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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
who's paying attention... ??? The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission charged in its annual report on Wednesday that state-owned China Telecom advertised erroneous network routes that instructed "massive volumes" of U.S. and other foreign Internet traffic to go through Chinese servers during an 18-minute stretch on April 8. Marine Colonel David Lapan, a Defense Department spokesman, told reporters, "We're aware that on the 8th of April ... Internet traffic was rerouted through China." He added at one point that he did not know if "we've determined whether that particular incident ... was done with some malicious intent or not." Moments later, he said there was no evidence that anything malicious had occurred, a position he repeated when pressed about the discrepancy in his remarks. The U.S.-China Commission in its 2010 report said the incident affected traffic to and from U.S. government and military sites, including those for Secretary of Defense Robert Gates' office, the armed forces and some commercial websites. In Beijing, China's Foreign Ministry on Friday condemned the commission's report on China's military capabilities and economic policies, saying it distorted reality and was symptomatic of Cold War thinking. China Telecom separately has denied the charge that it "hijacked" U.S. Internet traffic by sending false notifications that prompted other servers to route traffic through China on the assumption that it was the most efficient path. (from news) ___________________________________________________________ The US and any other nation this happen to need to wake up, 18 minutes, is a long time and a lot of data, that can be stolen, once its routed through these Chinese Servers, that is enough data to keep them busy for months if not a year or so, sifting through it, to crack codes, see how codes are crafted, and every other kind of thing that 'data mining' can achieve. When the US awakens to the fact that China does not see itself being a Democracy, and it does not see itself caring about the US, more than it cares about pushing China's agenda. and that is to get anything and everything it can for China, by any means that it can for as long as it can be gotten. When the global community realize that China is not doing anyone any favors, it does nothing unless it gains by high % or it simply does nothing and takes a solemn stand. example: that should tell much.... For the Money that China makes off the world as a whole, it could have sent Tents to Haiti for every family, with only one days production. but they simply do not operate by such charitable concepts for nor toward the world community on that scale. in some Chinese Stores, or food places, you can go in and buy something and if it cost $20.01, they 'some' break a $100 bill, just to get that penny, or you cannot leave with the food or what ever it is you are trying to buy. if and they give you that penny, you are indebted, by unspoken means. They are not designed as a nation that grooms its people for charity of any sort. Therefore, they are themselves aware of how vast corruption is, and how common place it is for corruption to be a part of their system, so.. those things tell a lot. but it also tells a great deal, when any nation, hijacks the internet traffic of any other nation. They simply demonstrated, their ability, to hijack internet traffics and hold it captive for a full 18 minutes without any alarms going on. they could inject any kind of bug or trojan they wanted into the system during that time,.. or have a cypher, that seeks out and target certain things, and craft a trojan, to go after certain things. People around the world, had better pay attention and wake up, International espionage is big business, and China is a big player on that arena, with its own agenda and its own criteria of aims. |
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