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1ClassyLady 69F
3137 posts
12/27/2020 12:34 am
In retrospect of 2020: A pandemic year

It is the end of year, in retrospect of 2020, we can definitely concluded this is a pandemic year started from the January to the end of December. It is an anguished year that affected to many countries. From the chaos to catastrophe.

Since the beginning of the year, we heard from Wuhan city in Hubei province, China that there is a disease that needed to be quarantined. We saw on TV, internet and many social medias that Dr. Li Wenliang emailed to his 7 colleague MD's to warn them to be alert with a possible very contagious disease at hospital. Instead of accepting Dr. Li's advice, CCP took him to a police station, told him to sign a paper and stopped to spread of fake news. All MD has the professional knowledge and responsibility to warn a pandemic to prevent its spreading. It is NOT about the "shame", it is NOT about a national reputation, it is MD's profession and responsibility for mankind.

One MD in Taiwan received a forwarding email and got this news at 4 am on Dec 31st 2019. He told the health dept authority in Taiwan and email to W.H.O. and reported there is a possible SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 【醫】嚴重急性呼吸道綜合症) in Wuhan city, China. W.H.O. denied they received such email from Taiwan. However, every email has a time, date record to prove that Taiwanese MD actually sent email to W.H.O. Taiwan immediately closed the boarder and told the Taiwanese to wear masks and wash hands with soap and hand sanitizer.

The pandemic rapidly spread to South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, to Japan. There was a ship at Japan's harbor that many passengers got infected with Coronavirus. Japan took too long to close the boarder because Chinese shoppers gave Japan lots of businesses. It was supposed to have Summer Olympics in Tokyo in July, but due to the pandemic, they finally gave-up and postponed Olympic to 2021. It is a tremendous loss.

In the Western countries thought this pandemic only affect on Asian just like in 2003. Then Coronavirus spread to Iran that many people died. Then spread to Italy, France, Spain, ... and reached to USA. By March, Trump called Xi and Xi said the coronavirus will be disappeared by April when the weather get hotter in Summer. Trump ordered 2 Boeing airplanes to fly back the Americans who worked in China at end of March. However, Trump didn't encourage Americans to wear masks. Trump doesn't believe masks can prevent the disease spreading. Many Westerners also don't believe the masks can prevent disease. They thought only sick people wear masks. They are strong and won't get sick.

The pandemic came to USA. We couldn't buy toilet paper, hand sanitizer, Lysol, Clorox, all out. The stores and supermarkets all empty shelves. It is a panic action that we used to take granted for those common consumer products. The stock market plunged and broke to 52 week's low in March. The investors dumped their stocks like it was the end of world. I was calm to buy a little bit stocks for long term.

By October, November and December, the pandemic became worse, more people died each day. I just checked the Coronavirus update record. Globally confirmed 80,763,522 cases and 1,765,629 deaths. USA is the most serious country. It is a heart-break news. Those innocent people died on Coronavirus that originated from Wuhan city, Hubei province in China. They let 5 million people out of the province and out of China and spread the disease to the world. Nothing we can do to China for people lost live and financial loss, unemployed rate soars.

The airplane companies, hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, beauty saloon, ... out of businesses or to the edge of cliff. MD and nurses are exhausted, working long hours, some MD's and nurses got the disease and died. What a tragic loss and deaths. Who is responsible for all of these? Why CCP still sending fighting jets to Taiwan Strait to threaten Taiwan?? Taiwan has done nothing against China. Please let go of Taiwan, for the heaven sake. People's live are precious. Don't k*ll people. I am a healthcare professional, I am asking a favor to China. Please don't k*ll the people who have different religion, different opinions, such as Faloon Gong practitioners, Xingjang, Mongolians, and Uyghur. I am an agnostic/ atheist, I respect other religions and never destroyed their church, temple, ... People have different languages, traditions, cultures, and religions, please respect others. People have "human rights" to live.

It is a tragic year. Hope the vaccines will save lives and let us to have a normalcy again. Peace on Earth.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/31/2020 10:25 pm

New Year’s Eve Countdown: Times Square Nearly Empty.

This pandemic has changed so many events to be empty. We can't enjoy a meal inside the restaurants (take out only), the movie theaters are empty, ....

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/31/2020 4:32 pm

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!

Hope the Coronavirus will be gone, gone, gone, ..... vanished.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/27/2020 1:37 am

Although Taiwan is a small country with 23.8 million population living on a small island, but only 7 deaths on Coronavirus. Taiwan became the world's #1 to conquer the Coronavirus.

Do you know Taiwan's semiconductor industry is the world's #1? We mind our own business, never done anything wrong to China. Not because we have same language, we need to unify as one. It is your atrocities (Cultural Revolution, Great Famine, Tienanmen Square massacre, Faloon Gong practitioners, HongKongeses), scared me out of Taiwan in 1980 to USA. I don't like to be threaten and believe in peace. We need to have future, have dream to fulfill. But not pipe-dream to become the ruler of the world.

USA was originally English people and spoke same language. A group of English people escaped to this continental country and declared as an "Independent country" as the United States of America. South Korea and North Korea speak the same language, South Vietnam and North Vietnam speak the same, West Germany and East Germany speak the same language, they are on different sides, but peacefully separated. Why China has to threaten Taiwan and control Taiwan? We have never done anything wrong to China. If Chinese government love its own people, we will be more than happy to unify as one country, but not through fear of k*lling, massacre, controlling. USA has Democracy, no matter who is in the White House, we trust a leader who loves its own people.

I am just an ordinary person, if I know this principle, so should Chinese government. Please love people and respect different opinions, different religions. All I want is PEACE.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/27/2020 12:58 am

The Coronavirus is invisible germ in the air. The germ can go through your nose and mouth and went down to your throat and into your lungs. That's why the face masks are very important to prevent the disease. When people talk or sneeze, the saliva split out. If people catches the germ saliva, will got disease too. So, wear masks to protect yourself and others.

It has been a year long, we need to come back a normalcy.

Honesty is the best policy.