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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
10/21/2010 5:41 pm
drawing dots....

These races impact people all over the world, in their respective living environments, but people don't really say much, but it equally so many well show why the voter turn out is always so much less than the Population of voter age people.

Some are more wrapped up in their romance seeking, until they ignore the political climate that involves other areas of their life, as well as it impacts their claim of tunnel focus on romance.

People just as well pay attention to the political ideology as well as their mate, as well as they think they should pay attention to whom their mate looks at, or whom their mate smiles at. it just might matter, more how their mate see's the climate of environment they live within.

It's funny but the people who claim to be unselfish, become very much selfish when they claim to love someone, suddenly, they want to control whom the other person looks at, and then they want to control whom the other person talk to or smile with. Not many want to own up to that, but they engage it with a vengeful reserve, if the person they claim to love, even looks at someone else.
Is it vanity of insecurity? is it vanity, insecurity or blindness by neglect, that many ignore their political acknowledgment of how their community is impacted by what issues are promoted, and who is the voice speaking for the people.

The drama in the political arena impacts much, as well as the drama in individuals, of what each create, when they obsess to want to control the one they claim to love.. and we wonder why there is such 'disparity within the general climate of society.

Funny things, many claim to be good at engaging the duty within love, but more and more run from love, because of the fears of the duty, they claim they are competent to handle.
Many flee claiming they want to be free, but then whine about how much they want love, but they are not willing to love to get loving.

Some run from the fixed role play, but they won't craft the roles and share the crafting and modeling of roles, to fit two people.

Odd as it is, many women, take the stand to think they are the dictator of how a relationship should and will work, and they trip themselves up more and more trying to regulate and control it with tantrums, and on and off attitudes of every sort imaginable, yet they will claim they are such warm and loving beings. Yet, many find that is only their script, if the man says yes to give her everything she thinks she want to ask for, or imply that she thinks he should give her. and when he does not, she is ready to flee quicker than a ice cube melting in a furnace.

women only talk about 'financial equality" if they already have money, but if she has none, then she is not so quick to claim that financial equality is a must before she will get in a relationship. but she is very quick to think that the man with money should see her without concern about financial equality.. 'does anyone see the delusion in that madness".

political ideology, impacts that as well, policies made, shipped away jobs, and cut income levels, greed sold away what it could not use to dominate, and swindles were engaged because political folly, lost the sense to enforce regulator controls, and greed robbed a nation.

Now the casualty of this process, none want to factor, is the casualty to relationships, yet, people think political punditry does not impact their lives and romance pursuits.

drawing dots....