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Blogs > 1ClassyLady > U r responsible for ur life |
My stock strategy and principles (Do and Don't) Do invest in the following companies: 1. The market cap more than trillions, i.e.: AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, GOOGL, FB, If you like bank stock, own JPM even though it's not a trillion market cap, but the best bank. it's been said hundred times on CNBC about 'MAGA stocks'. When the market has a big correction (panic selling), own these 6 stocks. Large companies will go down as the market go down, have courage to own these 6 stocks with a sma*l quantities and if they go down further, own even more. When I was still working as a pharmacist, I saw the pharmacy techs went 2 the Apple store outside at midnight waiting for the door to open to own iPhone, when Steve Jobs was still alive. I bought 500 shares @ $75 in 20 09, but sold too soon. I emailed to my banker, he bought AAPL @ $385 and never sold a share. His $385 then split 1 to 7, so his AAPL is $55 a share, then AAPL split 1 in 4, so his AAPL is $ 13.75 a share and he has more than 4,000 shares plus large dividends. If I keep my 500 shares @ $75, after 7 split is less than $ 10.71 and then split to 4, my could be $2.7 a share and 140k shares. AAPL recent is $4.98. My profit could be $4.98 - $2.7 = $2.28 x 140K shares = $2,1,920 (2. million). I believe in large companies w/ trillion market cap. Good companies, good pr*ces and good dividends. My banker friend said when invest in a stock, trust its CEO. If you trust the CEO, the company's stock. Do you trust Steve Jobs, and Tim Cook? If you do, own AAPL. It will go down but eventually it will go up. Do you believe in Google CEO, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sundar Pichal? If you do, own Google. If you believe in Bill Gates, own MSFT. When MSFT CEO changed to Steve Balimer, he wasted t*n yrs time for MSFT 2 go flat (side way). Until CEO changed 2 Satya Nadella (an Indian), MSFT stock has surged to trillion company. If you believe in Jeff Bezos, own AMZN. If you believe in Mark Zuckerberg, own Face Book. If you like Jamie Dimon, own JPM Chase Bank. Knowing the CEO will make you rich. When those companies have bad news, own more shares as mkt went down. CEO knows his company, my banker CEO/Chairman said. I like Elon Musk, so I have Tesla car and stock. He owns 3 companies as CEO. Elon Musk shouldn't trust CCP and has a factory in China. That is a wrong decision. 2. Buy Taiwanese stocks - Taiwan is the world #1 in semiconductor industry. I am a Taiwanese-American. I watch YouTube videos from Taiwan which stock is good in U.S. stock market. TSM 台積電, NVDA, AMD and a Bio-tech company REGN. Those 4 stocks CEO are Taiwanese-American. Taiwan time zone is hrs ahead of Pacific time zone. So, I can know Taiwanese companies before the market opens in USA. I am bilingual, so I understand what Taiwanese said. I have bought TSM 台積電, NVDA, AMD and REGN in last year and this year. Those stocks I believe in and made me very rich. I have a loss of 1/2 million in Dec 2000 when Al Gore and George W. Bush fought for the presidential election. I went back to work as pharmacist in 2001. My savings were all gone. I filed divorce in May 2004. Now I have 2.3 million in my stocks and near 2 million in real estate. 3. Diversification - own different sectors. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Do your homework diligently. Know what your own in different sectors to prevent the whole sector went down together. Own some hi-tech (software and semiconductor), financial group, Bio-tech, ... etc. Focus on one or two companies in each sector. DO NOT invest in those stocks 1. Don't own SPAC (Special-purpose acquisition company) IPO companies- AKA a blank ch*ck company. Some rich investors have extra m*ney and support a poor company couldn't qualify SEC for minimum requirement 2 be IPO. I have a stock symbol QS which is a loser. I didn't know it's a SPAC IPO company when I bought that loser stock. 2. Don't own Bitcoin or Cryptocurrencies - Digital mon*y system associated with currency. There is no CEO, no CFO, .... nobody you can trust. I deem Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are "Tulip mania". It will be a big bubble. I know some billionaires own Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. I don't like any "digital " that don't have a CEO or CFO, ... 3. Don't own Chinese stocks - I don't trust CCP, Xi Jinpin. When Obama was president and Hilary was the secretary of state, I bought long on Google and shorting Baidu. Baidu is the Chinese search engine that CCP approved to censor certain news, information, on Chinese internet, such as Great Famine, Cultural Revolution, Tienanmen Square Massacre, Falun Gong practitioners organ harvesting, Xin Jung, Mongolia, Tibet, no human rights, and forced slave works. China kicked Google of China. I had double losses on both stocks, Google went down, Baidu went up. That was about or years ago. I forever not buying any Chinese stocks. Chinese stocks plummeted to less than 1/2 in many stocks recently. 4. Don't own IPO stocks on first d*y or first week or first month. For three reasons: 1) Goldman Sac or Morgan Stanley will promote the IPO stocks debut on the first d*y and made huge commission. 2) IPO has six month period that insiders can't s*ll the stock, but once six months expires, they can s*ll the stock for profits. 