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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
US poverty on track to post record gain in 2009 We are the Generation, who sets the tone for the future, the generations of the 60's gave us pushes for human regards,civil rights, and human rights, including women rights, and ethnicity diversity awareness, the 70's brought us the explorations into creativity, the 80's brought us everyday uses of technology, and the 90's showed us the outgrowth and expanse of callous mentality, and the 2000's, has shown us, what extent greed goes, and how any sense of morality can be colluded and eroded into a diminished capacity, with fallacy and pageantry highlighting egotism, which serve to push the extents of justifications of gluttony, and the extremity it goes to devastate nations. Amazing unfolding of events, At the downfall of the previous administration, it was projected that he the past administration left a deficit which would be a deficit for the next 10 yrs, only now, people are facing the reality of what that means. before people took it to mean nothing, not even a matter to blink their eye at, but the results of such, is facing many square in the eye. when it was stated, in 2007 -2008, what it meant then and what it means now, as it unfolds, is: unemployment, higher poverty, and diminished growth in every sector of the nations. If that was not part of the projections meaning, then there would be no projected deficit. Maybe reality may set in just how bad his administration performed to decimate a nation, by policy and actions, and no actions to stop the fast export of jobs, no actions to stop the wild run away theft on Wall Street and Banking, and no effort to stop the Attorney's and CEO, playing the "package and sell" game with with the American industry. All the while spending 10's of billions on a War, with multiple billions spent on a second war, all while the nations crumbled and its industrial infrastructure was sold away. The Unaware American mentality, prevailed for 8 yrs, endorsing every step of the madness, and suddenly, the reality sets in. I do recall, having this discussion in the magazine with a member, who simply would not acknowledge the collapse of the economy even after it did so. but even back in 2006-2007, I discussed the results that the nation would be in economic erosion, by the time the past administration left office, and that was what the truth of realism presented. As its been stated, 45 Trillions vanished without a word being discussed about it, then countless Trillions wiped off the books of life, by Wall Street, and Banking criminals. Yet, people complain because of a 1 Trillion effort to try and stabilize the spiral down, but people are not willing to face the reality, that it will take multiple Trillions, to even begin to repair the loss of what may total, 60 Trillion, in the down fall of a Nation. Unfortunately, we live in a society, where people in many ways are more concerned about romantic interludes, and other things, until the shocker of outsourcing faces them in the middle of their glee. The "play time nation mentality", is taking its toll, and will awaken many in the expanse of what was robbed and ripped off, sold off and simply destroyed by collusive means, finally becomes to take more of a reality stand in the awareness of peoples lives. A nation slow to learn, what it should have been paying attention unto, during the 6 yrs of talking about nothing but terrorism and some 15 cent criminal, they spent nearly a trillion or more dollars, and still unable to kill one man. But we've blown up half of a nation, in the process. Many remain unaware of even the debt it will cost to rebuild what we blew up, and then to funnel 100's of billions, for health care to Iraq, as well as Afganastan, and then there is the 100's of billions it will cost in a crooked medical system as that we have in this country. Which is driven by greed and bleed mentality, to further rob the people of the nation, and call it quality care. Illusions of Granduer, has taken down many Nations, Rome fell, Greece Feel, the British Empire fell, and history has recorded it all, and each had the same format. Greed, malice and motiavations which did not service the nation nor its people, by protecting its own industrial growth, and stability mechanisms, and thinking it could survive by using other nations as labor pools, for what it consumes. Totally unaware, that if its own people don't work, then the stature of the nation falls, regardless how much excess wealth they top 1% amass.. they become more like slum-lords, over a deteriorated nation. We have a mass of people who stand on their claims of degree, and claims of education, but they have very little if any concern for the social civic matter, but more about what the status and their circle of opulence. But we've seen many, who tumbled far down the hill as if they were on a greased glass pane laid up against a step incline. and suddenly "reality has dawned upon their world". We became a nation, that simply despised the common laborer, and detested the laypersons, within our nation, and sit with pom poms and bull horns, with a rally support for Executives looting companies, and we deemed it to be "The Great American Way" , Investor of every sort, sit silent, while making pennies on their dollars, and many times loosing their principal, all the while they hailed and supported the CEO's who paid themselves 10's of million for failure, and then gave their executive staff bonuses, even as the nation was in near default, operating on taxpayer bail out, yet, executive bonuses, were paid in the 100's of millions to billions. And the Unaware American population sits dumbfounded, with a cheer and a squad of cheer leaders cheering them on, to gouge and rip and rob more. We've become a nation, blinded by ignorance, to the delusional point to hail individuals as guru's of industry, as we recently saw with the Hewlett Packard fiasco, then another company hires him, in no time. when he already comprised and showed that he functions from compromised integrity. People are unaware, it is the people within the ranks of the company that made it work, but America is always in search of a "Hero", so it gets what it gets. Executive scandal, misdeed, and robbery and collusion and corruptions has cost this nation countless Trillions, and unemployed whole cities, in what they have destroyed. When people don't change by their will of choice, then life seems to pose the means to force change, and that is done by the cumulative effects of what negligence breeds and feeds. All the acts of bias, discrimination's, prejudices, title worships, and status delusions, seems to be coming right back to face a nation, that got lost in such folly. What was once thrust upon some by many, is now being made real unto many and all, "maybe if reality sunrise comes in the minds of many, it may be just the recipe that forces, a learning of the meaning of unity, and push people to respect the value of equality. Because when inequity is cast upon some, it is evident that it will eventually affect all, it may have taken a few hundred years for the cycle to show itself in clarity, but, current reality, is now very clear, and many are well aware of the dire straits of how that situations impacts lives, because it's impacted many who never thought it would. Life is of many a strange things, but as with truths point's of life, "time is always the equalizer of mankind", by many means, as well as in its extreme means, because every being only gets so much time. this is equally so true of systems, and societies. They have to find measure by many means in the span of what is life. China was once up very high, it fell very low, it languished in despair for decades, and it is gaining a breath of prosperity, unless it learns from what is evident of nation, as well as its own past, the inequity there will bring it, many more troubles, which will be in far greater magnitude of impact, than even the situations many nations has faced, because they have 4 times tie people, whom will be not only impacted, but will participate in what is the core of impacting actions. Just recently, the article about inflation and food, is a signal point, based on situations, but to be unaware that such situations can not only expand but multiply in its dimensional impact. Oh' how a world does spin, in the span of history, who'd think that again Greece would fall 'even further", but if we look at many nations, that fell, and continued to fall, we may then learn what is possible in the span of the spinning of the world.. Still many many people play petty attitude games, of every sort in everyday simple things, and get high from doing such; all the while they miss the big picture, which is all around within reality. ![]() |