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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
10/29/2010 5:31 pm
Monitoring much..

well, monitoring a program with a couple million$ is interesting, its amazing, first of all it must be crafted in a way to be monitored, as the receipts who rely on these program, are in dire need and those needs can be urgent. the groups of skilled professional who handle them are truly amazing people with depths and depth of compassion, but they are very hard task masters, to keep people on a progressive path. there is no such thing as 100%, but there is performance standards, and achievable progress in how it all plays out.

Interesting work, but very much with its own challenges, many skills learned over many years, come in handy. but at the same time, the development and design of other efficiency tools, is another twist in the mix, of training people to utilize them.

It's amazing in the world, how pay is distributed, but then there is the good will in efforts expended, that in some ways makes the balance, as at the end of the day, the efforts expended betters lives. and that is "priceless".

Good thing, I'm not at a age where I need a new car or status toys, and such things, and the oddity is, I see many people with lots of money, they may go places and dress well, or even drive ultra expensive cars. but in the long of it all, its still "just life"..

I remember when I owned two Porsche's, Benz, BMW and various other things, then the trip was which car to drive, and how to park them so they could be easily accessed. many things in the house, and not really time to deal with it, and all the closets full of clothes, many never worn, more watches than I had time to wear, and expensive ink pens, when most of the time I type on the computer.
Now, I look at all those things, and even as i discarded some of it, I remember, the task to do maintenance on this stuff. the extra time it took to secure it. and much else.
I see now many people with vast monies, but they can still only eat so much, they can only sleep in one bed at a time, and drive one car at a time, ( a second car is not bad, if it does not require maintenance)

Well, all in all, what may matter is "peace with self"... and knowing the true value of being simply healthy.

Monitoring programs, shows that reality forefront daily, the news media shows how many stars implode, and how many wealthy people who have cycles upon cycles of bad relations, they may have all the trinkets and picturesque homes, and yet, they find misery as if they pursue it. What happens when the lights stop shining, and the media shows no interest, sadly, some implode again, even as they hold claim to wealth, some drown their lives in drink or drug it away, or can't break away from being the star of yesterday...

What a world... shelters and other goodwill, filled with clothes people stressed their lives out to buy, and the styles changed with the season, and they chase the stress again, and others come and buy it for pennies on the dollar, and treasure it still.

We may care deeply, to realize what matters, while we have the heath to enjoy and the ability and capability to share it.

If you hold on to love, looking for a title, or a status, or the illusion of a star, you may well, have given your life over to illusion, and forfeit much that your health and spirit misses to share while you can.

When the economy tanked, many people changed their lives, as time continues to show- value is, best being first "peace with self", and the passion to simply share it.

Casablanca1942 72M
244 posts
10/30/2010 4:01 am

    Quoting  :

I love dogs stir fried in a wok with a little soy sauce fresh veggies and served over steaming white rice. Yum yum.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
10/30/2010 6:01 am

the dogs woke up early this morning, as usual, happy and read for the day..,... I'm trying to learn more of how they do it,day after days and they seem to do with smiling

they have been sharing a 'chew bone for two days not, one eats and guard it, and then other gets by some means, and eat and guard it, and it has moved from room to room, but in a strange way, they are sharing it..

I think they are blessed..

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
10/30/2010 2:55 pm

"peace with self" -- is the true importance factor, be it one is living with great accessibility or convenience, or in situations facing challenges of many sorts, at each level or status situations, one may best seek peace with self as best as possible.

It's quite a sad situation when people live or become driven by envy, nor people measure themselves by the material matters of self possession or the possessions of others.

If another has something you would like to have, don't be envious, simply appreciate the fact they have what they have chosen and pursued, and know, you equally so can have what you choose, and the matter is, in some cases it may take more work than another has expended, or it may be by many reasons such things have differences, but, what does matter is that one does not diminish themselves, by the measurement of others. Things are things, and when we come to the world we come naked and bare, and we may result to be fully clothed in a coffin at the end, but nothing goes with the spirit which gave the body life, all material things remain, but the spirit is what we have and to care for it, with a grasp for peace with self, we give the spirit the free-ness to make happy our lives as we live.

"peace with self"

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
10/30/2010 3:04 pm

    Quoting  :

I think my dogs are pretty good with having a zen like nature


The Buddha was asked:
-To what extent can a person be a speaker of the way?

He answered:
-If a person teaches the way in order to transcend the tyranny of the
material things and to teach how to transcend feelings, perceptions,
impulses, and consciousness - teaching nonattachments with regard
to these - then that person can be called a speaker of the way.

If he is himself trying to transcend the pull of the material world and
feel nonattachment toward it, then it is fitting to say he is living in
accordance with the way.

If he is liberated by this transcendance an nonattachment,
then you can say he has found nirvana here and