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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
4/7/2024 11:25 am
7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan on April 3, 2024

It is a heartbreaking news for me to post this blog. The magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck off the coast of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan at 7:58 a.m. on April 3, 2024, having caused 13 dead, 1,133 injured, and six missing so far. Due to the time zone differences, I knew this news from YouTube videos at night of April 2, 2024 in California.

Taiwan and Japan are the two countries have had frequent earthquakes. Taiwanese people have shown to the world their resistance 耐性 and calmness. Hualien County has beautiful scenic natural mountains and waterfalls that attracted millions of people (including foreigners). I have been to the most beautiful scenery site Taroko Gorge (太魯閣國家公園)) when I was about 7 or 8 years old. It was a magnificent natural beauty.

Let me describe some details about this earthquake that I learned from YouTube videos (I was born in Taiwan).

1. The first person died is a female teacher who already escaped out from the tilted building. She waited about 10 minutes to look for her pet cat. She ran inside to save her cat and a aftershock of 6 magnitude struck and she was buried in the falling rocks and died. There are 5 cats died in the same building and that female teacher was the only person died.

2. Japan is the first country to donate money for Taiwan's earthquake because Japanese wanted to appreciate Taiwan's top #1 for 3/11/2011 earthquake, Tsunami disaster.

3. A couple from Singapore with Australia passports are still missing, last saw them from a bus camera that they got off the bus at Taroko Gorge (太魯閣國家公園). The couple's family are coming from Singapore to Taiwan.

4. An Greece man whose wife is a Taiwanese (her father is a former Taiwanese ambassador). This Greece man used a rope to save 12 tourists. He also used the tree branches to write S.O.S. on the ground while they hided in a cave and waited for rescue team.

5. A heroic named "Wilson" (among 8 dogs) has found 3 dead bodies in the falling rocks by waving his tail to warn his master the dead bodies (the drone camera shows). Another found one dead body buried in the falling rock.

6. 7 rescue heroes flew from Turkey and brought 12 drone cameras that can detect body heat. The Turkey rescue team shake hands with Taiwanese rescue team because they met again, when Taiwan sent rescue team to Turkey to help with earthquake in Turkey last time.

7. A Taiwanese family with 5 persons (couple with their 3 ) last seen by tourists about 2 minutes before earthquake have not been found.

Comparing this earthquake with the 7.3 magnitude in Taiwan on Sept 21, 1999 (25 yrs ago) that the total casualty was more than 2,400+ died. This earthquake has 13 people died and less buildings tilted or crashed. Taiwan has learned their lessons and improved a lot from earthquake disaster. Typhoon is another natural disaster in Taiwan.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/13/2024 11:54 pm

康老師愛貓脫困 狀況穩定, the deceased female teacher's pet cat has been found and rescued down from the tilted building 9th floor.

The rescue dog named "Roger" is 8 years old, so he will be retired from his work. 搜救犬 用嗅覺拯救生命.

The Taiwanese miner dead body has been located under lots of big rocks rubble. Lots of flies circled his body that had intense強烈的 order, so rescue team found him, but that location had been blocked by falling rocks. It took time to dig him out. It has been 11 days since earthquake.

Another location also found the Singapore couple under big rocks rubble. It has been 11 days since the earthquake on April 3, so their dead bodies had intense order and lots of flies circling. Too many falling big rocks blocked the road to dig them out.

According to many earthquake experts said 7.2 magnitude is equivalent to 32 Atomic bombs exploded at same time. Many residents couldn't return to their homes because the buildings are in dangerous to live in. The city building code with RED meaning not allow to enter or live inside. The building code YELLOW meaning need to repair or fixed until the buildings are safe to be live in.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/13/2024 2:39 pm

花蓮地震蘇花公路搶通, Taiwanese are very efficient that they already cleaned up the rock rubble and opened a long highway including tunnels for both directions.

Among 8 "search dogs", Wilson and Roger are the most efficient dogs. They used their keen 敏銳的 smell noses to find the people under the big rocks rubble. They worked hard to search dead bodies. Four rescue dogs including 6 six years old dog "Roger" have returned to Kaohsiung city from Huah-lien mountain. Rescue dogs usually retired at age of 7 or 8 because too old. Roger will work one or two years more and then retire.

According to Taiwan's news 2 or 3 days (different time zones between Taiwan and Calif), there were more than 827 times aftershocks. Almost every 10 minutes had one aftershock. Some people feel dizzy because they confused with their brain dizziness or actual aftershocks. It is called "post-traumatic stress disorder" (PTSD) 創傷後緊張症, 創傷後症候群. Everyday still has aftershocks.

