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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
'the goon machine" The goon machine is at it again.. "Apple Inc.'s stock flirted with $300 Tuesday as investors high on the iPad's promise pushed shares to a record peak. Analysts see few reasons to believe shares will stop there. " If Apple is Smart, they will IGNORE the Stock price and continue doing business, and not build anything extra based on these inflated escalations. China and Japan will clone this unit in no time, and dilute any of these illusionist projections, and the only winner will be the people who get their money and run first, and the stock brokers and stock traders. Brokers have learned they can suck people in by any means, and when the sucking sound come, the only winner will be those at the top of this pyramid game, and the stock brokers, who extract a commission by the frenzy they created. This is today, a get in grab a gain and run kind of stock market, it is no what the market was designed for, and if it did what it was originally designed to do, stocks would not rise with this type of speed in ascension. People may soon learn that stock brokers push anything, if they an make a commission, we have a flat economy, this unit is not produced on American soil, and the % gain for the general America public, is nothing more than a sales clerk commission for standing behind a counter in a low wage job, to sell this to a population that has limits within the income earning capacity. There's only so many 'paper pushing jobs", and the hoopla of bank profits, does not make the whole of the economy healthy, it only represents how much money is out of circulation to the average person, as this money is on a fast track into banking hands. But we don't see Industry created, nor do we see any new economic modeling sprang up.. Unemployment is still high, and foreclosures are still breaking records, and cities are still cutting employees, and reducing salaries. How long will American people continue to be duped and played like a uninformed , behind stock brokers games. There has not been a refrigerator, stove, computer, or major clothing produced on America soil in possibly 30 yrs. if we use it, it is more than likely 'Imported', and produces nothing more than a sales clerk job, when it reaches the soil of this nation. The delusion will eventually have to face its facts... when a nation tries to live based on the games stock brokers play, to extract commissions. when gold rise because nations are hedging, other raise the cost of stock with a illusionist concept they can play it across the board, when reality factor is, "goal hoarding", is representative of nations, seeking protections for their currency, and their capital. but, until the America people get ripped again, they won't be happy... and they will rally around allowing stock traders to continue to play havoc with any commodity, they can dupe the people to follow. |
Such men, are not a good thing, I'm certainly glad, I'm not a beer drinking type, who down a six pack a day, ![]() ![]() I am however one of the types of men, who does work over-time, but, I'm not prone to lie, because I'm not one who is interested in living and re-living the lie, when there is more reality and truth to live, than to waste time, defending a lie. ![]() ![]() Apple would probably do well, to ignore the stock market an take care of their business at hand, if they are smart they will know, that one or the other of their products will push the other to the back burner, because it will be that the phone and the Ipad, do much of the same things, as to functional apps, but they cannot dominate in both, because the distinction between the units is not that great, when you look at the fact, both are in basic, simply computers, with network communication as a focal point of their premise. Apple still has not dominated MS windows, as the general use program, and now with Google Apps, and their office suites, there is another big player in the game, so the distribution of value is set to be diluted among the players. The hoopla is only momentarily. if people remember, there was a time when Palm, dominated the hand held multi app based portable hand held, then came the variety of phones; among them Blackberry dominates still in the business world, even with IPhone and all its blitz, it has not knocked blackberry off the pedestal among executives and business types. the Yuppies and Youth and the Chic groups are more into Iphone, but business people still prefer blackberry, companies buy them for their admin people, and executives use them as they feel more comfortable and feel it affords a professional security in mindset.. But to listen to stock traders, people must keep in mind, these people are nothing but 'sales men, who make their sale by drumming up a commodity, to extract a commission. they could care less about the company, as long as they can use it to push up trading frenzy. The public is about poised and ready for another stock market fleecing, and it probably won't be long before they get it. and many are unaware "again", they are about to be ripped and ripped royally.