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Blogs > 1ClassyLady > U r responsible for ur life |
龐培歐:中國不是正常國家、解放軍不是正常軍隊 美國剛下令要求限時關閉中國駐休士頓總領事館後,國務卿龐培歐23日在一場針對中國的談話中表示,中國不是正常國家,中共總書記習近平是「破產極權主義意識形態的真心信奉者」,美中未來仍要持續對話,因中共不會自己改革,美國面對中共時應「不信任且要核實」。 龐培歐(Mike Pompeo)在尼克森圖書館以「共產中國與自由世界的未來」為題發表談話時表示,若想要有個自由的21世紀,而非習近平夢想的「中國世紀」,就不能再靠與中國盲目交往(blind engagement)的舊模式,「絕不能持續也不能重回。」 「自由世界若不聯手改變中共,將等著被中共改變;自由世界應與中國人民合作,改變共產黨。」龐培歐說,「雷根(Ronald Reagan)總統在『信任但要核實』(trust but verify)的基礎上處理蘇聯問題,但只要遇上中共,就得『不信任且要核實』(distrust and verify)。」 這是川普政府重要官員對中政策演說的最後一場,先前白宮國安顧問歐布萊恩(Robert O'Brien)、聯邦調查局(FBI )局長雷伊(Christopher Wray)和司法部長巴維理(William Barr)均已針對中國對美國和世界造成的威脅,發表看法。 龐培歐說,尼克森(Richard Nixon)1972年訪問中國,開啟美中交往政策近50年,尼克森當年的判斷沒錯,不可能讓中國永遠被排除在世界體系之外,只有中國改變,世界才能安全,美國希望引導中方改變,創造一個對內自由、對外友善的中國。 龐培歐表示,隨著時間過去,交往政策讓北京獲利更多,當自由世界對中國展開雙臂,北京反咬一口,「近50年來,中國所謂的雙贏沒有實現,美國也並未更加安全。」 龐培歐說,中共違背對國際社會的承諾,「我們今天戴上口罩坐在這裡,看著新冠肺炎死亡人數上升,閱讀香港和新疆各地遭壓迫的頭條新聞,看到因中國不當貿易行為,讓美國人民失業的驚人數據,也看見中國軍力增長,更具威脅性。」 龐培歐指出,中共不是正常國家,解放軍不是正常軍隊,解放軍維護精英統治與擴張帝國主義,本意不在保護人民,美國將持續在南海與台灣海峽,強化自由航行。 歐布萊恩指中共政權為馬克思列寧主義政權,龐培歐說,習近平就是破產極權主義意識形態的真心信奉者,期待打造中國共產主義的世界霸權。 龐培歐呼籲世界各國採取行動,了解中國,並且與中國人民往來,比起外國對手,中共更害怕來自人民真實的聲音。 華府智庫2049研究員易思安(Ian Easton)在推特評論,演講很精采,但他看不到美國要如何防衛台灣、看不到美國對香港的計畫,也看不到美國要如何從好萊塢、美國媒體與社會中,移除中共的影響力。 中國官媒環球時報總編胡錫進也在推特發文,強烈敦促美國人民支持川普連任,像龐培歐這種瘋子可以團結中國,對中國崛起至關重要;身為中國共產黨員,要感謝川、龐等人。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 胡錫進 has no right to call Mr. Pompeo a crazy. Honesty is the best policy. |
If you are English blogger and live in a country where you can Google "Mike Pompeo speech at Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, Calif." and read his entire speech on YouTube video. You will hear Mr. Pompeo mentioned "Taiwan" 4 times and said treat CCP "Distrust and Verify". My mom "distrusted" CCP and verified CCP by "Cultural Revolution and Great Famine" that k*lled near 80 million Chinese people. My mom was in USA in 1978, two yrs before I emigrated to USA. When Jimmy Carter abandoned Taiwan in Nov 1979, my mom called me from USA to Taiwan and told me that USA already approved my immigration in Oct 1979. My mom called me at midnight hours (due to time zone difference) to quit my pharmacist job in Taiwan and come to USA. It has been 40 yrs that my mom was correct to come to USA because she "distrusted" CCP. I have NEVER denied that I am an Anti-CCP. I am a Taiwanese-American. I have been attacked by many Chinese bloggers and one Aussie blogger. I don't care. I won't go to China any more (have been to China in May 2008 for 6 days/6 nights plus 30 hrs on airplanes). I am pro-Democracy and Freedom and love Taiwan and USA. Chinese people are deplorable because they have been controlled by CCP for 71 yrs and CCP censored all bad news about CCP. Chinese people don't know U.S. military is 5 times stronger than China. U.S. government can take criticisms but CCP can't. I knew the Three Gorge Dam has danger to crash and warn them to escape but I have been attacked by Chinese bloggers and an Aussie blogger. Honesty is the best policy.
