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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
what happen with technology? google use to translate the page, and make the Chinese language into English, now it only highlights it and it remains in Chinese? Its interesting, when technology gets to a point to actually function, they go and do something to it, and make it less functional. Its almost as crazy as some Microsoft stuff, they had at one point word programs that were cool and easy to utilize, and then they got so called smart, and make it the most cumbersome program to do certain things, it use to do with great simplicity and ease. Before.... Google had a thing where you could right click, and translate the page, now, you click translate, and it leaves the composition of the blog in Chinese, and then its unreadable by people who don't read the Chinese script. the faster processing speeds get the less some programs will do, and when they have good features, they take it away. I remember back in 2003-2004 I had a Motorola phone, that was easy to use, flip it open and type what you like, click internet and navigate to what you want, then they changed, and came out with the crazy Razor, which I never liked and never bought one, today, I use the lowest cost service which is $50 a month for everything, the Motorola phone, is ok, it cost only $79, I only use it to talk, and occasionally send a text, I don't play 'the testing game, because its much easier to simply talk.. I don't need to read e-mail on it at this time, so i don't use it for that, and I don't surf the web, even though it has it, there is no need to strain my eyes, and cramp my fingers. the Camera is crap, but I don't take pictures with it, so over-all it pretty much serves the purpose of being a cell phone. the biggest problem is, that its a cheap phone, and does not have the capability to download the address book to my computer. I'll wait, until the other phones drop more in price, and these low budget service providers make them available at a low cost, then I'll probably switch to one that is easier to use, but I simply don't see the need to pay a high bill for a I phone or some other fad that changes with the season. I think Japan is so far ahead of us with the technology development and use, because they explore what can be done, and they actually do it and make it available. here we are years behind, not only in what a phone can do, but in the networks that allow them to do things. Japan will have things like the Ipad, by what ever name they choose to call it, that will do everything, that it takes two or three different units in the US to do, today, if a person has a Ipad, it should be able to connect with the phone, and both work on the same service plan, as well as both send out a wi-fi multi like signal, without attaching anything else to it, and have a superb quality camera as well as other things, and the phone itself should be able to work with real connection speed all across the United States. It's a waste of money every 6-9-12 months they come out with something that 'almost does what it should be capable of doing", and people rush out and dump the money, and find it is still a handicapped unit, when they truly want to do things with it. I see people in the stores, living by using only one hand, because they can't bear to put the phone down for 30 seconds. Every morning driving to work, someone is weaving across the traffic lanes, and every time, it is someone with a phone guled to their ear, or the people with the ear piece on, from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed. but the even funnier part of technology is, people post what they are doing on things like twitter, and then some post stuff on Facebook, about drugs, drinking, and every sort of thing, and they remain unaware their employer may just search them, and they find they don't get a job, because of some picture of some thing they posted. goodness.. can you just imagine, if they create a car, that can be programmed to go to a destination.. people will be stone crazy and cars will jam up the streets even more so, because people will program them to go, just for the sake of seeing it do it. what might tomorrow bring ??? some things I'd hope they improve and reach a point of better connections and truer multi use capability.. We are sure to see some big changes in what tech arrives to present in the next 5 yrs.. |