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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
11/4/2010 8:27 pm
Tempters and Teasers

Tempters and Teasers, are plenty which can be found in any and every place one may find themselves.

The nature of the game, does not change, it may find means to be coy, but it reveals itself often, if only attention is given to see it in the reality it exist.

Since time began of civil community structure, and who knows maybe before then, it has been a part of the landscape of social function.
It's quite like advertising, many things are often embellished to make it a sale, and when it comes to the human being, not much is different, other than the basic raw reality, which every couple must always face.. some flee when reality arrives, because they can't digest that the costume of tempting is one that is often found to be of costume, and the Teaser cycle runs up against the time to show truth, and accept the role of reality. and many flee..

The world is interesting in such ways, the fantasy plays and the orchestra fads into the background, and the sounds of life, become resoundingly over-whelming, with realism.

At many points many find; that money is less a matter than it may have appeared within the fantasy pursuit, and things become far more cumbersome, than they appear in the advertised presentations.

What then of daily realism come to bring the principle realism's beyond the embellished illusions, directly to the forefront. The truth comes to set each free, and many at that point flee,...

Patience comes, to bring and deliver the understanding to support the virtue of honesty in self expression, and many run, and claim depression, some holler and cry and claim repression..

When the time come to be responsible and the need to be self inspired is their way to salvation of relations, at that point, some cry, and claim despair and claim what is not fair; All because its their time to give without compensation, within the claim they so speak, of wanting to share.

The tit for tat bargain fest is engaged, and the barter cycle gets heavy, and emotions are quickly rationed and measured by what it gets, more than what it gives or has to share, and people become angry.. to find that love is work, and they detest that work produces and sustains love. and they claim, and state what and how much they are tired, and then they seek to get away. Yet, they find over time, they can't run from themselves, because no matter where they go, they find themselves there, and no where to hide from their own needs to face the truth, they then want so urgently to deny..
At this point some weave a great lie, they fail to give effort, nor will they be eager to try, yet, they cry claiming what they desire, but so many live at such point, claiming pains, and declare their stand from love, some retreat, to retire.

So goes a love, that never gets its opportunity to share, or be shared.