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1ClassyLady 69F
3137 posts
1/28/2024 5:14 am
The world should ask China for compensation from COVID-19

Can you recall the pandemic spread from Wuhan city, China since January 2020 to the world everywhere? How many millions of people died from COVID-19? The economy colossal 巨大的, 龐大的loss from restaurants, airline companies, travel agencies, .... stock market plunged, people were panic, wear facial masks and hand sanitizer for 3 long years. How can we forget and forgive CCP? Why we still keep silence but not ask for compensation from China? Our government should file lawsuit and take legal action against CCP. When a criminal committed crime, we ask for justice to put this murder in jail. But why CCP can get away from their crime responsibility?

Recent months, there are many in China died from new developed virus. The hospital in China crowded with "White Lungs" disease patients. Scientists and doctors alert people that virus may spread to the world again.

We demand for compensation from China.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/25/2024 3:46 am

Hi jjmokoia01

I'm not Jennifer but I can tell you the virus was from Wuhan city, Hubdi province. You probably noticed that I am bilingual in Mandarin Chinese/ English. I understand every word in Mandarin Chinese because I was graduated from a medical university in Taiwan and also graduated from University of Southern California (USC). I have had pharmacist license in Taiwan and California.

On January 22 (or 23) of 2020 at 2 am morning Xi Jinping announced to lockdown Wuhan city, nobody could come of Wuhan city after Xi announced. However, 12 hours before Xi announced to lockdown, there were at least 500,000 (half a million) people escaped from Wuhan city in Hubei province. The governor of Hubei province was on a TV interview said "he let 500,000+ people exited Wuhan city 12 hours before Xi's announcement". That TV interview was edited to YouTube video and I saw that video in the USA several times. That 500,000 people escaped from Wuhan city and then to many other provinces and then those people out of China, went out to international countries and spread the virus to the world. I understood every word that governor of Hubei province said. He knew Xi lockdown news 12 hours before Xi's announcement. That governor of Hubei province either called or told to his relatives and friends to get out of Wuhan city or anyone in Hubei province. These 1/2 million people packed their belongings and out of Hubei province. Those word straight out of governor of Hubei province on a CCP approved TV station and broadcasted to the whole China.

Now you know how the virus spread to the world.

Honesty is the best policy.

jjmokoia01 58M
1 post
2/22/2024 12:56 pm

Dear Jennifer,
I feel it strange that you demand compensation from China. Yes the Virus is a disaster, but I personally am not convince it was a direct result of a virus crossing over in Wuhan. It is my belief that this was a set up. It seems strange that a multi Binion Aire owes the patent for Covid. That this same guy also visited all the governments around the world to enforce both a lock down and the introduction of the anti virus injections.
May be in time the truth will come forward. How easy is it to blame China. We are now finding no proof of this virus being a cross over virus. There is no substance for the anti virus injections doing the job of protection from the virus.
This same guy is buying all the farms in America now so he can inject his genetically modified foods. Which contain chemicals that no human should consume.
The latest video on the net shows this same guy classifying himself as a sientist not.
So may be not is all as it seems to be honest

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/15/2024 11:29 pm

Being kind to your enemies sometimes is the same as being cruel to your self.

Look CCP 74 yrs cruel history to their own deplorable Chinese people starved 47 million to dead and lots of Chinese didn't know the fact because CCP has never told this miserable past in any book, magazine, or newspaper. Those people died in vain. Purged 4.3 million highly educated professors, principals, teachers, scholars, and farm land owners for a decade. The young generation don't know this history because CCP concealed all the news from every source. CCP bans Google Search Engine, Face Book, YouTube, Twitter, ... block WiFi so that Chinese people can only hear outside countries (USA, UK, EU, ...) bad news. CCP propaganda is to praise CCP but scorn other countries.

