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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
9/8/2010 5:54 pm
which do you identify with

How do you see Love?
I think the shakespearean ideal of love is how I deal with love and mating?
I think the biblical ideal of love is how I deal with love and mating?
I don't believe what the bible says, that love is work, and work is love
I believe, in the romantic concept of Shakesperean depictions of love.
I generally base romance on concepts from Shakespearean melodrama
I base my concept of romance on acts of kindness, compassion and situations
I get upset if I can't have a situation, like melodrama playwrights depict.
I only want my fantasy, and the person I choose has to play by my script
I don't know
never tought about it

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
9/9/2010 4:26 am

as people, we've grown up with both concepts, but even more when we look at the televised and big screen movie concept of relationships..

then what do we base our thoughts about relationships - when people build images of fantasy, or thoughts of a perfect relationship, or the ideal situations ?

what could these images be made of??