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beyondfantasy3 114
1985 posts
11/14/2010 10:14 am
How to Deal With Snobs

How to Deal With Snobs
By njoli,

Snobs are part of every society and come in all degrees, levels, shades, shapes and sizes. Let's face it, some people want to feel superior and turn their noses up at others. While it may be common that some humans want to feel special and better than others, snobs take these egotistical feelings to a higher and more toxic level. In days long past, lineage and bloodline were used to establish superiority. These days, it doesn't take much for snobs to feel superior.

However, education, wealth and material possessions are only 3 of many things that people use to determine their status and justify their snobbery in most societies. But many times, snobs often do not have much to show for themselves other than a nasty attitude.

In any case, here are some tips to help you cope with the snobs of the world and in your life.


Know and understand why people are snobs. Most snobs are insecure and feel inferior to other people. They hide behind their snobbery as a defensive technique. By telling themselves how superior they are to you, they can ignore the deep feelings of insecurity and inferiority within.

Don't take it personally. When you encounter a snob or are forced to deal with one in your family, work or school situation, be prepared for their neurotic behavior but do not take it personally. These are not your personal issues. Know that their insecurities and inferiority complexes are issues that they must deal with on their own and their snobby comments, remarks and behavior toward you are not truly reflective of who you are as a person.

Do not try to be friends with a snob. Instead, avoid them as much as possible. Snobs only like to be friends with other snobs who share their feelings of "superiority." They are often not nice to other people and make others feel uncomfortable around them. Subjecting yourself to a snob's catty behavior can take a toll on your sense of self worth and possibly your sanity. So, why bother? You can find other, more positive people to be around, and you should.

If you must deal with any snobs in your life, ignore them as much as possible. Sometimes this works, other times it can make a snob more aggressive. If you are dealing with an aggressive snob, be prepared to stand up for yourself and be ready to battle--mentally of course. Snobs love to play mental games as they are often physically incapable or too vain to be more physically aggressive. Be prepared for the mental games, nasty remarks and the vanity to be on full display. If possible, prepare "verbal comebacks" beforehand so that you have some verbal weapons already in your arsenal. Most times other passive-aggressive techniques work sufficiently, such as ignoring them and laughing in their face when they try to be "funny."

Believe in yourself and be confident no matter what. Never try to compete with a snob. Never buy any material items to compete with the snobs in your life, only purchase items that make you happy and you are willing to sacrifice for. Being able to stand alone and to stand firm in your convictions requires that you have a strong sense of self and to be completely confident in your own strengths and capabilities.