Okay, the above scandals are China's internal affairs, we can't interfere 干涉 their internal events. But used invisible COVID virus to spread to the whole world that killed many hundred millions people and jeopardized economy for 3 years. How can the world still keep quiet?? Being kind to your enemies sometimes is the same as being cruel to your self. There are new virus are spreading in China, people died in "White Lungs" disease. How can we be silent??

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/4/2024 2:13 am

Hi Jennifer:
If you don't mind, would you tell me what's happened that caused you lost your job during COVID??

I used my computer mouse and saw many of your pictures as a pilot. Wow, a female pilot.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/3/2024 7:51 pm

I'm sorry to hear that you've lost job due to COVID. It was a horrible 3 years that the world suffered so much from COVID, so many tens of million people died because this virus. Even Trump got it and hospitalized, but he recovered from the care of excellent MD team.

How can CCP let Covid virus spread to the world without any punishment? How can we forget and forgive their crime? If the world leaders not taking CCP to the justice, CCP will think it is Okay for their behavior. CCP always opaque about death toll 傷亡人數 (CCP claimed only 3,000+ people died in China). CCP even deny that virus came from them. CCP claim the virus came from an U.S. female soldier who came to Wuhan for a military sport event. The world shouldn't be silent!!

I remember my daughter was hired as "resident OBGYN MD" in New York city in 2020. The hospital couldn't provide MD, nurses enough facial masks, gloves, or protective garment. It was very dangerous for healthcare personnel to explore under virus environment. She texted me to find some protection for her. I went on Amazon and many local stores. They told me "sold out". I finally found some N95 facial masks, regular masks, gloves, paper protective garment and sent to her New York apartment overnight. After one year contract in New York, a hospital in Texas hired my daughter to Texas next year. When she moved to Texas, Texas also severely COVID. It was a nightmare.

Honesty is the best policy.

jenniferwilliams 35F
5 posts
2/3/2024 5:22 pm

the world leaders knew about it before it came to existence . its a game they playing . I lost my job due to covid . i was a pilot for blue air .

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/1/2024 6:30 am

The CCP has controlled Chinese people since 1949 and killed more than 100 million Chinese people in China. For the past 74 years Chinese people are like "silent sheep" and NEVER had revolution against their government. Those 5 leaders deemed their "emperor" power are more importance than people's lives.

However, the COVID virus spread to the world and killed many tens million people. The world still silent?? Why?? The CCP always conceal the facts of total death. But in the USA we have those dead people's names, addresses records. We should use those death record to sue CCP and ask for compensation for their love ones and their businesses loss. How can we let CCP get away with their responsibility to COVID spreading?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/28/2024 2:18 pm

I Googled "how many people in the USA died from COVID-19". Google answer is 1,172,229 (one million, one hundred seventy two thousand two hundred twenty nine" people died, not counting those "test positivity", "Emergency Dept visits" and/or "Hospitalizations".

How can CCP NOT be taken to the court" for justice? How can we "Save Face" for CCP?? Those 1,172,229 families should file "class lawsuit" against CCP.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/28/2024 11:56 am

How can we tolerate CCP let 1/2 million of Wuhan city citizens out of Wuhan 12 hours before CCP announced to lockdown Wuhan city? How could Xi told Trump that virus was controllable and treatable?? How could Xi let those half million Wuhan citizens went aboard to spread virus called COVID to the whole world.

CCP should get punishment, penalty, for the disease caused by them. Also CCP violated High-Tech "Patent Infringement" on smartphone, even for military equipment.

CCP proudly announced they are the world 2nd largest economy country but obtain a cheaper loan rate that for 3rd rated poor countries. Xi pipe-dreamed that surpass the USA and control the whole world. Look China's economy now, Real Estate crashed, stock market plunged, new pandemic disease spreading, Renminbi 人民币 depreciated. Did the world see those things??

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/28/2024 5:34 am

Do we have "Stockholm syndrome"? Not me, I don't forget and forgive CCP's crimes. CCP should pay for their crimes.

(Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking.)

Honesty is the best policy.