J. Trump are not important. We need Mr. Mueller to present evidence that the money used from 2016 Champagne funds. Lately, they are investigating Trump inauguration donations too.

U.S. has laws and nobody is above the law, even Trump can't above the law. Trump has never revealed his IRS annual income reports. Trump IRS income tax can reveal lots of money sources.

So far, we know the indictments involved Trump team are George Papadopolou, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, and W. Samuel Patten..... are cooperate with Mr. Mueller. We don't know the detail yet.

Calling Trump names can't impeach him, until Robert Mueller investigation reveals evidences that Trump has done something against Laws. I am not an attorney, so don't know how much involvement Trump has with Russia. But we already saw so many his cabinet personnel have left so fast, so many. Today is the Secretary of Defense, James Mattis last day. White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly is leaving soon.

January 3rd, 2019 the House majority is Democrat. We shall see.

Happy New Year 2019.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
12/14/2018 2:50 pm

Google had been kicked out of China since more than 10 years ago. Because Chinese government wanted to prevent the similar incidents appeared in China. You know, Chinese government is "thin skinned" 【口】臉皮薄, they can't take criticisms or different opinions. They only have had one political party that is "Communist" party.

On the contrary, we can criticize even the top position as U.S. President, Donald Trump (he is also a "thin skinned"). Because we have bipartisan Democracy to "checks and balances" and "freedom of speech, press and religion" in USA.

I can't live without Google search engine, YouTube video, Gmail address, Google autonomous car (Waymo), Google Translate, Google Maps, Android software for smartphone, ...., etc.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
12/12/2018 11:26 am

You also can Google "Nancy Pelosi just mocked the President to his face in the Oval Office". This is also yesterday's top news.

As Dec 10, 2018 you can read the top news "Top House of Democrats raise prospect of impeachment, jail for Trump". Google them and see for yourself.

Honesty is the best policy.