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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
The effects are many - when relation and communication is colluded.. did anyone see the segment by the doctor on a recent television show, discussing 'thinning walls" .. {yes, you can use your imagination to figure out what he was talking about } He did however make an interesting statement, as he said, the old adage applies " IF YOU DON'T USE IT, YOU LOOSE IT".. Well this may well tell many something to think about. It may well tell many," the imposed role playing cycles, invoke ways in how many create and engage to make their games, indulge in gambit cycles, and conjure conditions and criteria; all of which take a different kind of toll on them as individuals. The continually unfolding realism of these tolls, leave many totally unaware of what toll is being taken within their lives. Yet, while many are in effort to deny interactions, by every conditional gambit pursuit and, make collusion of every sort to avoid connecting without the drama of a challenge. What often results is, a cycle and role playing of every kind of coy game, while pretending to be so no sexually motivated and, above the simplicity of open communications. Ultimately, many individuals, bodies eventually create a situations where they actually are and become non sexually motivated. So, they may ultimately get what they seek, but remain unaware they seek it, by the methods they engage about making difficulty in the basic human function of copulating. this entails mental trips, esteem damaging drama, including and up to organ dysfunctions of every type, as described by medical professionals. then comes the massive marketing of every kind of cream and any kind of pill, to give people the simple functioning ability, to re-learn how to copulate. there is a natural cycle to the healthy engagement of sexual activity, and there is a natural inclination of frequency within the make up of the individual being, but society has for centuries upon ages, crafted every means to curtail and contain natural desire, by attitudes, judgments, criteria, and containment philosophy. Until, people are filled with fear, reluctance and apprehensions about the simplicity of sharing in the acts that become inclusive copulation. The hormones, and endorphins, and the chemical invigoration within the individualized selves, which is inherent in the copulating experiences with mutual parity, is as much a life giving invigoration, as it equally has the capability to create new life. The lack, denial, aversion and avoidance as well as the conditional-ism of vanity based neglects to being expressively engaging, has equally so an impact on the males as well as females. Because of lack of consistency in copulating and health, we find many males with a contrasting condition, called E.D. and females with things from thinning walls to inability to naturally engage. The oddity is, both of these conditions may not exist,to such a degree, if people did not make psychological games upon and against each other about the simplicity of relations and copulations. It starts early, we have young people with every kind of esteem issue, and much of it is connected to some media hype about 'the allure factor", and trying to fit some image based on the multitude of commercials, and movies and then comes the individual illusion of trying to fit these models of imagery. this pursuit becomes more important than, being a considerate, kind and sharing individuals, it become more important than the quality of character in what and how they share, and it is amplified by the lack of sharing, based on many status and vanity constraints, that regulate and deny the human interactions of male and female. The paradox's, within living has many implication of influence, upon the whole of the individuals, and yet.. we explore not the truth, nor do we care to discover the realities, but we give all to the measure and self measurement by standards of vanity, and status claims of any and every sort... but the toll upon the whole of individuals, continues to mount. We have today, drug junkies from any and every substance one can find to intoxicate, trying to dope up reality, to avoid facing the challenges within interactions, we have those who try to drown out reality, and hope they can engage vanity while in a stupor, and think there is no side and residual effect. And violence of every sort ensues, with the rage and contempt that remains within many across the globe... yet, many cry for love, but destroy the same love they claim to want, with their own vanity and expectations, which morph into vengeful actions when they are not catered to, based on their expectations. What can and will become the learning pointers, for the value of human interactions, between male and female ? |