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When I was in China in May 2008 (3 months before the Summer Olympics in Beijing), I asked many local Beijing residents and tour guide and hotel front desk and tour bus driver, if they knew about the "tank man" still alive. Nobody knows about the "Tienanmen Square massacre" in 19'89 or the "tank man", because this news had been censored and nobody allow to talk about it. That was the reason there are no Google search engine, no Facebook, no Instagram, no Twitter, .... any media that can spread the bad news about China can be censored. But the bad news in USA, such as recent "Black lives matter" riot, looting, was at the front page of Chinese news and internet medias. The whole world know about the "tank man" except Chinese people. If you have Chinese friends from China, you can ask them the same question, you get the same answer. Chinese people even live abroad are not assimilated by English countries, they continue to get news from their Chinese medias. Now you understand what is "brainwashed" and "censorship" of China. They are not in the same level with us. Honesty is the best policy.
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In USA, Black lives matter. In China, Chinese lives, NO MATTER. CCP k*lled more than 80 million people and don't mean a thing. The last "coup d'etat" in China was a failure "Tienanmen Square massacre" aka "June 4th Democracy Movement". Chinese lives don't mean a thing???? Chinese lives are like grass, anytime CCP can cut it. American lives are precious. Honesty is the best policy.
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Mr. Pompeo visited Europe and spoke to many European leaders, UK, Denmark, France, ... upon returned to USA and spoke to public medias at Nixon Library, in Yorba Linda, CA (I have been to Nixon Library long time ago). Many countries in Europe wanted to "decouple" with China. Honesty is the best policy.
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U.S. former president, Jimmy Carter shouldn't abandon Taiwan in Nov 19'79 and started the diplomatic relationship with China for "Trade". USA made China rich to become top #2 economy country for 40 yrs. The coronavirus pandemic let USA realize the evil China. Mr. Carter should know from the history of China's cultural revolution and great famine made their economy to recession. 交往政策讓北京獲利更多,當自由世界對中國展開雙臂,北京反咬一口,「近50年來,中國所謂的雙贏沒有實現,美國也並未更加安全。」 Honesty is the best policy.
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My mom knew 中共不是正常國家 40 yrs ago, so she took me to USA. I missed my mom, her love for me is the greatest. My mom passed away almost 7 yrs. 中共 had cultural revolution for a decade that k*lled 30 to 40 million of Chinese people and the Great Famine from 19'59 to 19'61 had k*lled 40 million of Chinese totaling near 80 million people. 中共是不正常國家. China needs a "coup d'etat" but there are lots of difficulties. 1) Chinese people don't own g*ns or we*pons. CCP control the military who have we*pons. 2) Chinese people have been brainwashed that CCP bring them prosperity. But the fact is USA made China rich for 40 yrs. This coronavirus pandemic let Americans realized China bring disease. Trump administration "trade war" indirectly made China can't surpass the USA. However, Xi's pipe dream to be an emperor of the world, he still dreams to lead the world. CCP don't have time for the flooding in Southern China, but let 77 Africa countries delinquent in payments of Xi's "One Belt, One Road" policy. Go figure!!! Honesty is the best policy.
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I would vote for Mike Pompeo for November U.S. president election, if he is on the candidate list. I like Mr. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo's speech with calm, cool and corrected tone of voice and precise political statements. However, Mr. Pompeo is NOT on the U.S. presidential candidate list. I dislike POTUS Trump's temper tantrum on many occasions. I have liked the former Vice President, Joe Biden before, but worry about his age and too weak when dealing with China. The coronavirus pandemic has taken too long time. The pharmaceutical companies are racing for treatment and vaccine. It is just my personal opinions. Honesty is the best policy.