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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
RACE'S We have so many "political races" taking places, and the spin of negative drama does nothing but, keep the nation in a tail spin. As if, it is being blown around by a giant drama making machine. It matters if people pay attention not only to their surrounding but their own lives and what of policy we are faced with. The bitter making mentality does no good, We are a nation in turmoil and our demeanor as a nation impacts the world community, because we have lost hope, and lost the patience to work through our problems and face our challenges with resilience and determination of effort. We let any pundit come on and blind us from the progress we make, we let the drama spin of back biting negative spinners, send us into a frenzy about nothing. We are not blind and hopefully we are not stupid enough to try and ignore what the crash cost this nation and the world, and we'd be a fool to expect it to be fixed in a flash. We can't even fix our own individuals lives in a flash when we meet with economic calamity of massive sorts, yet, we are fools, to expect it to be fixed in a flash, without some extensive cost being involved. Our cultural mentality of expecting something for next to nothing, is why we are in this mess, and its why we have not patience and no resilience of hope to get out of it. We sit and watch a party mess, where one party wants to deny and defeat anything that benefits a people, who have been ripped, demoralized and watched every industry in the nation nearly collapse. Yet, we are ignorant enough to follow those who crashed us, trying to hide the fact they did so. Not once have they taken responsibility for their actions nor acknowledged their folly. yet, they blame it on everything but the policies that took down a nation, when it was being made by the party that supports greed, and pushes to deplete the people by any means it could, and this took place for 8 yrs, living on a sham, and being fed terror talk, and we watched the markets swindle and the industry rob the people, and loot a nation. We've been remarkable to have survived this mess, by the policies of the past two years, pushing to give life to a nation that was on the brink of being breathless. but we listen to the mad men and fools, who have played the "Party of No", games since they were exposed for the shams and smoke screens they built, and they expect us to forget it, and then claim we should have fixed what they destroy over a nearly a decade, they want it fixed in record time. then they want to play, "Let's forget games", that's why the banks want to go back to their same old ploys, and the markets are as over inflated and with false value that is supported by nothing but the drama of brokers, trying to drum up a trade, while they devastate even more industry in the process. But the smoke screen builds, want no regulatory controls, and they want banking to continue to gouges us, and fight reform, and they have become so inhumane, they detest health care for the people of the nation. when they know, the cost are out of control, but they don't care, they only care that their investments spike, at the expense of the people of this nation. Races, yes, people may well need to look at the base reality of a nation that desperately needs regulatory governance and to invest in itself... to rebuild itself, but to do so, for all Americans, not just those who claim wealth. It's insidious for there to be more and more billionaires, while the mass of the population is saturated with poverty. When greed is far from the minds of man, then mankind learns to build for all people of its nation. These political races, should awaken people to know the difference in drama fest and the actual needs of growth that is a desperate reality in our lands. when we learn to support our progress, other nations gain confidence and that reverberates back into our lands. If we don't become fools of sorts, to buy into the drama of defeatism, and the cycle of obstinacy about what is needed to support and promote the people of the nation. Like it or not, a nation grows by the unity it builds, not by the greed that some seek at the expense of other. |
yes, we even got a so called former 'Witch", running for office,
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Palin has been not only a disaster as well as the 'reason' she was chosen has been a disaster, in the desperation bid of the war minded Senator who chose her, trying to play on the sensibilities of women, and resulted to put an idiot on the ballot, who is more a hell raiser than one with any level of insight into what is positive for a nations growth. We have localized 'fear rouser's", who spend more time, with their attack policy and "fear promotion" more than they can craft and present something which build and supports progress and hope in the lives of people. The lack of concern, along with the lack of awareness of the people, leave the nation un-protected from this cycle of madness. California is even worst, when we see a candidate, spend over a 100 million trying to 'BUY' an office, and the people are stupid enough to support her in doing so. Political Idiocy - is the main course people flock to dine upon.
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Look around, women in these kind of websites, purely ignore anything political in blogs or discussions, and that tells as much about them in general as anything else that people do. It probably needs to be less ignored and people become more aware of the lack of concern exhibited by many women in a wide range of arena's. They give birth to kids, but they have so little of concern to have voice about what politics impact the world they bring these kids into. Today, women control a great deal of a nations wealth, because they fill the jobs, from the lowest ranks to some of the highest ranks, and others inherit men's money, or take it when they leave, but; they sit silent with regards to political matters of community and state. More concerned and more obsessed with playing the woman games, of waiting on men to pay their way, or play the suck up games of seeing which man will patronizing her the most, when her silence as well as their lack of concern about these matters, impact not only her and his life, but the life of the children they bring into the world. What a tremendously over-looked factor even in this relationship delusional games, they come across as if they are so driven to be accommodating to the males, but reality is, 5 minutes after they claim to be in a relationship, they become and want to become the dictators of the relationship, and judge it by what they think he should give to her, and it never dawns on their minds to look beyond themselves, and see the reality of the political environment in which they live. nation and environmental politics is far down the list, because they care more about if they can control one man, to be like their personal servant, and who is controlled by her whimsical attitude cycles, of on and off appreciation based on what he gives, and how quickly and how obsessed he acts to give it. Some probably would not care if the Nation had a dictator, because they care more about if they can be the dictator in the home. ![]()