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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
9/18/2010 5:52 am
"Core" Things

looking for stability, is many things, but core things seem to hold the durability, like investing in the tree rather than pouring all investment in just the leaves.

not unlike finding the value in Love, one has to invest in the person, not in the external imagery, it changes with the season, and shows signs of times impact, but the quality of the character of the person, is enriched with time. The integrity becomes more solid in its sense of value of even time itself.

finding ways even within the stability of investing money, to do so wisely is to invest in the "core components", of what makes products function, or the base elements that compose products.
External imagery may be one things, but some companies produce 'Core things", which are used in a variety of products, as essential components, that make up the core.

"core things", and long term stability, becomes of a higher value over time, it may not spike and crash in rapid cycles, nor does it escalate in high value in rapid escalation, but the stability, of its core nature, can produce sustainable growth for long term investors.

"Core things"...

Warren Buffet, invested in railway systems, as it is a 'core thing', in the business of consumer goods, because it is a method of stable transport. of any and every type of non perishable goods, which move about the nation. "core things"... continue to show the stability of a wise investment.

Fabric Mills, may not rake in the fast bucks of fashion designers with their sewn shapes and drawn out models of things, but the Fabric Mills, remain "Core", to anything that fashion designers, engage to indulge to create. Thus they produce profit, but not so much in the spike and crash cycle, but in stable investment income generation, for the long term holders.

The seeds for the future, is always found within "Core" things