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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
10/24/2010 8:54 am

Is everyone so 'desperate for "romantic sequences", until they have lost the sense of exploring the many variables that make up living ?
Yet hoping for remanence long past the time they have engaged active expression and interactive communication, to sustain the basic of simply learning to share and communicate about what is living and the things within it.

(It just might be why their romance fizzles" because they are so busy focused on trying to create or pursue some Shakespearean melodrama, or Ovid's eroticism and longings in some eclectic composition, before they can appreciate the realism within life and explore the expanse of what makes up the whole within living. )
which is in its simple truths, is simply a sharing within being alive, and learning to interact and appreciate what they can in doing so, and explore understanding, that they may find more to understand, thus encountering possibly more to appreciate.

It's crazy that adults, spend more time trying to create Cinderella stories, and Damsel in Distress, and playing the Sleeping Beauty, followed by living like by an inhibition filled Victorian styled denial mentality, seeking the imagery modeling of such a icon, who lived in denial of their own sexual and sensual reality, while pretending their natural sexual proclivities and its basic in realism does not exist.

The role playing can make many people perpetual pretenders, and habitual liars, even unto and with themselves.

The funny thing is, people do all they can to promote themselves with imagery of sexual appeal, and then deny that they have any sexual proclivities within their whole of self.

yet, these are adults...

The even further extent of this madness is, many of such adults claim education, and then act infantile when they meet the opposite sex, and go into pretentious denial mentality about as many aspects of their lives as they can conjure to covertly disguise with denials.

Even funnier in life, is everyone seeks out pleasure by some means, but many hold contempt that another might enjoy it, without them first getting compensated by some means.

Some seek promises of every sort, but are willing to promise nothing in return, yet, judge much by what promises they get to accept or reject, but never about what promises they are willing to expend the energy to be reciprocal to meet.

Self defeat-- and many wonder why love flees, when they omit to see how they chase it away, as well as how they defeat their own ability to express it, and in turn, the blame goes every place,but never looks within to discover understanding.

you know the answer within yourself, and facing it is your pathway to set yourself free to love, and accept being loved...

Otherwise, spin in despair, and claim what is in your view unfair...within loving,
and time will impose the effects of gravity, and all that comes with it, impacting the natural allure that is no more than a gift within youthfulness.. to assist where understanding is shallow, in attracting a mate

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
10/24/2010 2:26 pm

quite and interesting indulgence..