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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
National News .... can be very irritating, most of the major news shows, do nothing but sling out 'opinions that seek to "SWAY" views, they don't report facts, and let it be, they add in their personalized inference, and seek to sway views. The cycle of pundits continue to increase, and each is jockeying to try to be and out-do the other, for job retention, in the wake the public gets duped by 'sound bites", which become blown into opinion fest, where they aim to arouse contempt in one direction or the other. Since 24/7 news, the world is made crazy, by the continual chatter, for the sake of people holding jobs to sit before the camera and get paid excessive rates, as if they are authorities of the highest order. they sway the public by vocal tones and smile, with temper flair of every level, from mild to antagonized outburst. We as a society get duped, if there is a matter, especially if it relates to political truths, one has best read and research, to get the truths they can extract from the data, because if it is left up to pundits, they will spin the public in their drama machine, and before you know it, you have little clue of the actual facts. It's quite unfortunate that national issues and personal tragedies are turned into 15 minute spins, and the Media becomes the Judge, the Jury and the Executioner.. and we give our system of legal management over to this madness. unfortunate the whole premise is based on pretty face women in the seat, and handsome image based men in the seats, spit and polished, with a programmed 'smile intervention" to follow every story they claim to report. We have given up our ability to think, and we live our lives chasing the process of 'repeating sound bites", without any intent or concern to investigate and have dialog about the reality of matters. 'slap stick" cliche's seem to dominate the landscape, not just of news, but in the business office. Impatience dominates, and the pursuit of brevity, continually leads to many people resulting not to truly understand, and when thing go crash, they always come back with, "I never thought about that". Mostly because they were looking for brevity with a punch line, and the whole system seems to promote, "let's forget it", and wait on the next 15 minute spin... and the drama cycle continues, with nothing of resolve to promote understanding. Before we know it, time has been consumed and we wonder why the circle of confusion seems to be ever-present in so many arena's. |
I'm contemplating adjustments - ![]()