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1ClassyLady 69F
3137 posts
6/27/2021 4:25 pm
CCP's history (Part 2)

3. One B*by Policy 一孩政策 was designed control the size of the rapidly growing population of China. A couple only allow have one . The one- policy was supported by a group of Chinese leaders including Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun and Li Xiannian in 1979, and strict enforcement began in 1980 (after a decade-long - policy). They used abortion k*ll the 2nd pregnancy. Chinese couple drowned female babies because they think male is more worth or respectable. At present time, the male population is 57% that is far more than female of 43%. The gender differences have create problem now for those extra males marry females. Nobody knows how many b*bies have been k*lled under this policy. There is a problem from One Policy because the parents and grandparents spoiled those one and this became "Emperor" in the family. Those became bully elderly. No photo.

4. Tienanmen Square Massacre 天安门大屠杀 AKA 89 Democracy Movement on June 4th, 1989. It was started 3 weeks before the massacre day. College students got together at Tienanmen Square to mourn a leader who died couple days ago, they camping for days and got another leader came to Tienanmen to support college students. CCP sent tanks and cannons to bomb students that estimated over ten thousand students died that evening. 3 Photos inserted.

5. Hong Kong Extradition Protest iAKA "Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement 反對逃犯條例修訂草案運動". This moment took place from 2019 to 2020 in response to the introduction by the Hong Kong government of the Fugitive Offenders amendment bill on extradition, which was later withdrawn in September 2019. The protests began with a sit-in at the government headquarters on 15 March 2019 and a demonstration attended by hundreds of thousands on 9 June 2019, followed by a gathering outside the Legislative Council Complex to stall the bill's second reading on June 2019.

On 16 June, just one day after the Hong Kong government suspended the bill, an even bigger protest took place to push for its complete withdrawal and in reaction to the perceived excessive use of force by the Hong Kong Police Force on June. As the protests progressed, activists laid out five key demands (see Objectives). Police inaction during the 2019 Yuen Long attack and 2019 Prince Edward station attack further escalated the protests.
Photo 4,5,6, and 7.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/29/2021 10:55 am

Do you noticed that the only twice Democracy protests are Tienanmen Square massacre by college and educated students and HongKongeses who have had British education and freedom of Democracy? CCP suppressed educated and intelligent students to show the Chinese people its power of "K*LLING". They use the atrocities, massacre, suppression, wolf warrior diplomacy 戰狼外交 to terrify their own people and extend to the world with Coronavirus pandemic. CCP thought that the way to control the world and become world #1 country. However, this hatred that against human being have irritated USA and EU countries. Although they have trades with China but less and less. As you may know from the G-7 meeting that EU decided to "freeze" trades with China.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/28/2021 12:39 am

USA has presidential election every 4 yrs, people vote for their leaders. If U.S. president want to carry out what he wants to do, he needs to get Congress and Senate approval. U.S. is bipartisan system, Democratic and Republican parties in order to "check and balance" U.S. president to prevent "dictator 獨裁者". British, Australia, New Zealand, have "prime minister" to administer their nations. Those prime ministers are people elected and those countries have many political parties.

CCP leaders are not Chinese people elected, so they can be dictators without another political party to "check and balance". China only has one political party - Communist. This is the big difference. When Chinese leaders are the butchers, Chinese people became the meat on the cutting board.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/27/2021 6:47 pm

Do you want CCP as your government?? Any unimaginable atrocity that CCP can do, they do it. You lost your freedom of speech, religion and press. You lost your "human rights" to live. I sympathize Chinese people who live in China. They have been brainwashed by CCP, they only listen to CCP news and don't know the outside world. What a pity.

I know China became world #2 economy country. Chinese people thought because CCP lead them to the 2nd place in the world in 40 yrs. No, it was USA and EU (European Union) made trades with China and made China rich. However, the pandemic spread to the world caused so many deaths, USA and EU started to realize their mistakes.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/27/2021 5:19 pm

CCP is a tyranny government, a thug group of Chinese leaders. They control people using cannibalism 殘忍的行為. USA and many Europe countries turned blind eyes and deaf ears on their atrocities and doing "import/export Trades" with CCP. Until the Coronavirus pandemic (AKA Covid-19) spread over the world. those Democracy countries realized their mistake to deal with China. China's bully, atrocities using the invisible virus to k*ll 3.92 million of people globally. They should know what CCP true face.

When the whole world suffered the pandemic people loss and financial loss. CCP diplomatic Wolf Warrior 战狼外交, Zao Lijian 赵立坚 said in public speech "The world owes China an appreciation, the USA owes China an explanation". 赵立坚 accused USA made Coronavirus which is a fake statement. Why the world owes China an appreciation? He is a ignorant.

Honesty is the best policy.