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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
11/6/2010 6:09 am
A choice

There are many pretty faces, shapely bodies, dazzling smiles, and interesting hearts.

Relationships are formed with a variety of types and styles of understanding.

Some long distance, some where people keep tabs on each other through the days, some where people see each other infrequently and some where people may not see each other daily, but keep in contact during the week... and then there are the simple 'booty call" types, and those which sprang up, on a need basis, some only get together for special events or occasions.

Each couple may care to craft it where it works for both, maybe close tabs does not work for everyone, and maybe your mate choice travels, and as with some, even like a cross country truck driver, they move from place to place and return home with no set schedule but, home fits the when they are there, then there is the Sea faring fishermen type, where the person is out to sea for days maybe months, or maybe the military person, who is off on tour, maybe for long spans of time.
In some ways, these kind of things can and do exist in many relationships. but people find ways for it to work. Some places people may have a harem, but they find ways to make it work, some have multiple wives, they find ways to make it work. There is every kind of combination one can imagine, and people find ways to make it work. It still comes down to people, developing understanding that work for them.

When people are living alone before they meet a mate, why them do some become obsessed that they must see each other everyday at a certain time, as if they are demanded to come home at the same time daily. especially when they already know the other has irregular hours, and maybe a life style that does not afford such a regularity..

What would that same person who complains do, if they were living alone? they'd find ways to invest their time, rather than badger the other about being 10 minutes later coming home, if one was taking care of their bills when they lived alone, why would they think they should do less of such when they get in a relationship?

If people, consider many things, they may not truly smother the other, because if a person wants to go and do something, they can and will find a way to do it, and no one can stop them if they are determined to do something with someone else.

Does it really matter if your mate works over-time, because if you were living alone, you'd find a way to deal with your own time, if you were not in a relationships, you'd be open to seeing them when time permits, so why does it become a problem in some relationships, when people situational put more time in their jobs, than to rush home, just to make it there at a set time daily?

Simple things as such destroy many relationships, rather than for people to simply think, and find ways to make relations distinctive with understanding for both.

Why would a woman marry a rich man, who has to travel, and then complain about him not being there just because she wants to see him everyday, she already knew his work schedule was not a common 8 to 5, nor was he a stay at home and follow a set script like one who may work on a assembly line, with fixed hours, but people let their self concerns of emotions cloud their reality of understanding, and make hell in each others lives, about these kind of things.
Why would a man marry a woman who may be wealthy and travels and expect her to be a traditional tv image house wife? It simply does not fit with logic, as to how their situations exist, then they must craft understanding that works for their situations.

Today's world is not yesterdays fantasy concepts, it is a reality with many variables. understanding and communication is the bridge that makes it possible for any two people, to develop a workable situations.

The television version of magic fantasy, is just that, television, people lives are distinct and individual, if one chooses to make a relationship, that might be a good thing to consider.

Life is what is life, people make relationships many things, but what always makes it work, is simple communication, and basic understanding as individuals and adults, but again, it is up to two individuals, to craft it where it works for them, not how it fits a standard in their imagery concept but how it fits the reality of their lives...

Sadly, people let money get in their way of many things, some with it make many trips, and some without it make many trips, but all money can do is, afford them the options to buy things, or go places, but it does not make what is a relationship. and if it does, when that money picture changes, so goes the relationship.

Thank goodness many wealthy men, have not set their lives up to seek only wealthy women, unfortunately, wealthy women, have set their lives up to seek only wealthy men... this may tell a lot about the difference in men and woman. men seem to see women as just woman, where women seem to seek men, based far too much of material and economic means. This may tell more about the reality of people, than much that comes out of their mouth, when people consider the demean and choices people make. but it equally so, may raise many flags to the wise minds, to simply be aware.

What a job, lovers must undertake to make understanding work for two..

A world of many things... and still "It's all just people"
Whom must learn daily, how better to make relations work in their lives.

Casablanca1942 72M
244 posts
11/6/2010 8:19 am

Beauty if an optical illusion.

Does it really matter what we look like?

In the end we're just a sorry collection of rotted flesh and bones.

It's a shame we don't realize this while we're alive.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
11/6/2010 3:03 pm

    Quoting Casablanca1942:
    Beauty if an optical illusion.

    Does it really matter what we look like?

    In the end we're just a sorry collection of rotted flesh and bones.

    It's a shame we don't realize this while we're alive.
Looks probably serve more as an attractor when we are young, because we are not yet, wise enough to see the nature of heart of person(s).. Unfortunately, many abuse the looks of youth, and think it is a pass, to play "holier than thou", and "be of arrogant criteria"- and some flat out think their ass should be kissed because of the look of their face..
but if people go out and note, old single women who played that game beyond their time of playing the game, then get that fragile look in their eyes, because the face shows age, and the body has gravity effects, then and only then do so, realize they should have developed a social character during their younger years. But by then they are bitter anguished people, with a chip on their shoulder about what they think they should have gotten offered in younger years.
life has a way to fix all that stuff...

I've seen young women bounce from relationship to relationship, with expanding criteria, but they have less to put into it than they expect to get out of it, and they make everything a barter point, and find out they sold away their life for the wrong value points.

There are equally so, many issues that men face as well, who may claim to be the player of the world, until time finds he can't play the 30 position roll in the hay games forever. Or his money runs out, and some who do not have their money to turn out, become with many other trips... Prime examples is some of the entertainers, who played the game till time took its toll, and the young girl woman comes along and rip him like he's a passive fool, and he's left wondering what hit him.

There use to be a time, when women made efforts to make relationships work, today's woman, many of them, simply issue out a circle of expectations, expecting to be pampered and spoiled and catered to like she is a non responsible princess. But generally, the guy wakes up from the daze and send her on her way to play that game with someone who will fall for it.

I'm not fond of guys who make and leave babies all over the place, and continue making more and more and more babies. both women and men may make a mistake in their life of not being there, but for the men who do it over and over and over, I have not much regard for them, because they have no concept of the damage they do.

I have found an odd thing, some hookers, may be slow to get involved with anyone, but even doing their business deals, many of them do talk openly and are more real with the nature of sex and the expression of it. at least they are up front that they want to be paid, which is far better than many women, who play the pretend to love, as long as the money is flowing, and soon as they are not getting trinkets and cash, they are ready to go.

Today, many women are more professional junkies than women who can or do engage relationships. funny, when men become successful at nearly anything he seeks out women or a woman to share with, but women, if they get successful, they are hung up on themselves, and all they see is the pursuit of more success, an they have not time to even be friends nor to enage a lover or make a relationship, they are too driven to be in love more with their success than to have thoughts to share.

I do like women like Heidi Klum, who at the height of her career, learned how to have a relationship as well as to manage her career, and some of the other entertainers, who did not let success become their whole life.
Women like Oprah, who tries to tell the world how to live, but she is either hiding her thing with Gail, or she is stringing Steadman, for what ever are her reasons, and it never dawned on her, that she has created no heir to give or leave or pass along anything. if she died tomorrow, the legal wrangles would do her empire the same way they did Howard Hughes, it would be tied up in legal trips, until they find out how to loot it for the sake of some graduate who rides a degree to the theft ring of executive rippers.

but, it's all just people, they get what they get by what they pursue to get...