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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
9/4/2010 5:31 am
Three day Weekend

seems like an extra day for work of some sort..

Some may work hard to have a good time, some may work at enjoying themselves and some may work hard at doing nothing, while some work hard to catch up on task.. some work hard to cram in shopping, and some work hard, against working hard....

are these cost to the three day weekend? some may spend three months income over three days, some may spend more than other make in the course of a year, on this three day weekend, and some may not spend much, and some may not have anything to spend.

How many may find Tuesday, to reveal they found happiness, is an interesting mix of many things.

As happiness may be derived from all the above, or none of the above.

Having the opportunity for Three days may be many things, but the grace of the time to engage life, may well turn out to be the greatest blessing of it all.