1ClassyLady 68F
3120 posts
3/14/2020 5:35 pm
Shame on Zhao Lijian 赵立坚, CCP spokesman

Zhao Lijian tweeted on Twitter as follows:

1. Chinese spox: We hope certain US officials could focus on domestic response & international cooperation instead of trying to shift the blame to China by denigrating Chinese efforts to fight the epidemic. This is immoral & irresponsible, & will not help mitigate COVID-19 in US.

Just take a few minutes to read one more article. This is so astonishing that it changed many things I used to believe in. Please retweet to let more people know about it.

2. Chinese spox: Some US official accuses China of "covering up". Well, the world knows better whether China is open & transparent. We do not comment on if US response is open & transparent, but obviously, someone in US still turns a deaf ear to international appraisal on China.

3. Chinese spox: Countries like Singapore, ROK took necessary measures & put the epidemics under control because they made full use of this precious time China bought for the world. As for whether US availed itself of this window, I believe the fact is witnessed by US &the world.

4. Chinese spox: As a Chinese saying goes, "Turn inward & examine yourself when you encounter difficulties." We urge the US officials to respect facts. Every minute wasted on smearing & complaining would be better spent on enhancing domestic response & international cooperation.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
3/21/2020 10:53 am

Zhao Lijian and CCP members think the world people are gullible of their lies. No, we have our own knowledge and professional judgements to know the fact that Coronavirus came from Wuhan and spread to China and became out of control and spread to the world. We know the originated from China. Zhao created a lie theory that American military brought the virus to Wuhan city.

We know the filthy and deplorable Chinese eating bats at a wildlife market in Wuhan city and the virus started to spread. That was what CCP said since the beginning. Chinese people spit, blow nose, urinate, defecate on the streets (I had a blog posted with pictures that a Chinese woman defecated on a front yard of a house in Monterey Park, CA and that blog caused many communists to attack me). Chinese eat exotic foods, such as bear's palm, monkey's brain alive, rats, bats, and many other animals, disgusting.

We are educated people and we know the fact that Coronavirus originated from Wuhan city in China. We are not gullible for whatever CCP saId.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
3/19/2020 7:07 pm

A Washington Post photographer, showed the word crossed out in what appeared to be Sharpie and in the president's own handwriting. Trump has ramped up his description of the coronavirus as a "Chinese virus" as he's been questioned about whether he considers the label to be racist.

"It's not racist at all," Trump told reporters Wednesday. "It comes from China, that's why."

Chinese official has promoted a conspiracy theory that the US military could have brought the novel coronavirus to China — and it did not originate in the Chinese city of Wuhan. A female reporter asked Trump at a conference room the word Chinese virus might be stigmatizing China. Trump answered "not at all. The virus was originated in China. You know it, and I know it."

Trump also wrote "Chinese virus" in his tweets many times.
U.S. secretary of state, Mike Pompeo on TV Fox News has repeatedly used "Wuhan Virus" instead of coronavirus.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
3/14/2020 6:57 pm

China Launches a Fake News Campaign to Blame the U.S. for Coronavirus. CCP has brainwashed its own people for the past 70 yrs, now they tried to brainwash the whole world. Ridiculous!!! Shame on them.

Zhao Lijian, the spokesman of the Chinese foreign ministry and face of the CCP, insinuated by tweet in both English and Chinese on Thursday that the United States is behind the the novel coronavirus outbreak in China: “CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in U.S.? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be U.S. army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! U.S. owe us an explanation!” and "the world should appreciate China" for their anti-virus experiences. Shame on them!!! Go down to the hill!!!

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
3/14/2020 6:20 pm

I have to copy and paste Zhao Lijian twitter word for word to prove that I didn't smear his tweet. I don't have a Twitter account, but I know the news from the news.

Zhao knows that Trump likes to tweet, so he used his tweet to smear USA. Trump is a very patriotic, I think Trump knows Zhao's tweets. Let's how Trump deal with Zhao and Xi just based on what Zhao's tweets. Although Trump is not my "cup of tea", but I know Trump will get mad and retaliate (revenge).

Coronavirus or Wuhan virus now spread to more than 100 countries in the world. I had to cancel my "bucket list" to Rhine and Moselle rivers cruise and postpone it to next year due to this d*mn disease.

Zhao doesn't show the evidence that USA put the poisonous virus in China, he didn't see any American wore mask, groves, protected clothes to enter Wuhan city and put the poisonous virus. USA should sue Zhao Lijian to say the least. CCP is guilty for what Coronavirus spreading. How dare Zhao smear USA!!!

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
3/14/2020 5:57 pm

Liar, liar, pants on fire. Xi himself admitted that the Coronavirus started in Wuhan city and announced to lockdown Wuhan city on January 23rd. How can Zhao Lijian smeared USA poisoned Coronavirus in China. How dare he said such an outrageous lie. The whole world knows what happened in China. This is not Zhao Lijian to tweed on Twitter his lies can make the world believe what he said.

Any educated people knows what CCP has done to its people and what has happened in China. Chinese is notorious about their xenophobia (對外國人的無理仇視, 仇外心理) and abused minorities such as Falun Gong organ harvesting. He thinks that whatever he said the world will believe in him. He tried to raise Chinese people's chauvinism (盲目的愛國者).

CCP will go down of history. Let's see ..........

Honesty is the best policy.