1ClassyLady 69F
3121 posts
8/14/2019 2:41 am
Pro Democracy vs. Pro Communism

Ever since Hong Kong uproar for 2 months because Communist China government wants to tighten its control on HK and want to extradite HK citizens to China for trials, if HK people have different opinions or voice against China.

I really don't like confrontation, I don't like to see the protest became bleeding riots. However, the calmly demonstration won't work when HK citizens feel that their "human rights" have been destroyed. China government wants to intervene the HK judiciary laws. This is violated "two systems policy" as China promised.

A blogger said all the American journalists reported the news in favor of HK people. He said HK people lose the calmness and accuse me that I have vendetta with China. I am very disappointed for an Aussie who has lived in China several years became a Pro Communism. It is sad.

I always feel lucky to be born and raised in Taiwan that I wasn't brainwashed by communist. HK people were lucky that HK was British colony for 99 years. HK and Taiwan have had Democracy education. We weren't been brainwashed by communists. That is why we are not silent lambs, have freedom of speech, religion and press.

Chinese government should apologize to Chinese people for "Cultural Revolution" for a decade and massacred million of intelligent people, the Tiananmen square massacre (the tank man) hundred of protest students died on June 4th about 30 years ago, the Fa-Lum-Gong members disappeared and their human organs (kidneys, liver, heart, ...) have been taken out, the abortion for One-Baby policy (rather than take contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancies). For so many cruelties, and yet Chinese people are silent lambs, nobody protested because they don't have bipartisan system to "checks and balance" their government. The tyranny won't work on HK and Taiwanese people.

When I emigrated to USA at age 24, I got a job as Loan Secretary at a bank. Few days later there was a 70+ old man got a teller job and he could speak English. During lunch time, I asked him why he could come to USA. He told me he was graduated from the best university - Chin-Hua university and was married and had a . Then the Cultural Revolution, he had been locked up in a jail for years, no food but they gave him lots of cigarettes. So, he addicted to cigarettes. He had been beaten hard and been sent to rural area. He was very slim and tall. Communists separated him from his wife and and no mail or news or visiting at jail for years. His tears came down his face when he talked. His parents and younger brother, sister came to USA before the Cultural Revolution, but he was married, so he couldn't apply. Until many years later, he finally connected with his parents and siblings to USA. He smoke very heavily. I heard so many sad stories. The higher scholars, the worse situation, most of them died.

Of course, I don't want to see HK protest became violence. I think "Referendum" in Hong Kong and Taiwan is a must. Let people speak out what they want. It is easy from poor to rich, but difficult from rich to be poor. A pro Democracy can't tolerate pro Communist. Freedom is very important.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/15/2019 4:23 pm

I have never been a silent lamb. If an Aussie accused me "McCarthyism and of segregation", I certainly will fight back. I have never been brainwashed by communists. I have had Democracy education. I dislike violence, massacre, k*llings. I am a health care personnel.

I like to travel to see the world. My mom came to USA 2 years before I came. She found a job and applied me to come to USA. The application was approved by USA in Sept and president Jimmy Carter announced to abandon Taiwan in Nov of '79 (I can't put 4 digits together, Chinese FriendFinder suspect 4 digits together as giving away my phone #s). My mom was worried about China to attack and occupy Taiwan, so she applied me to come to USA. No, we don't like communists. They are cruel and brainwashed its people that Taiwan is part of China. It is barbaric gesture. If China is a peaceful, educational, rational country, I bet HK and Taiwan people will be glad to be unified with them. But the fact China is NOT a peaceful rational country.

I was in shock that an Aussie has been brainwashed because he received salary from China. He is pro Communism. I am in USA, what can he do to me?? K*ll me?? An Aussie became a communist and gave me a label as "McCarthyism and of segregation". Shame on him. Shame, shame, shame.

The fear of communist made me come to USA for peaceful life. I am not a pro Trump, I am a fan of President Obama. Obama is a kindhearted person. I had a fight with a pro Trump Caucasian female roommate for 2 weeks in Sicily. She came in to my room on Nov 5 last year. I asked her why didn't your husband come along with you to Sicily? She said her husband is a hunter, he prefers hunting than traveling. He owns 6 or 7 rifles and 6 or 7 pistols. They live in northern California. Then she said Obama is not a good president, Hillary should lock in jail and Trump will make America great again. I was in shock. I said quietly "I am a Democrat". From that on, I didn't talk to her and she was walk far away from me. She snored, coughed and held a hot water bottle in her chest and opened all the windows at every hotel we stayed in Sicily. She talked loudly on her phone from Sicily, Italy to N. Calif to her husband because her hearing-aid was not working well. That is why I don't want to introduce Sicily, Italy in my blogs. Now you understand I am a Democrat and pro peace. I dislike 2nd Amendment, don't own a gun.

What in the Earth, the Aussie accused me I am pro Trump??? We have presidential election in Nov next year, we will change the residents in White House.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/15/2019 3:03 pm

This is the most outrageous accusation that I am pro-Trump. If any bloggers have read my blogs should know that I am a Democrat and posted many blogs to criticize Trump. He is a big liar that I am a fan of Trump. He didn't read my profile "BTW, if you are a fan of Trump or NRA, we are not good match". He said I am in the same as Trump. He is a idiot, a liar. I am a big fan of President Obama, my PhD physicist friend too.

