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"barbaric beyond words." Maybe what the world could benefit from is "A International Woman Rights Month" _______________________________________________________ EU calls 'barbaric' plans to stone Iranian woman By NASSER KARIMI, TEHRAN, Iran – The European Union on Tuesday condemned the stoning to death sentence passed against an Iranian woman convicted for adultery, saying it was "barbaric beyond words." In his first State of the Union address to parliament, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said he was "appalled" by the news of the sentencing, and called it "barbaric beyond words." The sentence against Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was put on hold in July after an international outcry over the brutality of the punishment, and it is now being reviewed by Iran's supreme court. Ashtiani's lawyer has said there are still worries the delayed execution could be carried out soon with the end of a moratorium on death sentences for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The Ashtiani's case points to larger divides between the West and Iran, which staunchly defends its legal codes and human rights standards as fully developed and in keeping with its traditions and values. Iranian authorities have repeatedly bristled at Western criticism — including U.S. State Department rights reports — saying foreign governments overlook shortcomings in their own systems and fail to hold Western-ally Israel accountable for its treatment of Palestinians. Barroso's comments came shortly after Iran on Tuesday scoffed at European concern over the case. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Ashtiani faced charges of murder and infidelity and the case shouldn't be linked to human rights. Europeans who believe freedom for murderers serves human rights, he said, should release their own murderers from jail. Offers of talks with Iranian officials were welcome, but only on bilateral and international issues, not the Ashtiani case, he said. France and Italy have urged Iran to show flexibility in the case. The Vatican has raised the possibility of using diplomacy to try to save her life. Mehmanparast said both cases of Mohammadi are still under review by the Iranian judiciary. (end of story) ____________________________________________________ world nations, should ban together, and impose every sanction they can imagine to impose, for any nations, who persecutes women for consensual sexual acts. As a society where much exist, the blind eye, and non concern allows these things to continue, it is no different than other policies nations and people have allowed, by silence. when nations ban together to stand against these type of things, then things began to change, and wipe away old outdated methods. No person nor nation, should be allowed to 'force feed religion" upon anyone. Each person is born as an individual, and will live their life as an individual, they have choices, and their body belong to them, and what they do with it is their business, not the systems concerns, be it religion or state. Free choice is what is an individual given, mankind and mankind systems of trying to control people in every detail, is as if man has made a aiam to claim himself as a god over other individuals. History has seen enough of trying to control and contain the sexual nature of women, Every society has tried some method of containing and controlling women, and the wise nations, have flourished when they learned to free women, to be themselves. No woman needs to be made to wear rags over her head, nor cover herself as if she does not exist. if men can't control himself at the sight of her, that is his problem, not her problem. but to force her to mad made rituals, is only showing how vile man is toward woman, all because of his own frailty and inability to manage himself. If he can't stand the though of woman having sex, then he himself should simply not touch her, and leave her to have sex with whom she wants, as she choose and as she wants. if she wants to work, then she should be free to choose any kind of work that she aims to pursue, as long as she feels she can do it and wants to do it. these same fools of men, were born by women, and turn and want to treat other women, as if they are his possession, liken to a centralized slave system. I bet if all these women could some how ban together and seek political asylum outside of this region, and simply leave the men, there to themselves, and see how well they function. Eventually, the population of men will die off or result to simply kill each other, because they can't procreate as man and man. Its amazing in this day an age, not only do we have these kind of things happening, we still have places that pass the power of rule from one family member to the next, rather than to give the people a choice in whom they want to follow as a leader. it appears, that in time, there will be a forced revolution, for the nature of freedom of the individual, and it just may become a global matter. Women not only give birth to the worlds population, they make the many other contribution in society, but without them, there is no continuation of life. Why is this simple reality so hard for some nations to grasp. There is no other species on the planet, that has such gender ignorance as that of the human being. animals, have a natural regard for each other, in regard to gender, they have their own dignity in how they regard each other in respect to gender. The mind of man, in the effort to exalt himself as if he is a God, is a sickness that seems to plague man, where he has done horrible atrocities of every kind, and many still have not learned. God gave life to women, just as he gave life to man, and there is no rubber stamp that gives man the right to try and contain woman. the natural regard that is inherent in male and female, governs the ways of man and woman, and how they relate with each other, and how they regard each other. ![]() When man, comes up with these maddening concept of dominate, contain and impose his mad concepts upon woman, he himself is the evil one. and he himself, seeks to void out the reality of Gods design of giving woman her own individual life and the rights to choose to live it as she deems to desire and do so. Maybe what the world could benefit from is "A International Woman Rights Month" |