3) IPO has no chart that give m* the indication for future prediction. I have spent $1,000 2 learn chart reading. All the reactions investors have done shown on chart, no matter good news or bad news. 5. Don't own Airline companies - ever since 9//2001 terror attack on U.S. soil, I decided not to watch airline stocks. It's none of my business if go up or down. The airplane may crash, oil may go up, pilots and attendants on strike, the pandemic spreading, bad customer serv*ces, .... Why should I own airline companies? when I have AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, GOOGL, , TSLA, JPM, TSM, NVDA, AMD and REGN 2 make fortune. Just watch these stocks, b*y low, s*ll h*gh. Trust their CEO's. 6. Don't own "Meme stocks" - 網路迷因是指因為在網路上傳播而一夕爆紅的東西。 Meme stocks including AMC, GME, BBBY, BB, WKHS, HOOD, COIN, ... Don't touch those volatile stocks, they don't have fundamental base, but controlled by a company named "Robinhood (HOOD) company". Those companies have in dangerous in bankruptcy and many investors tried to short them. Robinhood company uses the investors to those stocks forced the shorter investors to cover and created "short squeeze". One 20 y/o jointed Robinhood and thought his had margin calls and lost more than $0K that he couldn't the loss, so he suicide. His parents found his words before he suicide. His parents asked for compensation. SEC took those stocks especially GME in hold (ceased the trades) for few days. I don't have the stomach for those dangerous Meme stocks. Honesty is the best policy. |
You are correct.... It's take "work" to invest in stocks... and lots of reading and watching systems, both direct and indirectly related to the business that one is considering investing in. "Things have influences upon Things"... even in the abstractions that one would not readily think as having influences. You hit on a good point, in discussion Nano Chip Technology, IBM is a bit $high ($135 at present), but they are into the nanochip with 2 nanometer. The 5G internet is demanding faster chips with more processing power to handle more things. It's an inevitable progression. As example of self driving vehicles and more robotics integrated, it needs to process more information and it needs to do it faster, at cooler temperatures. "Things' will not go into regression, put we will see a new generation of progression. The new era is already here and its improving every day. I do expect that COVID has changed a lot of things, people have had more time to look, investigate and think... as well as Nations have spent $Trillions fighting this virus. They have each had to 're-evaluate industry", and the era of modern day "monopolies" may be coming to face its perils. Knowledge is Power, and people have learned and many are learning Multi-National and Multi-International Monopolies has exposed itself as producing inferior products that rely on fast pace obsolesce, and that is not a good things for society, not only the environmental level, and not on the necessity for people to need labor to engage. I would think that in the next decades we will see constraints put on mergers and acquisition, the system of "hedge funding" is already at a point that over obligated based on non sustainable spins and fictions. Emerging Industries will change much, as nations see that growth must have competetion to keep quality, and meet the integrity standards for sustainability. Nation after Nations is learning, that the reality is not about Consolidation, but Independence that sustains progressive growth with higher quality standards and productions, and long term durability for progressive level sustainability. Data System can give an independent the information it needs to compete without colluding itself with taking on non related assets. Most large companies stock is excessively over-inflated, and that does not par well in a society, where the workers are underpaid, and unable to withstand excessively higher pricing, it erodes the value of currency. It takes more currency to buy less, and that has never been a good dynamic for any nation nor its currency, therefore it is not good for its economics, nor its citizens ability to have and maintain economic viability. Xi recently wanted hi-tech companies to donate huge fortune to CCP (to the China nation), so hi-tech stocks plunged. Then Xi wanted to cut the after class extracurricular schools, so those educational stocks plummeted. Then the movie stars, TV actors and actresses, models to donate their fortune. Then the real estate mogul, .... Look Chinese stock charts, they plunged to less than half for even to under a few Yuan of Renminbin. In U.S. stock market, we enjoy higher and higher to the all-time high for more than 32 times. I became a millionaire because i don't own any Chinese stocks. ![]() In USA, we have Democracy system, Democratic and Republican parties. Although you can see often that both parties have arguments, fighting, but they are the rational disagreements for their stance 立場, 態度. As you may read my blogs that I criticized Trump but there are no policemen came to knock on my door to arrest me. People are allow to criticize government is their Constitutional rights. Chinese people don't have the Constitutional rights or Human Rights. That's the huge differences. Honesty is the best policy.
