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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
truth(s) and many varied facts many people don't like a variety of life's reality points and truth(s) nor many varied facts within the scope of it all. Its maybe easier to pretend it does not exist, than to see the full spectrum of what actually exist. Odd as that may seem, it contains far more reality than many like to digest or acknowledge, and many more deny much more in public arena. Be it the truth about sexuality and certainly when it comes to women in a wide variety of subject matter as it relates to sex. Denial is the general format, as to what is the actual reality. The very things which becomes a center point of many break ups, is the very things, people pretend to be the least of importance, "which is their sexual reality". Many make a wide variety of innuendo's, but turn and claim the candor of reality is something different than their own innuendos imply. Some can only digest it when it wrapped in the innuendo, and claimed as humor, but turn and deny the same point, when the candor of reality is expounded to denote the realism of what some may only be able to deal with in the category of slap stick innuendos. "much makes for the world", in many places, any variation of such is found in parallels, in nearly any place about the globe. yet, many won't venture to discuss some of this stuff even in general terms, let along specifics, yet, some some come to the points, to claim, 'they never really knew the other person", when the truths do come to surface. "Some' women will call a man a dog, if he does multiple women, but "some" women themselves, which there are many who pursue other women, line em up, like a bowling lane, and they knock em down in groups if they can, as long as they get bedroom pleasure at a high rate of frequency, and funny but some of the same women, would have contempt at a man, who does multiple women. Funny thing is, many men would be surprised to find out how many women, they pursue are more bi sexual with a slant toward women, more than they have an inclination toward men. Many men would be surprised to find that many women are more prolific in how they chase other women, than the average man could even consider being in his pursuit of women. Unfortunately, many men, are unaware that many times when he approaches a woman, he mindfully, turn the whole situation to give her the manipulative control over him, simply by trying to conform to re-arrange himself to appease her, and unaware to many men, that is the point, many women utilize to play him like a yo-yo. Many men, are reluctant or afraid for a variety of reasons, to address some of these subject matters with the women they meet, as so many of both, men and women, get lost into the illusion of trying to impress each other with claims of how, non sexually motivated they are. When many times it is far from truth and fact of the reality of many individuals. women claim to other women, about what their man don't or won't do, and many men leave one woman, because of what she claims she don't or won't do, yet, people think of and do more than they actually say, even unto their claimed as, chosen mate. Some people get in relationship, with the idolized concepts of each other, then they find they have to slip away, and pursue discreet affairs to do the 'creative stuff they like". which at home they play the role of an imagined traditional format. Then they wonder, why they grow apart, rather than grow together. But as usual, in blogs as such like this and others within the whole of the Internet, there will always be those who will be eager to deny all of this, and some will claim such reality does not exist, and some will claim not to know anything about such activity in human beings. some may even claim they don't know sex toys exist, and other will claim they never seen porn, and some will claim they don't even know they have a sex organ between their legs ![]() ![]() I do wonder if there is a difference in relationship %'s, because both areas seem to suffer from quick spin around fractured relationships, massive cycles of every thing people can do to create with infatuations and expectations, of countless varieties. In the some of the blog programs, where people are sexually open, they complain about other things, and in these that are not sexually open, they complain about other things, and what results in many is quick mis interpretations, and a vast volume of quick assessments, unfortunately, it results, to be as if, some seeks to put each person in a small box, which does not see the whole of individuals, as an ongoing living and exapanding entity of person.. The commonality of bi-sexuality in the female gender ranks, is far higher than many men want to acknowledge, and many women will publicly deny, but truths and facts, are always within what many deny and some try and hide, but the over-all of reality does show much, when looked at with a broad view. To some women, men are more a novelty, than the folklore women claim as men being the bigger group to play that game. In the whole of things, the % factors changes, when the raw reality of truth is brought to the surface. some men, are not open to hear anything of realism to think that his woman has her own set of sexual motivations. and some will still judge a woman as being a good or bad person, based solely on her sexual wants and indulgences. "the world is many things" Today's younger generation is far more aware of these truth, than many of the older generations, oddly, many in the older generation still try to go on the premise of " the fairy tale depictions of "lady and gentleman", fables. but reality shows itself more clearly, when people view reality based on the simplicity of male and female functional reality. The Younger generation is far more in tune to see the truth, than to buy into the delusions. There are far more men, who are unaware their girls may well have a female lover, or in some cases their wife may have a female lover, and the guy remains unaware to even consider to be aware, and some try and deny it when the lover or wife tries to tell him in a million different ways. Today between the toy market, and the girl chasing girl market place, some men are unaware that the same women, who try and play the psyche game of making him lie and deny about his desire, cover the ground, where he never becomes aware of her level of indulgence, and many engage those tactical methods by design. The toy market for women, sells 10'S OF BILLIONS of dollars in products, and the films, the magazines, the person sex hot lines and every other means, is dominated by women in the activity of sexual engagements of every sort. Still many men, try and claim that what they see is fiction, as if its not reality. What a delusional spectrum of many sorts that is played out in the human arena, when it comes to sexuality awareness of what is engaged, as it relates to gender indulgence. "Human Sexuality'... is .... Amazingly, many men, who do talk openly and expansively expressive with women, find out, that much that is put and said for public image sake, is far different than what reality holds. the south is a funny mix of many things, equally so as any other place, here there are many women who into the church based relationship mindset, but there are others, who are into far different concepts about their indulgences, but still you never know the reality of individual, without open communication about life's reality factors. One girl that worked for me a couple years ago, had her main girlfriend whom was another mans wife, but they equally had their orgies parties on weekends with other girls, sometimes, with just girls, and sometimes with both male and female. Whats interesting, they did everything they could to insure her husband remained unaware. In some ways it was funny, the antics they engaged to keep up the ruse, but in some ways they themselves found humor in how easily they could pull the wool over his eyes. I dated one beautiful ( won't name ethnicity) girl, who had an ongoing affair with her brothers wife, and they finally told him, he was not very thrilled, and moved back to the his home country. What was interesting is, she told me what she liked when we first met, and she liked the fact that I had no problem with her bringing girlfriends, and she had a variety of them, all with the same openness to want to do what they want to do.. But there have been many whom I've met, who have the similar wants and indulgences. and the funny thing is, some of the guys that I've known, have had their women, ask them, in a million ways if he wanted to engage her with other women, and the some of the guys, either did not understand what she was saying, or maybe tripped in a variety of different ways. As some women I use to work with, simply said, they do all they can to keep it from their husbands or boyfriends, because they know he won't deal with it in an accommodating nor understanding manner as to what she likes. the odd thing about it, is these men, need to realize, - she will do it with or without him, if that is her compulsion.. ![]() So why live a delusion, when reality is of many things.... In today's world, if you want a relationship, to be all it can be, then it may become so, by removing taboo from subjects, and talk about what is reality in all aspects of your lives with whom you are considering for a life long mate, other wise, there is much both of you may never learn to understand of each other, Not just about sex, yet, inclusive of sex, but about a wide variety of what makes up your lives, far and beyond the sexual aspect. If you can't do that, you may ask yourself, how open to realism is the whole of your relationship... |