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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
9/4/2010 5:54 am
Star crossed Illusions ( how much have you learned about loving)

It seem to be that no matter how "hot" the media frenzy may claim some to be, Nor how sexy it may claim that some are. Even how sensual and claimed to be of the perfect selection such as the marketing frenzy of the media paints the pictures of people with embellished claims.

Reality Shows Up !!!

Reality comes to show up, that many have as much challenge in relationship, as the media hype does not suffice for simply liking and appreciating each other. Nor does it replace the work necessary for learning to learn how to share lives with the feelings of loving within it.

The glitz fades, and the allure factor changes, when the reality settles down to the daily lives of people.

The Red Carpet illusion, of physical beauty making happiness is in many ways a fleeting fantasy, as well as, the delusion that wealth and privileged is the key to a perfect relationship, many have found this to be a bigger fantasy with much folly within the mix and confusion within the delusion, shatters the fragile illusion.

She's pretty to look at and he has money and, they too, find broken relationship of every sort. the deceptive cycle of the of the fantasy concept, has found reality to show, it is not a magic formula, nor does it bring any guarantee of anything. Beyond the fact that between man and woman, they still have to LEARN, to communicate among much else, they must learn to do.

Illusions of such things as money and looks, unfortunately make many pursue what is but the delusion, that is riddle with confusion.

Center stage, and a sudden stage left exit via the same entrance they came. and some quickly flee to stage right, looking for another illusion, and again.. the glitz, the opulence, and the fashions of media blitz, brings many back to reality.

these things are 'external", and what become the matter, more than all that many think is of matter. Is the simplicity of actually "liking each other as individuals"

this is found as well, in the simplest of realities, it may be a man with no money and a woman, who is pretty to look at, or it may be a women who is not pretty to look at with a man, who has money, or it may be a woman who is not glamor media surrounded by glitz, and a man, who is a common worker in the world of life.

Many have come to find, many things. some find, that beyond all the glitz, the status, and the illusions.

its very simple.. "liking each other" as individuals..

It does not matter if she has money or he has money, it does not matter if she is hailed as a beauty marquee image, or a women of general non pretentious fashion..

If they simply learn to share and appreciate each other in doing so, they may find.. life is always the same for everyone.

There is the challenge to communicate, and the work to understand and be understood, and the constant cycle of LEARNING, how to share as individual people.

Holding out for the illusion, many find solitude and sadness, as well as cycles of self delusion.

Holding out with a thought that the money wagon will come attached to an image of media hype, has left many to become bitter, cold, cruel and manipulative.

Still, the simplicity is, "a man and woman", actually liking each other, and being open to LEARN each other, as they work on the understanding of knowing how to share.

Gender illusion, nope being female does not give you control of the relationship, and being male, does not give you dominance of the woman.

Gender Illusions, nope being female does not mean you will or should be given everything freely, nor does being male with money mean you can buy appreciate that actually is of or for the reality of you.

Being pretty on the outside, does not mean you are kind within your mind, nor does being wealthy and giving unto charity, mean that you are genuinely with considerate care as a basic individual. unfortunately, publicist make many charitable arrangement, for the sake of promotional benefit, yet, some do find causes they truly support. and some with outer prettiness, do have minds that are with compassionate regard for and of others.

Again, it comes to "Learning to live" in a world of many things, and how to be ones self with a willingness to continue to learn how to share, and develop the skills to communicate, and embrace the wisdom to be understanding, as well as willing to put in the work to be understood.

Star Crossed Illusions.... entails many things...

and, the reality perspective is soon revealed.

who can survive to accept the choices they make, and embrace the understanding it takes... to Learn to Make Sharing, function to support the work it takes to keep appreciations considerate to appreciate ??

The funny thing of life, no matter how pretty you may compare yourself unto and against others, nor how wealthy one may claim themselves in comparison unto others.
You get no guarantee of anything, nor will the infatuation with your looks nor with your money, will blind a mate options from seeing the reality behind the external measurement elements.

Beauty Queens nor Multi Millionairs, get any guarantee, about how real and honest love is. Nor does those thing, signify that one of pretty to look at beauty, is any more honest than the not so pretty to look at, nor the near broke or financially strapped individuals.

Beauty if fleeting, and fragile, and wealth is fragile and fleeting. both can create illusion, that truths uncover in the reality of relationships and the challenges and trials of what make love and interesting endeavor in our lives.

People claiming to wait on the perfect mate, live their own delusion of perfection, and find time shows them how imperfect they are as being simply a human being in the world of life.

Some expect things based on their looks, and some expect things based on their money, and those are sometimes the ones, who are quicker to loose respect for things, because they continually expect things, rather than respect things.

Some claim their looks can get them any man, but their attitude can't keep any man. some claim their money can get them anything, but their money makes them a target, and or attitude of assumption they can have anything, can make it worst.

Life is a short span, but can be made long in the time taken to appreciate, it can become enriched with the simply nature of having a will, want and active life for and of sharing. it become precious, by what we respect, and the respect we hold to be respectful.

your illusion of a perfect relationship are yours, not those of your mate, they have their own.. and the only common ground is found within and through communication, the willingness to understand and the capability to be of considerate compromising adjustments within being able to understand.

No mates job is to live your illusion, nor is it your job to live the mates illusion, but to build the reality that works for two.

Unfortunately many, who fly in and out of relationships, fail to learn this simple truth.. and they flee always laying blame on someone else, because they failed in themselves, to realize the dream is to be built on two ideals, not dictated by their ideals.

Gender is Gender, designed for male and female to compliment each other as well as accommodate each other. Not some delusion, that one gender is better than another, nor above the simplicity to be with effort to respect each other.

Efforts and Actions, of trying to be dictating what and how your mate should be, is your delusion, that shall crash in upon you, because it does not respect the fact that a relationship is made of two individuals, a man and a woman, and they must obey the laws of life, which is simply to find harmony via communication, and to find peace via understanding, and to find love, via sharing.

Any other way, one becomes merely a fool of self consumption, seeking to dictate their life upon another, or they engage in a game of manipulations, playing ultimatum and expectations, and always finding despair in the end result of such selfishness.

Looking at the big picture of many things in the world and what makes for social living;

"Our lives are by every means, meant to be a sharing experience".

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
9/4/2010 4:39 pm

look around, even the drunkard has a friend, the prostitute has a lover and may have a family to care for as well, the drug addict has friends, the starlet has a lover and friends, and the wealthy Tycoon, has friends and a lover, so is the poor and destitute with friends and lovers, the hobo that travels by rails from coast to cost, has friends, and even the babies smile with other babies, the toddlers make friends, and the prisoner, find friends ...

all things show, us, that reality that living is in its fulfilling form, one that is of social functions.

We may care to consider these things, when we first seek to judge and dismiss each other so harshly..