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1ClassyLady 69F
3137 posts
11/1/2020 10:18 am
美國總統大選知識 in Mandarin Chinese

在美國總統不是直接民選 (Popular vote),而是透過選舉人團選出總統

各州都有一定數量的選舉人(depends on the population)
選舉人團(Electoral College) 是否該被廢棄近年來一直是政治學家辯論的焦點所在

因為選舉人團(Electoral College)的原因, 2000年高爾輸了. 他贏了popular vote (代表民意) 但卻輸了electoral vote. 2016年Hillary Clinton贏了popular vote (代表民意) 但卻輸了electoral vote. Trump贏了electoral vote, 成為美國總統.

在競選的過程中,每位候選人都需要raise funds(資金, 錢), 而接受資金的方式有很多.

有一種是接受政府提供的一筆錢, 但是這樣就不能接受企業或私人的的捐獻 (這筆錢會更大)
(因為這種限制基本上很少候選人接受政府的資金 )

第二點的理由我不太了解, 但是接下來的第三點我知道一點點

在美國大選的過程中 第一個階段是 primary election (黨內初選)
每個州舉行primary election (黨內初選)的日期都不一樣. 像 New Hamsphire州 一直 來講都是最早舉行primary election (黨內初選)的州, 而這個州同時也是歷史上保守派白人的代表州之ㄧ

最早舉行的州通常都會得到很多的媒體報導, 這些報導會左右一些中立投票者的最後決定
像是看到這些報導, 會以為這次大選大概又是共和黨贏, 那些swing voters就順性的投給共和黨, 於是就對整個選舉造成很大的影響. (代表多數民意的政黨沒有贏, 因為不公平的媒體coverage).

Popular vote (全民投票) - an act of voting by the electorate of a country or area;the choice expressed through the votes cast by the electorate

Electoral College - (美) 選舉團 (由各州選出之代表組成, 負責選舉總統和副總統)

Number of delegates (全國黨代會提名的代表數; 多少張選舉人票) - 美國總統選舉是由公民投票決定該州的選舉人票要投給哪一組候選人,再由候選人所得到的選舉人票總數高的當選。每州選舉人票數不同,票數等於該州的眾議員人數加上固定的兩位參議員。The total number of delegates is 538, need to over half is 270 to win.


美國總統的選舉需歷經1. 政黨初選、2. 提名、3. 競選活動、4. 全民投票、5.選舉人團投票等階段, 才能順利入主白宮。由基層向上各級會議推選代表, 最後在州代表會議中推選出席全國代表大會的政黨代表。另一種是指「黨團會議」,由基層向上各級會議推選代表,最後在州代表會議中推選出席全國代表大會的政黨代表。


Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/13/2020 7:23 am


Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/8/2020 8:45 pm

Washington D.C. (the District of Columbia) is not in Washington state. Washington state is located in the West coast, but Washington D.C. is in the East coast. Washington D.C. has many government buildings include the White House, and the Capitol, and the Supreme Court, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument. It has no industry. D.C. stands for District of Columbia, meaning that Washington is a special area that governs itself and is not contained in any of the 50 states.

I have been to Seattle, Washington state in the West coast and Washington D.C. in the East coast.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/1/2020 1:20 pm

Winner takes all.
If a candidate won the Popular votes in California state, he will get 55 Electoral votes.
If a candidate won the Popular votes in New York state, he will get 29 Electoral votes.
If a candidate won the Popular votes in Texas state, he will get 38 Electoral votes.
If a candidate won the Popular votes in Florida state, he will get 29 Electoral votes.
If a candidate won the Popular votes in Pennsylvania state, he will get 20 Electoral votes.
If a candidate won the Popular votes in Nevada state, he will get 6 Electoral votes.
...... etc. and so on and so forth.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/1/2020 11:34 am

U.S.A. has 50 states and in different time zones. New York state is 3 hours ahead of California. So, the east coast states have to wait till California voting booth closing time. The Hawaii state and Alaska state are outside of U.S. mainland.

BTW, today is "Daylight Saving Time" expires day, so you need to switch your watch or old grandad clock. The computer and smartphone will switch automatically. There are two states don't have "Daylight Saving Time" that are Arizona state and Hawaii state. In China, has one time zone according to Beijing time. In some remote provinces, when Beijing is 9 am but those remote provinces are dark as 2 am.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
11/1/2020 10:31 am

I am a Taiwanese-American. I have been in USA for 40+ years and an American citizen. I am bilingual in Mandarin Chinese (and Taiwanese dialect) and English. I post this blog in order to help foreign country people )especially Chinese or Taiwanese or HongKongers) to understand U.S. Presidential election.

Taiwan has Democracy and Presidential elections since Chiang father and son passed away. However, Taiwan is small, so only "popular vote" but no "Electoral College" "Number of delegates" to decide who is the winner.

November 3rd (Tuesday) is the U.S. Presidential election day. I am registered as a Democrat but I can vote for Republican candidate for U.S. president. In rare case, I vote for Republican.

Honesty is the best policy.