A helicopter flew to mountain and lift up and saved 11 people alive. However, the Singapore couple and one Taiwanese miner still couldn't find. Presumably, they are dead, but search rescue team continuously look for these 3 people.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/10/2024 11:17 am

According to Taiwan's news that only one woman died indoor (ran back to save her cat), the rest of 12 persons died outdoor from falling rocks. The rescue unit risk their own live to save tourists. German tourists thanked Taiwan's rescue units and Taiwanese thanked a Greece man who is a son-in-law of a Taiwanese ambassador heroic rescued 12 Taiwanese.

There are a couple from Singapore still NOT found. Many tourists (including German tourists) saw them just 2 or 3 minutes before earthquake and they sent video to rescue team. Many videos show the Singapore couple whereabouts, but somehow they still not been found. A Taiwanese miner 礦工still NOT found. A family of 5 persons (couple with their 3 kids) dead bodies found after six days.

I watch YouTube videos everyday.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/9/2024 6:56 pm

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo was on CNBC today and said TSMC gets 6.6 Billions USD from CHIPS Act (USA). Gina was very worry about TSMC couldn't provide Chips supply, but TSMC has prepared for earthquake with "Shock absorber or damper" that is "Anti-vibration damper" on every equipment to prevent the shake of earthquake and aftershocks 餘震.

So far, this earthquake has had over 600+ times Aftershocks. Very dangerous. There are still six persons missing. most likely buried under the big rocks.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/7/2024 6:20 pm

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo delivered a speech titled “The CHIPS Act and a Long-term Vision for America’s Technological Leadership” at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service on Feb 23, 2023.

In Gina Raimondo speech "Taiwan alone produces 92% of the world’s leading-edge chips, even though the majority of them are still based on technology created at UC Berkeley.

TSMC 台積電 is located in Taiwan. The U.S. Wall Street and European Union (all around of world) were worried that the chips production in Taiwan will severely influenced. To their surprise, TSMC has prepared for earthquakes and the loss of chips production estimated about one day loss. Yes, all the employees, engineers ran out of the building, the power was still running, so it was still running business as usual. The TSM stock prices didn't fluctuate too much.

I have lots shares of TSM stock. I sold some shares of TSM when its price over 156 USD. I still own many shares of TSM.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/7/2024 3:01 pm

Taiwanese extended their LOVE to the rescue team and earthquake victims, they donated their salary, they brought bottles of drinking water, food, even cooked hamburgers, noodle, rice, and various foods. They drove 8 hours to Hua-Lien to serve the food they cooked.

The dog (named Roger) who found a woman's dead body under the big rocks.

The Greece man's father-in-law is a Taiwanese ambassador to New Zealand. He said he just kept his promise to "boy scout" 40 yrs ago to help people. He saved 12 Taiwanese from a mountain cave.

Taiwanese rescue team carried a bone injured man from the mountain to flat land, risk his life from the falling big rocks.

There are many touching-heart stories. Taiwanese are very kind people.

God helps those who help themselves. Actions are louder than words.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/7/2024 2:11 pm

Taiwanese government provides 3 nights free of charges of hotels for damaged residents to stay, so they need to show their ID and take pictures of outside buildings by cellphone. Taiwan's elected-president, Dr. Lai 賴清德 and elected-VP, Miss. Hsiao 蕭美琴 both donated money and went to Hua-Lien city to visit earthquake victims and instructed how to save lives and building structures. Their inauguration day will be May 20, 2024. Of course, current Taiwan's president, Tsai 英文 also donated her salary to the earthquake victims.

You maybe need to stay outside overnight(s), so, you need jacket to keep worm.

Many natural disasters are unpredictable, so be prepare the worst and hope for the best.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/7/2024 1:04 pm

According to Taiwanese training "what to do when earthquake strikes". First, you need to open your room door, front door, escape door because the shakes will force the doors unable to open. If you feel the shake is not to severe, hide under a solid table. If shake too severe, grab your cellphone, jacket, your ID wallet and run out of building. If you have motorcycle helmet (or your pillow), put on your head to protect from falling stuffs.

Remember to be calm and where your cellphone, ID wallet are. Run out the building as soon as possible.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/7/2024 12:38 pm

There are more than 600+ aftershocks, some are 6 or 5 or 4 magnitudes, so it is a difficult task for rescue team to save people. The mountain falling rocks are dangerous and blocks the "excavator"挖掘機 or other large equipment to reach the tourists usual visit sites. The rescue team risk their live to save others.

The drone cameras helped rescue workers to look the situation from the air. The first 72 hours is the most critical time.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/7/2024 12:12 pm

This is a devastation disaster in Taiwan. Taiwan and Japan located on "Plate faults", when the plate moved, the ground shacked, buildings crashed - earthquake.

Honesty is the best policy.