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beyondfantasy3 114M
1982 posts
7/29/2010 4:59 pm
"bought/sold passions".. sold and re-sold and, bought again...

how many ways is it sold, and by how many means is it bought?
the circle which wobbles as it spin....

would you buy a car that tells you when you can drive it ? would you buy a soda that has conditions on when you can drink it ?

Again, "bought passion" is everywhere, shaped by condition and regulate by a price, and rarely is it found to last without maintenance cost..

Is it likely that we as human beings have not evolved to grow beyond the drive to barter, bargain and sell passion unto each other ?

do we even know when we are bartering and bargaining, buying and selling, our passion unto each other?

is it possible that we've not yet learned the depths of sharing, without there being a barter point, and a bargaining level?

do you know how much it impacts your world, do you know how much it influences how you interact, and with whom you interact ?

how many ways is it sold & how many means is it bought?

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
7/31/2010 6:12 am

As things change and the measure of barter that dominates what is a relationship, will be forced to change. Even today, people are learning, to share out of bare necessity to do so, equally so, the earning capacity of women is on part with that of the men, therefore, the paradigm shift in how people consider to consider mates, must equally so change.

We've lived in a system where passion is bartered between male and female, with absurd ignorance in being so.

People will have to learn as life progresses, to realize that "passions is something, which must have a natural nature in and within being shared", and does not benefit either individual nor society, to continue to be bartered, bargained and bought and sold, and claimed to be love. When it is merely a bartered and bargained arrangements, playing on the emotions of each other based on a monetary measurement factor.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
7/31/2010 6:24 am

I wrote a paper, many years ago, long before the computer was an item, I have to find it.. it breaks down 'Sex and Life- and equates to, become 2012...

Sex, converted to a symbolic reference means this:
S - as a symbol is used to represent, "hook, strap, trap or brace"
E - as a symbol, is used to denote, "the foundation of the natural"
X - as a symbol, is used to denote unknown quantity.

now how do people pursue sex ?

They want to > hook,strap trap or brace it, = "(S)" and they want to connect to the foundation of the natural= "(E) [male/Female]", and they want it in unknown quantity = "(X)"

in order to do this for the betterment of LIFE
L= live
I = In
F = Full
E = Expression

then people have to learn to engage S.E.X., with the Natural nature of L.I.F.E. and this means doing so, without the economic divisiveness of being controlled by the bargain, the bartering and monetary measure against and upon each other.

( I will have to dig out the mathematical formulation I derived for this)...
But it totals, to equate to 2012 - as the "merge and melding point"

( I would say, copy this, and keep it until the year 2012, and let's see If I'm wrong or right)....

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
7/31/2010 6:31 am

I don't see 2012 as an end of things, I see it as a "melding point", and that brings a life shift in the paradigm of how we as a global sphere of male and female come to see and engage each other.
as spectrum of calamity may be the fore runner to push this change, as all change has a catalysis - but the outcome will bring people together under a far different measure of how they see and become motivated to engage each other, as male and female.