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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
Tech expectations and other things... A world, of many things... and much of madness, expanding in how it becomes maddening. What an oddity of expectations, or is it status, to have the first, or is it function that benefits in some level to improve functional living ? Maybe its all of it, maybe its less of it than the media likes to hype things to be> ![]() When things like twitter, becomes the rage, even up to the political arena. does it feed drama making, or does it really transfer information for making an informed society? Advertising pushes its profits, and tid bits, and sound bits, build people up, and crash peoples lives. Will an Ipad, make anyone more productive, or simply give them a bigger unit, to indulge in entertainment promotions. When Cell Phones now can be bought with full option unlimited plans for less than $50 a month, why would anyone pay the limits use plans, with the high dollar value, just to have the latest commercialized and publicized products. how much of a benefit does it truly prove to be ? what happen to the human voice to communicate, where now the rage is to text it, rather than to say it. Today is a funny world, no matter where we go, someone is there, with a phone in hand, clicking in text, or scrolling apps, hoping someone will call them, We have people killing each other on the streets, talking and texting rather than paying attention to driving, we go shopping, and the line is full of people having conversations on the cell, while the cashier has a line snaking through the store, and the person on the cell is oblivious to the reality of their situation. People claim to want to shield young people from porn, but cell web can view what it wants, and they can transfer naked pictures to each other, as if they were sending another text. young people giving their number to older people, and then after they get a fancy for someone else, they cry foul, because they are part of the supermarket wired mate swap cycles, and want to extract vengeance, behind what they did last week, because they want to do something with someone different this week. it's simply an amazing thing, the world of tech, and the nature of the human being. We have a population of females today, who plug up a electric motor driven piece of plastic, or a battery operated portable vibrating unit, and suddenly, they become not only anti-social, but many become addicted to the pulsations, until they loose the ability and capability to share experiences with the opposite sex. We go from fake breast, to modified noses, injected lips, and poison to numb and deaden the face, trying to hide life wrinkles, we have skin pulls, that try to reverse the call of gravity upon the body, and fat suction has replaced exercise and managed dietary intake of foods. We eat microwave processed food, that is stored on the shelf, as if the meat won't spoil, and the vegetables, will last forever, and yet, the increase in digestive disorders, rages still. We have people who don't share communication, and void of the ability to share love, and claim depressed, and the shelf in the bathrooms, simply fills up with more and more pills, and the shrinks collect a fortunes to claim everyone is depressed. People not happy with living, sharing, working, sharing, loving, sharing, and having the basic of food water and shelter, they want opulence, or they claim despair, they won't share because expectations won't let them live fair. Many want not the simplicity of love, they want to be worshiped, and every sacrifice made for them, or their vanity overtakes them, and they go into vengeful mode, with an assault mentality, ready to kill something. killing , adults killing each other, for money or vanity needs, and mass assault of even adults, attacking helpless on their school yard. Today, we have a world with increasing number of billionaires, while the mass of people work for poverty wages, and we see nothing wrong with this picture. We see single individuals persons, building 27 story homes, and becoming self indulged beyond excess, while they pay the people who do the work, pennies and leave them with impoverished conditions, and we see nothing wrong with this, in our awe struck minds as we gloat with the illusion we may get such extravagance. The world is many things, all across the expanse, tyrants, and dictators, abusers and encroaches, religious fanatics, and and people using anything, that can trip the psyche of people for the sake of power, greed and,gluttony. as they on the vanity train for a ride, of haughtiness of selfish consumption and fools pride. And so on and so on, and the world keeps spinning. catch a cliche, pursue a clique, as times finds many come to learn, it's only themselves they trick. |
I help families and individuals everyday... What is interesting, some of the same things of life I write about, and much more of many other things, impact and affect the lives of many people who need the services I work with. but it is not really necessary to discuss the individuals in such situations, but the commonalities of things which impact individuals and groups of individuals and families. What I write is, communication, it simply matters, how and if others choose to engage it. come on down and visit, we can "communicate" about anything you like ![]() ![]()