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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
3/19/2024 1:51 am
Thanks to British pianist Dr. K and U.S. Tom Cruise

Special thanks to British pianist, Dr. K to wave a Taiwan's flag in front of a public piano at a train station in London (I've posted a blog previously). Dr. K waved Taiwan's flag to show the world that "Taiwan is a freedom, independent country". CCP has NEVER controlled Taiwan. Taiwan is a clean, non-polluted island country NEVER controlled by communists. Taiwan is a "Democracy" country and we have had "Presidential election" with at least 3 political parties and any Taiwanese citizen over 20 can cast a vote Dr. Lai won the Taiwan presidential election on 1/13/2024 with over 5 millions ballots 選票. Xi was the only candidate with 1,952 votes to continue his 3rd term.

Dr. K piano performance has been interrupted by "Little Pinks"粉紅, the strong courage of Dr. K didn't back down by those "Little Pinks". This incident made Taiwan very famous. Thanks to Dr. Kavanagh. Many thanks to your unwavering support for Taiwan. I hope you will go visit Taiwan to see the hospitality of Taiwanese. Taiwan welcome Dr. K. Taiwan is a peaceful and hardworking and traditional Chinese people. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of press.

Famous movie star, Tom Cruise wears a jacket in “Top Gun: Maverick” is now showing Taiwan’s official flag after an outcry, putting its release in mainland China in jeopardy.
In the trailer of "Top Gun: Maverick," two jacket patches that had originally shown the Japanese and Taiwanese flags (left) appeared to have been swapped out and replaced with two ambiguous symbols in the same color scheme.

An old saying "Seeing is Believing", and "A picture worth a thousand words".

Photo 1: Dr. K waved a Taiwan's flag
Photo 2: Taiwan black bear vs Winnie the Pooh
Photo 3: Tom Cruise wears a jacket with Taiwan's flag

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/4/2024 2:15 pm

Dr K Boogie Woogie sent message on a social media after knowing Taiwan's earthquake on April 3, 2024.

Sending love to the Taiwanese people after the Earthquake today. Hope all are safe and well. Prayers. DR K X

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/30/2024 4:45 pm

I am a Taiwanese-American (first 1/3 was in Taiwan and then 2/3 time in the USA). I'm patriot for both countries. When I just arrived the USA in 1980, lots people NEVER heard Taiwan or confused with Thailand. However, in the recent years, many people know about Taiwan especially highly educated professors, attorneys, MD's, judges, ... when I traveled on Rhine river cruise in 6 European countries in May 2022 for 15 days. Almost every Taiwanese became diplomat when they live in other countries.

I appreciate Dr. K and Tom Cruise for them to wave and wear Taiwanese flag. The world has seen Taiwan and Taiwanese. They know the differences between the two sides of Taiwan strait.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/19/2024 12:14 pm

In the USA, Taiwan, UK, and many democracy countries, people can criticize their governments. They have the rights to tell their governments what went wrong. However, Chinese people can't criticize their corruption 腐化墮落 government, they won't see the next day's sun.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/19/2024 9:31 am

If you Google NVD CEO, Jensen Huang and AMD CEO, Lisa Su, look their nationality says Taiwanese-American. They were born and raised in South Taiwan, the 2nd group of Taiwanese, so did my father and my mom were born and raised. Now you understand why Jensen Huang and Lisa Su don't want to admit as "Chinese", neither am I.

Every 4 years in USA have U.S. presidential election". On the bottom of ballot asked "ethnicity". There are choices such as "Asian", "Chinese", ....., I chose "other" and wrote Taiwanese-American in "others". Not only me, but also many of my Taiwanese-American friends. We don't want to identify as Chinese.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/19/2024 8:43 am

I don't want to demonize 妖魔化 CCP, but CCP are really "demons". CCP had tortured physically and mentally of Chinese people since 1949 after the 3rd group of Chiang Kai-shek brought about 2 million soldiers from China and retreated to Taiwan.

You probably realized I kept saying that I am a Taiwanese-American. I don't want to admit to be a Chinese to let freedom countries to know the differences between the two sides of Taiwan strait. CCP has twisted Chinese people for 74.5 years started from Mao Jerdong since 1949. Mao shut down the "Iron Curtain 鐵幕" and blocked any foreigners except Russia and became "communists". CCP used poor and uneducated "proletariat 無產階級, 勞工階級 people to rob rich and intelligent people and then rob from those poor Chinese people. That was Mao controlled Chinese people to begin with in 1949. Mao starved Chinese people with 3 yrs "Great Famine", lack of food to eat and people will be "obey". Starved people to rob rich and smart people became "Cultural Revolution"文化大革命. Mao told young and rebellious teenagers went into schools, colleges and universities and kidnapped teachers and professors to a public place to trial and humiliate by large crowd people. Please Google "Cultural Revolution" to understand how Mao had controlled uneducated people to rebel 造反. It was a sad story that CCP murdered the most intelligent professors and wiped out the tradition to respect smart people. CCP are evil.

As a healthcare personnel, we save people's lives. It is difficult for me to understand how CCP could control "hungry people" to kill intelligent people.

When U.S. former president Jimmy Carter announced to abandon Taiwan and Nov 1979. My mom was afraid of Taiwan will be taken over by CCP, she called me almost every night (the different time zones of Calif and Taiwan) to come to the USA. She was afraid of huge population of China could occupy Taiwan. My mom did what she could to apply my immigration to the USA in 1980.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
3/19/2024 2:16 am

Taiwan has had 3 groups of people in Taiwan. The first group was "aboriginal" (same race as New Zealand and Hawaiian aboriginal) many thousands years ago.

The 2nd group people came to Taiwan during Ming Dynasty 400+ yrs ago. My ancestor belong to this group. We speak Taiwanese, a local dialect.

The 3rd group people was Chiang Kai-shek defeated by CCP and retreated to Taiwan in 1949.

All of these 3 groups of Taiwan's people are fortunately escaped from 3 yr Great Famine (47 million Chinese died), 10 yrs Cultural Revolution (43 million Chinese died), One Baby policy had killed unknown million of babies (especially females), June 4th 1989 Tienanmen Square massacre killed around 12,000 to 16,000 college students, Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested and "Organ Harvesting". Hong Kong extradition in 2019. So many killings. Deplorable Chinese people in China have gone through so many tragedies and brainwashed. Estimated more than 100 million Chinese people have been tortured to death. So sad.

Honesty is the best policy.