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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
10/10/2010 11:03 am
A Truck Driver Relationship

There is the unique nature of understanding within The Truck Driver and their wife's relationship. she does not expect him home everyday, nor does she pressure him because his job takes him on the road, they simply make the best of the time they have together, and each handle their areas of concerns when he is away.

People who work a 8-5 job, ( because there is no more of such things as 9-5, because now jobs make you work for your lunch hour ).
some of these relationship, where both work the same hours, they keep tabs on each other more than a parent keep tabs on their

contrast that against a variety of other jobs.

The Traveling Business Person / Military People/ Miners? Musicians and other Entertainers / and Offshore fishermen and etc.. then we can easily see how people create unique relationships, which work for them.

The television script, and the made for TV perfect setting of Lifetime Movie set relationships, are simply not natural to the reality of life and how people live it. The old illusion of the Soap Opera madness where the women are dressed perfect, never do any home care work, nor have a job, and spend their days scheming and devising melodrama of ever sort, and all the husbands are some high level never get dirty kind of worker.

has done a great deal to damage the concept of relationships, then you get the 'play time play toy" shows like Sex in the City, and 30 minute laugh a second sit coms, have people unable to get real with each other. Now we have a new twist to the fold, of 'Reality shows", where everything is about embellished drama, and people watch this, as if they don't understand these people are responding to a camera and a room full of technicians, and their sole role is to engage drama, or get their show canceled and cut off their pay check.. It simply is not reality in the everyday lives of people in general.
Like the Kardasians, where everything is impeccable but no one is actually working a job. they simply go from house to house creating drama and diva situations, because this is their job, but it is not the reality of daily lives of the average persons who engages to work in the variety of jobs in the general job

This is not only America TV, It is the same in Latin soap operas, and Korean soap operas and many other nations soaps.

I use to watch Latin Soap Operas, because they generally have very provocative women in them, and I watched Korean Soap Operas because they had nice slim women in them, but all of them were 'drama cycles", that engaged one scheme making situation to the next it was and is - "simply entertainment".

Web sites are funny things, many sequences of ideals are engaged, and people dismiss each other, based on fairy tale pursuits, when they know but don't accept that reality is still, reality.
work, daily issues, daily challenges, and the necessity to communicate about matters, will always be within the making of relationships.

Some people, won't disclose the truth, but many like the 'serial dating", and this is a good system to covertly engage it without having to admit that is what they do. some engage multiple sites, with multiple handles, to increase their serial activity in serial dating, but not all are serial daters, some are multi-parallel daters, who have many they juggle from playing among different sites.

Ideals are many any and there is plenty - but when each person decides to make a choice, that is simply what they will do.

Be it by any style of arrangement they choose, and many come to learn of what is a "Truck Driver Relationship"..

Not only do they become free they also free their mate as well, then they learn how to share and appreciate the time they have to share, and they respect it when they don't have time to share.