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You are correct.... It's take "work" to invest in stocks... and lots of reading and watching systems, both direct and indirectly related to the business that one is considering investing in. "Things have influences upon Things"... even in the abstractions that one would not readily think as having influences. You hit on a good point, in discussion Nano Chip Technology, IBM is a bit $high ($135 at present), but they are into the nanochip with 2 nanometer. The 5G internet is demanding faster chips with more processing power to handle more things. It's an inevitable progression. As example of self driving vehicles and more robotics integrated, it needs to process more information and it needs to do it faster, at cooler temperatures. "Things' will not go into regression, put we will see a new generation of progression. The new era is already here and its improving every day. I do expect that COVID has changed a lot of things, people have had more time to look, investigate and think... as well as Nations have spent $Trillions fighting this virus. They have each had to 're-evaluate industry", and the era of modern day "monopolies" may be coming to face its perils. Knowledge is Power, and people have learned and many are learning Multi-National and Multi-International Monopolies has exposed itself as producing inferior products that rely on fast pace obsolesce, and that is not a good things for society, not only the environmental level, and not on the necessity for people to need labor to engage. I would think that in the next decades we will see constraints put on mergers and acquisition, the system of "hedge funding" is already at a point that over obligated based on non sustainable spins and fictions. Emerging Industries will change much, as nations see that growth must have competetion to keep quality, and meet the integrity standards for sustainability. Nation after Nations is learning, that the reality is not about Consolidation, but Independence that sustains progressive growth with higher quality standards and productions, and long term durability for progressive level sustainability. Data System can give an independent the information it needs to compete without colluding itself with taking on non related assets. Most large companies stock is excessively over-inflated, and that does not par well in a society, where the workers are underpaid, and unable to withstand excessively higher pricing, it erodes the value of currency. It takes more currency to buy less, and that has never been a good dynamic for any nation nor its currency, therefore it is not good for its economics, nor its citizens ability to have and maintain economic viability.
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AFF erased and edited my blogs. So, you couldn't read this blog correctly. Chinese FriendFinder censorship doen't want you to make m*ney. The word "BUY" has been erased from all 6 "Don't BUY". There are many #'s in this article have been erased, you probably will misunderstand this blog. Don't blame me, it is AFF's fault that censored my blogs to confuse readers. There are too many places been erased and edited, if I correct them, the next 5 minutes, Chinese FriendFinder will erased again and again. I am on Chinese FriendFinder to write my thoughts on blogs, but Chinese FriendFinder manipulated my blogs. ![]() Honesty is the best policy.
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1) Don't put all eggs in one basket with all your money. Be diversify in different sectors. Do your home work. If you only buy one stock with large shares, you give yourself too much pressure. If the market continues to plummet, what else you can do? You keep your powder dry and gradually buy in when you like a stock. Currently, I am selling with any stock that over all-time high and 52 weeks high. Be patient, wait for the chance for a big correction. 2) Don't count your eggs before they hatched. Get your shopping list ready. Sometimes, the correction is very severe and scary, but you need to have courage to buy big companies at bottom prices. But don't assume that is the bottom. 3) Choose the P/E ratio are low, such as AAPL, MSFT, GOOGL, ... Big companies with low P/E ratio. Do your diligent homework. 4) Don't buy any stock that is below $5 a share. No CEO wants their stock price under $5. There is no such miracle can happen. No fund manager want to buy stock under $5 per share that their rule. 5) Be a stock market contrarian. When everyone is selling, you are buying the good companies, good prices. 6) Buy a little share to test the water temperature first, then gradually increase the volume. 7) September and October are the two most notorious months usually. It is overdue for a big correction since March 2020. The market has surged too high. I am taking profits for buying power. Honesty is the best policy.
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I had bad decision to marry my ex-husband who is a dentist not making money. I was very disappointed. However, I got out that marriage 17 yrs ago and have known a Caucasian CEO banker friend for 15 yrs. The banker knows financial very well and very patriotic to USA. I can talk with him about politics, religion, presidential election, current events, real estate and stock market, EXCEPT romance. I trust him for his advice. He said he likes to help me for "God helps those who help themselves". I am lucky to know such a trustful friend. Usually people go on online dating site to look for free sex or money (scammers), but NOT my banker friend. He used to have 4 locations of his banks and approximately 160 employees, he needs to be honesty and good reputation as CEO/Chairman. A week before my birthday this year, I had a lunch with him and he gave me a book "From Zero to One" by Peter Thiel (a German-American entrepreneur) as my birthday gift. it is a book about how to start from zero dollar to one dollar. Peter Thiel owns two companies, PayPal and Palantir. I have Palantir stock. Honesty is the best policy.
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TSM (Taiwan Semiconductor) CEO and Founder - Morris Chang 張忠謀, a Taiwanese-American, graduated from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Stanford University. TSMC is making 3 nano-meter chips, a world #1 semiconductor company. AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) CEO, Lisa T. Su, is a Taiwanese-American, graduated from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS, MS, PhD). NVDA (Nvidia) Founder and CEO, Jensen Huang 黃仁勳, is a Taiwanese-American billionaire businessman. graduated from Oregon State University (BS) and Stanford University (MS). REGN (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals) Dr. David Ho 何大一, a Taiwanese-American physician and scientist. California Institute of Technology (BS), Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (MD). He became very famous internationally when he invented cocktail therapy for HIV/AIDS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I used to have Yahoo stock, founder and CEO is Jerry Yang, 楊致遠. He also is a Taiwanese-American. Honesty is the best policy.