The Cultural Revolution in China for 10 years is the most cruel, the most blood-shed, massacre in the world. It is a fact that you can't deny. I don't like Chiang, Kai-Shek who escaped from China to Taiwan and massacre innocent Taiwanese for 58 days either. The 228 incident in Taiwan due to language barrier. When they retreated to Taiwan, they spoke Chinese but Taiwanese spoke local dialect, Taiwanese. The language caused arguments and Chiang used military force to Taiwanese. Of course, I know the story as my ancestor have been in Taiwan for 400 years.

Ever since Trump said Hua-wei using computer to hack information in Europe and warned Europeans not to use Hua-wei 5G network, this Aussie guy immediately said Hua-wei and China have the best hi-tech that better than USA. I don't care what Trump said or Hua-wei computer technology is better or not. I am not a Trump fan. Trump always said or tweeted weird stuffs. However, this Aussie emphasized that I am on Trump side. He is ridiculous. I have never use Hua-wei products, I use Samsung smartphone S7 which is South Korean company.

As we know China, North Korea, North Vietnam, East Germany and Russia are communists. At least those countries didn't force their Democracy side to unify as one. Russia even let many countries to be independent.

This Aussie mentioned he is a computer guy and worked in China and met his ex-wife in China. Because Trump made a warning to Europe that not to use Huawei products, this Aussie jumped on me because I am an American. In USA, we have Democratic and Republican parties. I am not in Trump party and never vote for him. Why accused me be a Trump fan? I have no control of Trump what to say. But I will vote for Democrat next year.

I am afraid of Chinese government cruelty that is why I came to USA and resided for 39 years. The basic differences between Democracy and Communist, we have bipartisan system, presidential election, checks and balance of sitting president by the opposite party. What in the world he accused me McCarthyism and of segregation. He is crazy to protect China because he is receiving salary from China, or Huawei.

I have already blocked him. I can't talk with a crazy person who is pro communist. China wants destroy Hong Kong and Taiwan, force us to be communists. Why can't we protest and fight back? Does he want 25 million of Taiwanese die? China tried to tighten its control on Hong Kong is to show to Taiwanese that we are the next target. Understand??? Only the pro communist thought China is peacefully to extradite HK people to China for a fair trial. Nobody including the US journalists know what is China's real intention.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/14/2019 8:53 pm

    Quoting oldghost32:
    A blogger said all the American journalists reported the news in favor of HK people. He said HK people lose the calmness and accuse me that I have vendetta with China. I am very disappointed for an Aussie who has lived in China several years became a Pro Communism. It is sad.

    That's just silly of you, and nothing like what I said at all. Nor did I accuse you of anything. Nor did I use the words ALL That is the sort of hysterical unreasoning and argument I am commenting on. I am not Pro-Communist, though it seems you (and Donald Trump) assert that if I am not against them I must be for them. You are using his mode of thinking.

    You like to trot out the history of Communist China but conveniently pass over the 40 years of dictatorship in Taiwan, the eras of McCarthyism and of segregation
    and the lies of Nixon and Bush.

    Again, I say, take out the hysteria and look at the facts and discuss them with balance
You are ridiculous. I have repeatedly said I don't like Trump, I am a Democrat, Trump is a Republican. Trump said "grab them by the pus*y" and he supports "2nd Amendment" and NRA (National Rifle Assoc.) that really pissed me that caused so many innocent lives have died. I am a pro-Obama voter. I miss Obama the good 8 years as US president. Trump's racist words upset me. You are so crazy. How much Communist China pay you to say this ridiculous things? You will be removed from my blogs after I finish this typing.

Can you deny that so many millions Chinese people died during Cultural Revolution. It is the top #1 k*lling in the world. Can you deny June 4th massacre that hundred protest students died 30 years ago at Tiananmen square? Now Chinese government wants to k*ll HK and Taiwan people. They weapon threaten 25 millions Taiwanese people. You seem happy with that words such as invective and rancor to describe me that enough insult on me.

I don't know your education level? But as an Aussie like you should have Democracy concept. I am very disappointed to see you become a Communist. How much China pay you to work for them??

Can you deny that China has only one political party that is communist?? That is tyranny. Chinese government had too much blood in their hands for so many years ever since 70 years ago. What is a Democracy country that is another party to checks and balance the party that their leader is in. Communist only has one party.

This is the last chance for you to comment on my blogs. You are not welcome here. Good-bye.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/14/2019 6:06 pm

Hong Kong protesters sing "Do You Hear The People Sing?,” from musical Les Misérables and the anthem of Hong Kong protests in 2014, resurfaced in Sunday's demonstrations over the controversial China extradition bill.

It is a peaceful demonstration by singing a song to express that China should listen to HK citizens voice. They touched my heart. HK people are classical, peaceful and educational protesters. However, Chinese government "Do You Hear The People Sing?"

On the contrary, Chinese authority sent military in Shenzhen, south China. The Chinese government wants ignorant people to obey whatever communist leader wants. They use the weapons to quench protesters as usual.

It is different levels, can't communicate with them. Don't stoop to their level.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/14/2019 2:58 am

Warning: Pro Communist are not welcome to my blogs. Their comments will irritate me.

Massacre is cruelty and wrong. Hong Kong and Taiwan don't belong to China. We don't want to be k*lled or even controlled.

Honesty is the best policy.