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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
Jobs There are many, and any type one can imagine. What really is the true matter in a job.. Is it the money, or the work one engages ? Is it about the ethical performance, or about the pursuit to climb the ladder? Does your labor create value, or do you spend the 8+hrs, just to maintain the accessibility to work, or the time spent to draw down a pay check. Can you do your job with a smile from within yourself ? do you see what your work contributes to, or do you think your work takes away from your living aims ? Are you an inspiration in your work environment ? Do you become a isolated body mass, performing in a void ? How do you see the value in what you do ? Are you interactive with co-workers, or just feel that your job has nothing to do with them, and their job has nothing to do with you ? Do you help people, both internal , and external ? Do you think you have or do not have, the ability to change and influence policy, or process ? what is the progress potential you contribute, or do you think you contribute to progress, or do you just follow the routine? Jobs... become the concentrated 1/3 of your living life, during working years, what habits do you engage, which impact the other 2/3 of your living experience. If you spend 8hrs working, and 8 hrs sleeping, how much of your life do you think goes to your job ? Would you say, 1/3 or less than 1/3, or more than 1/3? Factor in how much travel time for work, how much preparation time goes into getting ready for work, how much after hrs time goes into your work, and how much drive time to get home from work, do you engage any work at home, attend work functions after hours, or travel as part of your work.. It just might sum up that much of our life is engaged in our work. Now, when it comes to work, how much do you put up with that you would rather not / how much do you take on task that you'd rather not, how much do you bite your tongue, when you'd rather talk back, and how many attitudes do you deal with in the course of a work day - Now, ask yourself if you can tolerate this for the aim to get a paycheck, or to accomplish a goal.. then why is it when people claim to love someone, they are much quicker to say what they won't put up with, and how quick are they to walk away, and to talk back and lash out, when they don't like something or don't want to do something, or maybe are asked about doing something ?? Could it be the currency earned in a pay check makes people more tolerant, than the claim of love they say they feel within their relationship. if you go the extra mile at work, put in the extra house, and spend time daily with preparation to get to work, then what of preparations do you engage daily, to put your best forward in love, when you get the reprimand at work, why do you prepare to improve, where if you get a reprimand in love, you prepare to find reasons to leave. When the jobs requires to you engage what you'd prefer not to, but you do it anyway, then why in your relationship, you fight your mate, when you have to do something you'd prefer not to. Does money motive you more than love. To get and maintain money, requires work, to get and maintain love, requires work... why do so many put limits on the work they will do for love, but they are more willing to go beyond those limits for money ? you job can dismiss you in a flash, and leave you with nothing, love can dismiss you in a flash and leave you with nothing. but do we see the relation between these variables, as to what each benefit us, but how so many are willing often times to be more tolerant of many things to keep the money flowing in, but how so many are so intolerant of many things, to keep love flowing in. The truth of how you equate the distinctions, lives within you !!!!! principals in living manner(s), may offer insightful understanding of and about ones ability and capability to make love work.... |