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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
3/13/2019 11:16 pm
Security door and Ring doorbell with battery and Wi-Fi camera

Since my next door been broken-in at daylight 11 am on 2/25/2019, they installed a security door plus Ring doorbell with battery (wireless) and Wif-Fi camera that connected to smartphone app. I am planing to do the same. But the security bar will be in the back yard instead.

I was home that day watching CNBC for stock market. I heard the helicopter above my house, I immediately realized something went wrong because the helicopter flew very low like above my head. I saw at least 5 police cars in front of my neighbor's home with gun and rifles. The only person was in neighbor's house was a 13 years old boy, he was on 2nd floor heard loud patio door broken sound. He went to stairs and saw a Black man looks like African was going to 2nd floor and spoke to a Black girl downstairs in African language (not in English). The boy went back to his room and locked himself in his room and called 911, two Blacks ran out of the house. They didn't lose anything but broken doors (2 layer glass door).

A policeman gave us a Neighborhood Watch meeting (seminar) on 3/9/2019 Saturday at 10 am. The meeting lasted 2 hours. We will have a sign on our street that says "Neighborhood Watch".

I and my went to Home Depot on Sunday to shop for Ring doorbell products. We have been told Ring with battery included is very easy to install. Home Depot Ring doorbell prices are the same as Amazon but we can ask questions to Home Depot in person at store. I have been told if there is wire at door, to install is very easy. But if no wire at door (back yard), to install needs to go through wall that will be expensive.

Best of all, Ring doorbell will notify your smartphone that there is a burglar(s) at your house, or talk to the UPS guy to deliver at the front door, or talk to your when they come home. You even can record the burglar's action and show to the police. High tech stuffs are so very efficient.

Photo 1: Security door
Photo 2: Ring doorbell that connect with your smartphone app (notify you immediately)
Photo 3: Floodlight cam that has motion detector to light-up (for back yard without doorbell). It also connect to your smartphone, record the incident, talk to the suspect.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/18/2019 4:00 am

    Quoting  :

I have already installed the Ring Video Doorbell at my front door 2 days ago. It is pretty good. I can see anyone who in and out or standing at front door even that person didn't ring the doorbell. It is motion activated. I also get app that connects to the Ring doorbell. I can see the person even I am in gym, supermarket, shopping mall, .... with my smartphone. Wonderful stuffs. I feel much better. I also bought two Ring Floodlight cams for the backyard but these two devices need to "hard-wire" to my backyard lamps. I will hire a guy to install them. The security door guy took the measurement of the two gates and he will be back to install security gates few days later.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/17/2019 8:46 am

    Quoting beyondfantasy3:
    ANYONE ... entering another's home forcefully, has already prepared themselves to harm or kill the occupants... or they would not have come in.

    They certainly did not come in with the intent to "say, Oh' excuse me, I'm sorry, I did not know you were home"...
My next door 13 year old boy saw the African man with gun walking toward upstairs and that boy ran back to his room and the African man was talking in African language (not in English) with an African woman downstairs.

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
3/17/2019 7:08 am

ANYONE ... entering another's home forcefully, has already prepared themselves to harm or kill the occupants... or they would not have come in.

They certainly did not come in with the intent to "say, Oh' excuse me, I'm sorry, I did not know you were home"...

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/16/2019 2:36 am

    Quoting special_manager:
    Dear,You are wonderful. My warmest wishes and Regards.
In order to protect my property and my son and myself, I need to secure my safety. I posted this blog to remind the bloggers who read my blog that there is alternative way to ensure safety from burglars rather than guns or weapons.

I want peaceful way to protect myself than shooting the intruders. I prevent intruders to come in than defend them after they break-in and shooting them with guns.

I already installed the Ring Video Doorbell and every time my son or I in or out of the door, the video went on even I am NOT home. New experience to me.

Honesty is the best policy.

special_manager 70M

3/15/2019 10:14 pm

Dear,You are wonderful. My warmest wishes and Regards.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/14/2019 2:17 pm

I went to Home Depot to buy Ring Video Doorbell 2 - Battery for $199 (no installation needed) for front door and a Ring Floodlight Cam for $249 (need hard wired) for backyard. Home Depot gave me instant $25 discount after I applied Home Depot credit card.

An electrician will come to install the backyard Ring Floodlight Cam for me in late afternoon. I also will install security gate for backyard.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/14/2019 12:12 pm

    Quoting  :

No, I don't want a gun. Even the police who gave our neighbors a seminar doesn't recommend to own a gun either. He said "unless you are in life-threaten danger to use gun to shoot the intruder, the intruder can sue you if you are NOT in life-threaten situation". The police said to install security door and surveillance camera to protect you from burglars are highly recommended. He said he can't advertise for Ring doorbell or Ring surveillance cameras but his neighbors have those equipment on their houses and said the products are good.

In California, the jails are full, so the sentence for 3 years but the jail time actually only 16 days. If the property loss less than $999, the burglars are free to go. The police said he carry gun but he doesn't recommend to use gun.

I called a guy to estimate security doors for my backyard today and call another guy to install the Ring video doorbell at front door and Ring surveillance camera with two motion activated lights for back doors. I rather use those equipment to protect my property before the burglars come inside. I don't like to use gun AFTER the intruders are in.

You can Google "Ring Video Doorbell" and watch the videos. You can talk to the UPS guy to drop the delivery at your front door, talk to your visitors at your front door, or bad burglars "Get Out of My Property" and then press the "Alarm" sound right on your smartphone. You also can record that burglar's face. Isn't that wonderful?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/14/2019 1:09 am

I also emailed the same article to my PhD physicist and banker friend. They replied said the security door looks "flimsy". I have to say that security door image is from internet copied and pasted, I didn't actually take picture of my neighbor's security door. Their front door is like my front door that are double doors, so the security door is wider for double door. It is brand new. The couple are both dentists went to work at same dental office they own and left their 13 y/o son alone at home on 2/25/2019 and burglars went in from their backyard patio door.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/14/2019 12:45 am

The full name is "Ring Video Doorbell" with battery and Wi-Fi camera.

You can see the UPS deliver to your front door even you are in a supermarket, gym, or shopping mall, ..... anywhere you are. You can see anyone at your front door and back yard. You can talk to them, sound the alarm, record the action, ....

Isn't that wonderful?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/13/2019 11:57 pm

I've lived in the same house for 25 and 1/2 years. It locates at top of a hill. Nothing happened but till recent days. I bought this house brand new (model house) in Nov 1994, it has been peaceful for the past 25.5 years.

I saw the Ring doorbell TV commercial and suggested my neighbor to get Ring. They did what I told them and now I need the same stuffs for myself.

The Ring connect to your smartphone with an App that is very efficient. You can talk to the person, you can sound the alarm, you can record the burglar's action. The cost is only $200.

I don't own a gun and don't want to either. So, to protect myself is to install a Ring doorbell and security door.

Honesty is the best policy.